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Production Order System Status

Updated May 18, 2018

Difference between TECHO and CLOSED.

TECO means Technically completed order, means with out full completion of order. That production order stopped because of some reasons. CLOSED means after completion of confirmation and settlement the order is fully closed for further processing.

How to delete released production orders?

In the prodcution order, select Functions --> Deletion flag -->Active to delete production order. This method can be used for production orders having CRTD (ie created) and REL (released) status. However, it is not possible to delete a production order with REL and GMPS (ie. after the withdrawl of materials for the order) status.

You can TECO the production orders with REL and GMPS status.

CO13 is used to cancel the confirmation of a production order.

Once Final Goods Receipt is post & Order is completed n it is Technically Completed it should not allow any goods movement against that order but this is not happening & one can issue goods even if the order is TECO.

When order status is Teco, system allow us to do the posting against the order. Once order status is closed, then only order treated as closed for execution.

In TECO status you can post the remaining activity/goods movement. Like if you have one order that contains the 5 operation and out of 5, 3 you are confirming in the current period and suppose, rest you are doing in the next period. So at the time of settlement for current period, order status should be Teco cause you will do some operation is the next period and cost for next period should be settle on next period. after that you have to close the order.

So TECO allows the postings.

If the requirement is not allowing any goods movement while system status TECO is active, pls try this approach in the config:
1. go to tcode BS22 (Maintain: System Status)
2. look for the system status TECO.
3. Double click the field "TECO".
4. in the transaction control tab look for the business transaction "RMWA" or goods movement (you can type it in the lower left corner buttom box).
5. select the radio button from "Allowed" to Disallowed".
6. save your changes.


  • 03 Dec 2009 11:57 am savanth kumar
    i hav production order for 5no(take any Eg: box,panel)i want to do techo for 2 no's and remaining 3no's has to manufacture ok.... but i can reduce in co02 without chaning the production order qty i want do by teco so pls help me
  • 17 Aug 2011 4:08 am lavanya
    you can do in co11 as partial confirmation so that you could add the material as required
  • 30 Aug 2011 12:10 pm raju

    I agree with lavanya and savanth kumar.

  • 31 Aug 2011 3:57 am lavanya
    hai raju sir,i am lavanya and am working as SAP Functional consultant in a Truck manufacturing company and i would like to change my company could u help for that
