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getimagesize() not working

Updated Jun 10, 2019

Has anyone used getimagesize()? I just switched web host providers and I use this function in several places throughout my code and for the most part, it's not working on the new web host? The code is exactly the same so I'm thinking it might be a difference in configuration between the two web hosts.

Does anyone have any ideas?







  • 16 Jun 2010 12:03 pm ITWala
    What I guess is, Image path you are using for the function is in form of HTTP protocol for example ( It may be your application requirement to access images in the form of URLs. To overcome this issue, There is PHP Core level setting required to do this, you have to set "*allow_url_fopen*" to *"ON". *Then you will not face this problem again.
    If You are on shared hosting or hosting provider is denying to allow this, then you have to Change whole paths to the Physical directory path on your server.
    I'm sure, This will solve your problem.
