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Analyze why ERMS inbound E-Mail is not found in the agent inbox

Updated May 21, 2018

How to analyze why an ERMS inbound E-Mail is not found in the agent inbox?

Please follow the steps below in order to regenerate this issue:

  • Fist setup ERMS workflow for inbound E-Mails
  • Now search for E-Mails in the agent inbox
  • You will notice that the E-Mail which should be part of the search result is not found.


SAP Connect inbound mail calls a method RECEIVE of BOR object ERMSSUPRT2 (t-code SWO1) which triggers he ERMS Workflow WS00200001 (t-code SWDD) which involves the service manager profile assigned to the mail address (transaction CRMC_ERMS_SM_PDET) and executes the services of the service manager profile (transaction CRMC_ERMS_SM_PROF).

The rule policy defined as property for service RE_RULE_EXEC gets involved, the conditions of the rules defined in the rule modeler (task of type TS00207915) are evaluated (business role IC_MANAGER, transaction CRM_ERMS_LOGGING) and resulting actions for example for routing are executed and finally work items of task type TS00207914 get created which can be found in the agent inbox (transaction SWI1).
