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New Environment not visible in BPC web administrator

Updated May 19, 2018

Hi SAP Experts

I copied a new environment but now it is not visible to me in BPC web administrator

You can regenerate this issue by following the below steps:

Go to BPC web administration -> manage all environments -> copy the environment
The new environment will not be displayed in BPC web administration but is has been generated in  Bussiness Warehouse system.

Note: The others users can see the newly generated environment also if they are not included in BPC web administration
BPC web administration -> Security -> User list


  • 29 Sep 2016 6:47 pm Nitesh Singh Best Answer

    There are 3 cases and 3 different solutions to solve this issue

    1) User is entitled to all new environment/all environment
    This user needs authorization object: UJ_IDENTI which should be maintained as for UJ_APPSET field in PFCG.

    2) User is authorized for above mentioned specific new environment
    The user needs to be maintained in BPC web administration -> Security -> User list

    3) The user already has authorization object: UJ_IDENTI maintained as  for UJ_APPSET field in PFCG.

    • Run UJE_VERIFY_SECURITY_DATA with source/target Appset according, if any error showed, run with flagged "Fix security data if has error".
    • SU53->Menu: Authorization Value -> Reset User Buffer for the affects user.
