Basis is primarily a collection of R/3 system programs which present the user with an interface. By utilizing this interface the user can initiate the ABAP/4 programs. This is like an operating system for R/3 it sits between the ABAP/4 code and the computer's operating system.
In order to maintain the roles in the SAP system, user can use transaction code — PFCG
For multiple login on single instance, a client is used in SAP system. User can create multiple clients on a single instance. Client administration also provides data security in which, one user with one client cannot see the data of the other user with another client.
Yes. Table DEVACCESS will show the required details.
Transaction code SM12 is used Display and Delete locks objects
Please use Tcode rz20 in order to find dialog response time
Transaction code SCC3 can be utilized for monitoring the process of client copy which is functioning in the background or validate the log of front-end process.
SGEN is an ABAP compilation. User can utilize the transaction SGEN in order to generate ABAP loads for a number of programs, classes, function groups, and so on, also for Business Server Page applications (BSP applications).
Check AGR* tables (e.g. AGR_USERS, AGR_1251, etc).
As of Basis Release 750, the background job scheduler itself validates whether a lock on the table BTCREMTCLN has been hanging for a longer period (at least 100 seconds). If so, the background job scheduler triggers the deletion of this lock.
Please follow the steps below to get user details:
For saving output in a file:
A database committed in the Reports RS2ADRCL and RS3ADRCL during the client copy. As the reports delete all the address tables and all records deleted till the next database committed to the log files, the log files can result in an overflow.
Note: The deletion is performed in batches of 100000 records at a time and is later separated by COMMIT WORK
T-code-SMLG; It allows you to dynamically distribute the SAP users to application server instances. You can increase the efficiency of individual work groups by setting up multiple logon workgroups that consist of one or more application instances.
18) In which directory, the transport Data files will store?
Tr. and R3trans
19) What is roll-in / roll-out / response time / wait time ?
Roll-in:- The amt. of time needed to roll user context info. into work process.
Roll- out:-
Response time:- Starts when the user request enters the dispatcher queue end when hte next screen is executed to user.
Wait time:- This is the time a user request sit in the dispatcher queue. (means It start when the user request is entered in the queue and end when the request starts being a process)
Use br tools for backup at os level
In case if ur sap system down firstly checks ur network connections next see that all ur sap services are up and running i.e 3orcale services and 2 SAP services
Oracle services are:
SAP services are
If the services are stopped bring start these services and bring down the sap and bring up the process view after that go ur console management and see the work process are up and running.
Importing the request from the command prompt:
The common errors encountered during transports are:
First, we have to go to su24 it shows the relation between objects classes and t-codes there we find all the object classes and authorization objects copy those missing object classes & authorization objects and paste in the s_tcode manually and do the user comparison then that user will be authorized to that transaction.
You can go su10 where su10 is a mass user creation just unlock those 15 users by using the symbol unlock so that the user will get the previous permission and can use the user.
Go to rz10 t-code which is used for (profile parameters)take the Instance profile and Extended maintenance display hit on change icon button. It displays the list of parameters change the parameters by (copy) go back and again(copy)go back and save after that bring down SAP Console management and bring up so that we can see the change in the parameters in the work process
Central system will have 5 wp and 2 services so that enqueue will reside in central system i.e (c.i+dbi) without the central system dialog instance cannot be loaded i.e application server so that all the dialogue instance(application servers) depends on one enqueue work process that enqueue wp resides in CENTRAL SYSTEM but any individual appl servers do not have a enqueue.
For 50GB of data with help of export and import method, it takes almost half a day. Instead of DNG export and import method you can do the system copy it takes less time than export and import Cmg to remote client copy for sap_all it takes 3hrs and for other i.e sap_usr,sap_cust etc its take 5to 10mins bcoz we have only 90tables in this and in sap_all we have more than 52902 tables so that it takes much time.
Based on the priority i.e class A, class B, class C background jobs run when u give the highest priority to program or package it runs accordingly...boz one thing in background wp we do not have any particular time to complete the give particular program or package so that it takes time (therefore it is known as answer for long running jobs is known as background wp) if u want the job to be done immediately run the progrm immediately so that it goes to dia wp and completes the work in the specified time.
1.Server ConfigurationèHDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE.
2. System Configurationè HDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE.
The main h/w& s/w requirements of system configuration are enterprise edition with latest service pack sr-2(service release-2)
2.jsdk 1.4.2.x
3.rdbms or orcale 9.2.0.x or 10g
4.installation master
5.kernel gui
HARDWARE requirements are
1.Minimum of 80GB HDD
2.1GB RAM is preferable
For the server, the s/w requirements are one and same the H/W requirements differ PIV 4 r 8 processer max GB the individual can have for both the i.e RAM and HDD.
Types of errors
1. Execute SPAD
2. Click on the Spool Server - Display then Change
3. Click on create
use the command CALL with the Bapi BAPI_USER_GET_ DETAIL (table PARAMETER)
Question 1: How can this be accomplished if you need to transport a change request from DEV client 111 to DEV 131 (i.e. transport in the same server) and your SAP landscape is composed of a DEV server and PRD server?
Answer: Transaction SCC1
Question 2: Some internet outages have been experienced recently caused by our ISP. The users refuse to believe that SAP problems were to blame for losing the internet connection although our ISP problems have been resolved. How can it be ensured that this was not an SAP problem but an internet problem?
Answer: Connect to the machine and kill the ISP connection after opening a maintenance window, and see if this helps in killing your connection. It can be repeated at will until the users believe that the ISP was the problem.
Question 3: What is the use of an OK code? How does an OK code differ from a T-code?
Answer: To execute a function an OK Code is used by a program for instance after the clicking of a push button. A transaction code helps a user run a program as it is a “shortcut”.
Question 4: Where do you store t-code name and program values? How a list of all the t-codes in the SAP system can be found?
Answer: To view Table TSTC, you can use transaction st11. Using transaction se93 you can define a new t-code.
Question 5: How on STMS for the queues the "Import All" button can be disabled?
Answer: In Transport Domain Controller you should login. STMS->Overview->System should be run. The System that you want to disable import all should be chosen. Transport Tool tab should be selected. Parameter "NO_IMPORT_ALL" should be Added/Created and set its value to 1.
Question 6: Which types of work processes are found in R/3?
Answer: Dialog (D), Update (U), Enqueue (E), Background(B), and Spool(S).
Question 7: How the patch level for SAP GUI can be confirmed?
Answer: SAPGUI should be logged in to, and click Alt-F12 -> About
Question 8: Why compared to CHM, the standard delivered SAP help one considers web help to be easier to install?
Answer: Trying to get every remote user connected to a network share, web help is easier. You can setup your own website if you don't want to use SAP's help site. On your business' network structure, the best route depends.
Question 9: What are some website you can visit to find the Answer if you can't find the Answer: to a question?
OSS notes:
SAP help:
Question 10: Is it possible to install another new instance on same development box? Which considerations are important?
Answer: Yes, on a single box, it is possible to have more than one instance. Using a different SID and a different system number is the key here. It is also important to note that for 1st instance SAP recommends a 20 GB swap space and 10 GB per each additional instance for a 64 bit SAP kernel.
Question 11: How can a client copy be differentiated from client refresh?
Answer: These are the same sometimes; For example, Client Refresh is when you are performing a copy to an existing client for the express purpose of updating the data. It is more appropriate to say "client copy."if you are copying to a newly created client. A client copy from production to a QA server or from production to DEV server is really a client refresh and this is another way of thinking about it.
Question 12: What purpose does table T000 serve?
Answer: A list of defined clients is contained in Table T000, which with transaction SCC4 can be maintained.
Question 13: What purpose does table USR02 serve?
Answer: User IDs and passwords are stored in this table.
Question 14: How a password exception list is created?
Answer: In table USR40, the Answer:s should be placed.
Question 15: What purpose does table TADIR serve?
Answer: Object directory entries are contained in table TADIR.
Question 16: What purpose does table TDEVC serve?
Answer: Development classes and packages are contained in Table TDEVC.
Question 17: Which transaction codes are associated with changing requests, request headers, or request object lists?
Answer: Information about change requesets are hold by the following tables. E070 Change request headers E071 Change request object lists
Question 18: How on a particular system can you get a list of the users with development access?
Answer: Table DEVACCESS
Question 19: Where a list of object keys included in a transport can be found?
Answer: Within transports E071K Object keys are contained.
Question 20: If a transport entry is in the process of being imported, how can this be known?
Answer: The table TRBAT should be checked.
Question 21: How a list of objects that have been repaired in the system can be found?
Answer: A list of repaired objects and their access keys that have been repaired can be found in ADIRACCESS.
Question 22: How in the Same Client Multiple Logins are disabled?
Answer: Implement this parameter in the instance profile: login/disable_multi_gui_login = 1 to disable multiple user logins within the same client. Users have the ability to ignore the warning window at the time of login to the same client if you do not use this parameter in your system. If you get audited, activating this parameter in your system will make you look good! What would happen in case of exceptional logins? You can implement parameter login/multi_login_users, in case you're wondering how to allow multiple logins for certain key users. If the parameter above is active in your system, you can list the user IDs that should be ignored.
Question 23: How Locked Transactions can be viewed?
Answer: Via SM01As one can lock/unlock transaction codes. But, how viewing the transactions that are locked in the system can be managed? Field CINFO, table TSTC should be looked into. To browse the table contents within SAP, you can use either SE11 or SE16. You should Enter "A0" as the "HEX01 data element for SYST" starting value and "A9" as the ending value necessarily. All the transactions locked in the system will be listed by this.
Note: "HEX01 data element for SYST" is the CINFO field description.
Question 24: What happens behind the scenes when you are Locking/Unlocking accounts?
Answer: Via SU01 (User Maintenance.) user accounts can be locked/unlocked But, behind the scenes what actually goes on? To actually set this what does the system do? Update the table USR02. If the user account is locked or unlocked is determined by the field UFLAG. The user account is locked is indicated by value "64". The user account is unlocked is indicated by the value "0". At the database level you can issue an update statement that locks all users in mass. Although you should not lock yourself out! For super user accounts in your update statement, exceptions should be used. The locking/unlocking has been made a bit easier by improving 4.6b and above to this kind of task. However, it is just one simple query that changing at the database level is much faster.
Question 25: How TP can be differentiated from R3TRANS?
Answer: The process is controlled by TP and several tools are called, like r3trans but also e.g. DDIC-Activation.
Question 26: What is the difference between DDIC and SAP_ALL/SAP_NEW ?
Answer: Yes, some things which other IDs cannot are done by DDIC which is hardcoded. In SE11 using a SAP_ALL user, you should be able to activate tables. For basis login accounts (SAP*), 06071992 is the default username and password.
Question 27: What purpose does UNIX file /etc/passwd serve?
Answer: Valid user passwords, accounts, default login directories and user security permission levels are contained in /etc/passwd. user:password:UID:GID:login_directory:shell is the file format.
Question 28: When trying to install the DBInstance (SAP DB) if you receive an "error occurred during installation" message what can be done to get this problem fixed?
Answer: Shorter pathnames should be used.
Question 29: Is it possible to install ECC 5.0 without installing solution manager as a test system and not production?
Answer: You will be asked for a key during the installation, which solution manager can only generate?
Question 30: As part of an XI 3.0 installation we are trying to install Java-Add an ABAP system. While trying to start SAP j2EE engine at the end of the J2EE installation, a timeout error occurs. How would this be fixed?
Answer: Paging space should be increased to 20 GB.
Question 31: How a centralized server can be used perform SAPGUI 640 roll out?
Answer: On the installation CD look for SAPADMIN and SAPSETUP. Then, to distribute this program use a utility such as Microsoft's SMS or to call the SAPSETUP program use a login script.
Question 32: How do you make SAPconsole telnet screen size smaller if it is too big?
Answer: The control panel should be selected, and then the SAP console administrator should be selected and general tab.
Question 33: In our DEV system the client have been opened with all options "changed without automatic rec," "changes to repository and cross customization allowed," and in SCC4 "protection level-0 no restriction". An error message is received by the developers saying the system is non-modifiable. What should be done to fix this issue?
Answer: The global system change option (SEO6) to modifiable should be set for all namespaces/objects in our DEV system. Ability to change any, including SAP, namespace/object should be possessed by the developer. The client options (SCC4) should be changed to "changes which is allowed for repos and cross-client cust" and radio button should be changed to "auto. The changes."should be saved. Next, the CATTS sessions should be enabled.
Question 34: From SAP to Microsoft Outlook, I'm trying to send email. Configuration of SAPConnect failed when I attempted it. I tried to run command "mlunxsnd" and "mlosmadm" on unix level but found that it doesn't exist in unix. How should this problem be solved?
Answer: You should not use sapconnect in versions with basis release 6.20 or higher. The mail server should be placed in the SMTP node in SCOT directly.
Question 35: During printing for any kind of report I want to let SAP skip printing cover pages. How this can be completed?
Answer: The source for the cover page should be found. Either it will be from SAP itself or from the OS spooler. Then appropriate action should be taken.
Question 36: Can the user find out what was entered in a particular transaction code screen?
Answer: No, but tables associated with the transaction code can be analyzed and see what this user has done if there is a username field that traces.
Question 37: To run for 3 consecutive days I need to schedule a background job and would like to use DB13. How can a report to run from DB13 and not SM37 be scheduled?
Answer: A report to run from DB13 other than pre-configured DBA jobs cannot be scheduled. Use SM36 instead of this and make event-driven jobs.
Question 38: On the QA system (t-code STMS) when all of the requests are released to DEV it is not being displayed in an import queue. A message appears saying "continue: other transport groups." in the log of transport request although the overall status is successful. For what reason, is this message appearing?
Answer: The transport group is misconfigured for QA. Go to Overview after going to STMS. Choose communication by double-clicking on QA. Next the correct transport group should be entered and save.
Question 39: A J2EE + ABAP 6.40 instance running a portal 6.0 is with us. If more is assigned, it seems 1GB of memory is not enough and J2EE has problems. To balance the load in the servers, what can be used?
Answer: Using config-tool you can create a second server process. Also through SCS, load balancing is possible.
Question 40: While doing a transport I received several warning parameters after a recent upgrade of kernel 6.20 to 6.40. What should I do about the warning parameters if everything looked okay on SAP t-code STMS?
Answer: These parameters from TPPARAM can be deleted.
Question 41: In DMZ a SAPRouter is set up so that the SAP application servers are not necessary to be exposed to the internet user and all SAP requests can be routed in and out from that machine. However, the BW Web reporting application requests is not handled by SAPRouter. E.P. is not with us. Which tools can help in routing WEB reporting requests the way SAPRouter does?
Answer: A SAP Web dispatcher is needed. SAP Web dispatcher routes SAP ICM traffic while acting like a SAP Router. A BSP that sits on the ICM is BW Web reporting. In the kernel directory you can look for sapwebdisp.exe or by using command option "bootstrap."do a self-generated profile.
Question 42: How the Internet email gateway is configured in SAP Netweaver 04?
Answer: SMTP comes built in to kernel, starting with version WAS 6.x. Select transaction. Configure and SCOT it there.
Question 43: What should I do if when installing a SAP J2EE engine at CRM it halts for more than 10 minutes and gives up starting the system after it reaches phase 22?
Answer: The solution to this is to restart the system. You may be missing the profile parameters if it is an add-in and you have restarted your ABAP then. Look in the work directory and check dev_icontrol if this is okay and a restart does not help. Apply a patch to solve the problem if the J2EE engine software is the problem.
Question 44: There are several error messages in the SAPVIEW.log when installing SAP R/3 enterprise 4.7. What do you mean by this?
Answer: The error messages indicate that one of your load jobs run unsuccessfully.
Question 45: When performing ST02 the program buffer shows a value of 1056 in red under the SWAP category in my development server. With the PXA buffer error message users are getting a shortdump. What shall I do to fix this?
Answer: In "my signature", "my links"should be used along with the keywords: PXA Buffer.
Question 46: I wish to enter the user's login name only, not an email address when sending an email from transaction SBWP. Also I'd like SAP to send the mail to this external email address and look at the user details email address and communications method held in SU01. How can this be configured?
Answer: Yes. SO16-> Tab Mail Sys group-> bottom radio button pathway should be followed.
Question 47: Do direct updates are allowed on SAP tables?
Answer: To update data (RFC calls) you can call SAP functions directly. To try and manipulate data directly at the database level (sql scripts, jdbc) is not recommended. In general to update tables directly in SAP is a very bad idea.
Question 48: The input which has been given in SAPInst of DB instance is wrong in system number of CI instance while doing SAP installation of DB instance on a different box other than CI. How can this entry be changed after installation?
Answer: The CI instance with the right system number should be reinstalled.
Question 49: A backup strategy to disk is my area of working. The equivalent on various disks, I want to perform a copy_save_delete. Ideally, I would like to have two copies but this function does not work for disk saves. What other functions I can use?
Answer: To store another copy of your archive log, log on to another drive/server in your init<sid>.SAP file.
Question 50: When I try to run it one of my BTC jobs fails, giving me an error message stating "lock table overflow.". To solve this issue it recommends modifying the enqueue / table size parameter. In my default or instance profile, I do not have this value. How can this problem be solved?
Answer: ABAP RSPARAM program should be run. The real value of the SAP parameter and where they have been set up can be obtained by this. 10,000 entries can be hold by the lock table, which is over enough for the average system. It is possible that the developers should modify it if the program is not written properly.
Question 51: A system copy of BW is being attempted to complete. I get the error message, "Entry in inbound table already exists."when I try to go in to RSA1 afterwards. What should be done to get the problem solved?
Answer: Under "subsequent steps" section read the Homogenous System Guide and follow all directions. Transaction codes BDLS and SALE should be checked as well.
Question 52: My XI 3.0 Production server (MSCS 2003) on oracle for backups is getting configured. On single nodes (both A and B), split nodes (Oracle node B and SAP node A), I have successfully run offline backups, but when I run Oracle on Node A and SAP on Node B it fails. The, initsid.ora spfilesid.ora files, the files within the "%Windir%SAPCluster and the FSCMD location path have been checked and they are identical to my development servers. Servers rebooting has not been successful as well. How can this issue be resolved?
Answer: As SIDADM one should log in on both nodes and this command: brbackup -V should be run. Ensure "%Windir%SAPCluster" should be a part of your path.
Question 53: Will server performance be affected if the PRD server is restarted every week?
Answer: The SAP ABAP program buffer and other buffers are emptied when the server is restarted. During the first run, as far as performance goes, the reports runtime will be a bit longer. Without harm, the system can be restarted every week. The SLA/users demand may be the only reason against it.
Question 54: From PRD to TST, I need to do a system copy. SAP documentation cannot be followed but must do it manually. Will it change all the PRD to TST in the restored file names when I run "@/tmp/TSTcntrl.sql,"? Would a TST system be recognized as the restored files?
Answer: The DB as PRD on your new system should be opened first. Second, the redo logs should be applied. Next, to change SID the script should be run. If using WAS 6.10 or above this will change SID but will not change tablespace names.
Question 55: We are having performance issues around Tx MIRO which updates table RBKP while running Win 2003, Oracle 9I, SAP 4.7. Five indexes are there in Table RBKP in SAP, but in Oracle only three of which exist. For what reason, is this happening?
Answer: There are many predefined indexes in SAP. Via DB02->checks-> database ->ABAP dictionary ->display one can see these indexes. You see all indexes of which the definition is created in the dictionary under optional indexes, but at database level it has not been created.
Question 56: Some transactions in SAP, for instance, OVRF (updating routes) are seen as customizing. This is set as master data and can be set open in some systems. Where does this need to be done?
Answer: On each transaction it depends. According to system function, production or test/develop/demo/etc. it is sometimes determined by other configuration and sometimes it is set.
Question 57: I have to create variants for some housekeeping ABAPs. There are cases for the ABAP in the variant when a time interval needs to be specified. The current date remains continuously even if I explicitly enter a start and end date. How can the dates in the variant be entered dynamically?
Answer: Enter the variant name and choose the attributes radio button in transaction SE38. The field can be set to "selection variable." You can define that it is SY -DATE+7, under selection variables button.
Question 58:Why do I get a message that says "no list available."when I check transaction SM37 and I want to see the spool?
Answer: Several possible reasons can be responsible for this. To a printer, the spool is sent and deleted. The housekeeper deleted the spool if it is too old. Also, some test reports rollback after simulating a calculation then. Online it works fine. The spool is rolled back as well when a background job does a rollback.
Question 59: On XI 3.1, I have an ABAP+J2EE instance. To apply the support packs for J2EE is it necessary to stop WEB AS and J2EE?
Answer: While the system is up and running but no activities any J2EE patches are applied. Binaries (ABAP kernel) are the only patch that is applied when the system is down.
Question 60: A Win NT/SQL7/R3 kernel -46D is with me. While I run DB02, I am missing one secondary index (Z0CPS0-1). This gives me the error message "Index could not be setup in the DB." when I tried recreating the index. In the database, another index with the same name exists, but it is not known to the ABAP/ 4 Dictionary. How the error from the DB02 can be removed to resolve the problem?
Answer: In the DB directly, it is possible that an individual can create an index, however, it is not recommended. The index DB level firs must be deleted, and then in SAP create it.
Question 61: Will the background job schedules and all client dependent data be transferred by the client copy?
Answer: All client dependent data including schedules to the new client will be copied by SAP_ALL. Remember that the clients are always independent for ABAP programs. Only the client dependent is the master data (variant).
Question 62: When we complete our weekly offline backup, application is not coming up and the system goes down while using SAP 4.7, 6.20 HP UX Oracle. Which input as to what is wrong with the system be given by a log?
Answer: The alert log should be started with. Iin oracle/SID/saptrace/background/alertSID.log, it is usually found.
Question 63: What do you mean by L and F access methods terms?
Answer: Local printer is referred to an "L" access method. Not the user but it is local to the SAP server. To front-end printer an "F" access method is referred to. The user's Windows printer is used by this.
Question 64: On Oracle, we are currently running 4.7 enterprise, on Solaris 9. A production has a central instance server and 3 Application servers where the Sapmnt directory is shared out from the central instance server and I am in the process of upgrading production. On the central instance the kernel is upgraded with no problems, but I received an error message stating the database must be started from a remote server when I try to start SAP on the APP servers. Even after all environment variables are hanged I am still receiving the error message. What could be the reason for this issue?
Answer:On each of the application servers, ensure that the Oracle client is properly installed. The latest versions of all of the kernel, associated files (R3trans, tp, startdb, stopdb, etc.) and the DB library should be used.
Question 65: While users are working in the PRD server, is it safe to delete old background jobs using the program RSBTCDEL?
Answer:Yes. While users are working it is safe to run this program since this deletes completed or aborted jobs and not active jobs.
Question 66: In which report or table does the user logoff time is stored in SAP?
Answer: No standard report is there. However, in table USR02 and field TRDAT you can find out about the user's last transaction time, which is close to logoff time.
Question 67: The transport system is not working properly after the kernel patch 6.40 level 098 has been installed. Although I start it manually, the job RDDIMPDP is not starting. The error messages keep coming in. What should I do to get this problem solved?
Answer: In both client 000 and your working client, go into SE38. Run program RDDNEWPP. With proper parameters this will schedule program RDDIMPDP. Then, if any "TP" programs are running should be checked. Check in /usr/sap/trans/log if this is the case, and the contents of the most recent file should be looked for.
Question 68: In one of our customer's production systems that runs 24 hours a day, the temporary spooling tablespace is approximately 5GB. This can be reduced over time. For reducing this tablespace which strategy should you use?
Answer: For deleting the spool (TEMSE) objects, you could schedule report RSPO0041. In order to minimize impact on your system, schedule it as a daily background job.
Question 69: In what way should the table maintenance be set up for customized table Z1?
Answer: Transaction code SE11 should be used.
Question 70: Where can I change five dialog work processes into batch?
Answer: Through parameters in RZ10, you can configure work processes. For dialog "rdisp/no_wp_dia"should be used and for background "rdisp/no_wp_btc"should be used. For that through RZ04 you can configure operation modes.
Question 71: To start with a number that I choose, in what way shall I change the transport request number?
Answer: Assuming user SAPR3 is owner of the database and your release is 4.6. The last transport number should be called by issuing "select * from sapr3.E070L." By issuing: "Update sapr3.E070L set TRKORR='<SID>K9xxxxx'." change the transport sequence number Replace SAPR3 with the owner of the database if your SAP release is higher than 4.6.
Question 72: In our quality System BW the job "SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR" is being cancelled continuously. What should I do if I keep receiving an error that says the load program is not found?
Answer: In the support package, the actual problem exists. Delete the SWNC* reports and insert RSSTAT83 and RSSTAT87 into TCOLL as this is the only solution for this.
Question 73: From the existing V5R2 to V5R3 of our i-series server which hosts SAP application we are planning an upgrade of the OS. At support pack level 50 we are currently on R/3 Release 4.6C. We are planning to migrate applications to a power 5 i-series 550 servers after the up gradation is done. Should we consider a SAP kernel upgrade if our current kernel is ASCII 46D patch level 1977?
Answer: Always update your kernel to latest level before upgrading OS, database or SAP Version.
Question 74: A SAP r/3 47x200 (unix/oracle) is with us. Since we've upgraded from 6.20 to 6.40, the SAPDBA program no longer exists. After installing Kernel 6.40 from where can I download BR*Tools Gui for Oracle DBA -GUI?
Answer: From version 6.20, SAPDBA can still be used. Combine it with BR*Tools 6.40 essentially.
Question 75: 2 transports (K and R) to be imported are received from an external vendor. These need to be imported into our QA system. The transports have been moved to the Profiles and Data subdirectories. What should be done next?
Answer: The pathway STMS -> Overview -> Imports should be followed. On QA's SID, one should click twice. Next, this path Extras -> Other Requests -> Add should be followed. Finally, the transport number should be typed and imported as when transported normally.
while configuring TMS , TMSADM usr created, This is used for internally.
In order to check client size use command:
Printer settings can be transported by creating Workbench TR and include below object with * as their field values:
Hit SPAM--> select all it will be display all patch levls kernel---> SM51--> release notes or OS level disp+work
The database system contains a series of system tables with information about database objects and their connection to each other, statistics system tables, monitor system tables and loader system tables. We usually look in SE16 for system tables!!
There is one background job you need to schedule RSPO104, run this job in SE38 and fill the required entries in there.
1. What type of servers is used in sap(like HP or Dell Servers names)?
2. How do you configure System Landscape in your company? with detailed(dialog servers, Background jobs server need a diagram)? with clustering concept?
3. how you connect to servers? which VPN software is used?
4. Give me your daily activities in your company?
5. give the list of third tools which are used in your company?
6. In company how the roles are assigned[like monitoring(maintenance admin), config admin, install admin] how the work is assigned?
7. what kind of roles will be given to the basis admin or for ABAP users?
8. Solution manager is mandatory or optional....if it is mandatory how the monitoring will be done in version? seperate employee will be there are basis admin look into it?
9. how to take backups, os / sap / there any third party tools used?
10. can we say that i worked on the windows server?
11. where do we mention new user employee id and acc. number in su01?
12. describe database storage servers?
13. SM51 describe? process and errors? what to do?
14. differ application server and message server? how many application servers will be there?
15. Licensing process..complete ? developer key / SSCR key / Object Key?
16. when we do background jobs?
17. when using remote client copy entire data ,how much time it will take?approx?
18. archive administrator?
19. production servers how many? pre-production servers?
20. ST22 ABAP dump analysis? describe scenarios?
21. GRC tools? third party tools for security?
22. in support project what kind of authorization we'll have?
23. Load balancing(SMLG), where and when we'll do? describe with scenario?
Basis is primarily a collection of R/3 system programs which present the user with an interface. By utilizing this interface the user can initiate the ABAP/4 programs. This is like an operating system for R/3 it sits between the ABAP/4 code and the computer's operating system.
In order to maintain the roles in the SAP system, user can use transaction code — PFCG
For multiple login on single instance, a client is used in SAP system. User can create multiple clients on a single instance. Client administration also provides data security in which, one user with one client cannot see the data of the other user with another client.
Yes. Table DEVACCESS will show the required details.
Transaction code SM12 is used Display and Delete locks objects
Please use Tcode rz20 in order to find dialog response time
Transaction code SCC3 can be utilized for monitoring the process of client copy which is functioning in the background or validate the log of front-end process.
SGEN is an ABAP compilation. User can utilize the transaction SGEN in order to generate ABAP loads for a number of programs, classes, function groups, and so on, also for Business Server Page applications (BSP applications).
Check AGR* tables (e.g. AGR_USERS, AGR_1251, etc).
As of Basis Release 750, the background job scheduler itself validates whether a lock on the table BTCREMTCLN has been hanging for a longer period (at least 100 seconds). If so, the background job scheduler triggers the deletion of this lock.
Please follow the steps below to get user details:
For saving output in a file:
A database committed in the Reports RS2ADRCL and RS3ADRCL during the client copy. As the reports delete all the address tables and all records deleted till the next database committed to the log files, the log files can result in an overflow.
Note: The deletion is performed in batches of 100000 records at a time and is later separated by COMMIT WORK
T-code-SMLG; It allows you to dynamically distribute the SAP users to application server instances. You can increase the efficiency of individual work groups by setting up multiple logon workgroups that consist of one or more application instances.
18) In which directory, the transport Data files will store?
Tr. and R3trans
19) What is roll-in / roll-out / response time / wait time ?
Roll-in:- The amt. of time needed to roll user context info. into work process.
Roll- out:-
Response time:- Starts when the user request enters the dispatcher queue end when hte next screen is executed to user.
Wait time:- This is the time a user request sit in the dispatcher queue. (means It start when the user request is entered in the queue and end when the request starts being a process)
Use br tools for backup at os level
In case if ur sap system down firstly checks ur network connections next see that all ur sap services are up and running i.e 3orcale services and 2 SAP services
Oracle services are:
SAP services are
If the services are stopped bring start these services and bring down the sap and bring up the process view after that go ur console management and see the work process are up and running.
Importing the request from the command prompt:
The common errors encountered during transports are:
First, we have to go to su24 it shows the relation between objects classes and t-codes there we find all the object classes and authorization objects copy those missing object classes & authorization objects and paste in the s_tcode manually and do the user comparison then that user will be authorized to that transaction.
You can go su10 where su10 is a mass user creation just unlock those 15 users by using the symbol unlock so that the user will get the previous permission and can use the user.
Go to rz10 t-code which is used for (profile parameters)take the Instance profile and Extended maintenance display hit on change icon button. It displays the list of parameters change the parameters by (copy) go back and again(copy)go back and save after that bring down SAP Console management and bring up so that we can see the change in the parameters in the work process
Central system will have 5 wp and 2 services so that enqueue will reside in central system i.e (c.i+dbi) without the central system dialog instance cannot be loaded i.e application server so that all the dialogue instance(application servers) depends on one enqueue work process that enqueue wp resides in CENTRAL SYSTEM but any individual appl servers do not have a enqueue.
For 50GB of data with help of export and import method, it takes almost half a day. Instead of DNG export and import method you can do the system copy it takes less time than export and import Cmg to remote client copy for sap_all it takes 3hrs and for other i.e sap_usr,sap_cust etc its take 5to 10mins bcoz we have only 90tables in this and in sap_all we have more than 52902 tables so that it takes much time.
Based on the priority i.e class A, class B, class C background jobs run when u give the highest priority to program or package it runs accordingly...boz one thing in background wp we do not have any particular time to complete the give particular program or package so that it takes time (therefore it is known as answer for long running jobs is known as background wp) if u want the job to be done immediately run the progrm immediately so that it goes to dia wp and completes the work in the specified time.
1.Server ConfigurationèHDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE.
2. System Configurationè HDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE.
The main h/w& s/w requirements of system configuration are enterprise edition with latest service pack sr-2(service release-2)
2.jsdk 1.4.2.x
3.rdbms or orcale 9.2.0.x or 10g
4.installation master
5.kernel gui
HARDWARE requirements are
1.Minimum of 80GB HDD
2.1GB RAM is preferable
For the server, the s/w requirements are one and same the H/W requirements differ PIV 4 r 8 processer max GB the individual can have for both the i.e RAM and HDD.
Types of errors
1. Execute SPAD
2. Click on the Spool Server - Display then Change
3. Click on create
use the command CALL with the Bapi BAPI_USER_GET_ DETAIL (table PARAMETER)
Question 1: How can this be accomplished if you need to transport a change request from DEV client 111 to DEV 131 (i.e. transport in the same server) and your SAP landscape is composed of a DEV server and PRD server?
Answer: Transaction SCC1
Question 2: Some internet outages have been experienced recently caused by our ISP. The users refuse to believe that SAP problems were to blame for losing the internet connection although our ISP problems have been resolved. How can it be ensured that this was not an SAP problem but an internet problem?
Answer: Connect to the machine and kill the ISP connection after opening a maintenance window, and see if this helps in killing your connection. It can be repeated at will until the users believe that the ISP was the problem.
Question 3: What is the use of an OK code? How does an OK code differ from a T-code?
Answer: To execute a function an OK Code is used by a program for instance after the clicking of a push button. A transaction code helps a user run a program as it is a “shortcut”.
Question 4: Where do you store t-code name and program values? How a list of all the t-codes in the SAP system can be found?
Answer: To view Table TSTC, you can use transaction st11. Using transaction se93 you can define a new t-code.
Question 5: How on STMS for the queues the "Import All" button can be disabled?
Answer: In Transport Domain Controller you should login. STMS->Overview->System should be run. The System that you want to disable import all should be chosen. Transport Tool tab should be selected. Parameter "NO_IMPORT_ALL" should be Added/Created and set its value to 1.
Question 6: Which types of work processes are found in R/3?
Answer: Dialog (D), Update (U), Enqueue (E), Background(B), and Spool(S).
Question 7: How the patch level for SAP GUI can be confirmed?
Answer: SAPGUI should be logged in to, and click Alt-F12 -> About
Question 8: Why compared to CHM, the standard delivered SAP help one considers web help to be easier to install?
Answer: Trying to get every remote user connected to a network share, web help is easier. You can setup your own website if you don't want to use SAP's help site. On your business' network structure, the best route depends.
Question 9: What are some website you can visit to find the Answer if you can't find the Answer: to a question?
OSS notes:
SAP help:
Question 10: Is it possible to install another new instance on same development box? Which considerations are important?
Answer: Yes, on a single box, it is possible to have more than one instance. Using a different SID and a different system number is the key here. It is also important to note that for 1st instance SAP recommends a 20 GB swap space and 10 GB per each additional instance for a 64 bit SAP kernel.
Question 11: How can a client copy be differentiated from client refresh?
Answer: These are the same sometimes; For example, Client Refresh is when you are performing a copy to an existing client for the express purpose of updating the data. It is more appropriate to say "client copy."if you are copying to a newly created client. A client copy from production to a QA server or from production to DEV server is really a client refresh and this is another way of thinking about it.
Question 12: What purpose does table T000 serve?
Answer: A list of defined clients is contained in Table T000, which with transaction SCC4 can be maintained.
Question 13: What purpose does table USR02 serve?
Answer: User IDs and passwords are stored in this table.
Question 14: How a password exception list is created?
Answer: In table USR40, the Answer:s should be placed.
Question 15: What purpose does table TADIR serve?
Answer: Object directory entries are contained in table TADIR.
Question 16: What purpose does table TDEVC serve?
Answer: Development classes and packages are contained in Table TDEVC.
Question 17: Which transaction codes are associated with changing requests, request headers, or request object lists?
Answer: Information about change requesets are hold by the following tables. E070 Change request headers E071 Change request object lists
Question 18: How on a particular system can you get a list of the users with development access?
Answer: Table DEVACCESS
Question 19: Where a list of object keys included in a transport can be found?
Answer: Within transports E071K Object keys are contained.
Question 20: If a transport entry is in the process of being imported, how can this be known?
Answer: The table TRBAT should be checked.
Question 21: How a list of objects that have been repaired in the system can be found?
Answer: A list of repaired objects and their access keys that have been repaired can be found in ADIRACCESS.
Question 22: How in the Same Client Multiple Logins are disabled?
Answer: Implement this parameter in the instance profile: login/disable_multi_gui_login = 1 to disable multiple user logins within the same client. Users have the ability to ignore the warning window at the time of login to the same client if you do not use this parameter in your system. If you get audited, activating this parameter in your system will make you look good! What would happen in case of exceptional logins? You can implement parameter login/multi_login_users, in case you're wondering how to allow multiple logins for certain key users. If the parameter above is active in your system, you can list the user IDs that should be ignored.
Question 23: How Locked Transactions can be viewed?
Answer: Via SM01As one can lock/unlock transaction codes. But, how viewing the transactions that are locked in the system can be managed? Field CINFO, table TSTC should be looked into. To browse the table contents within SAP, you can use either SE11 or SE16. You should Enter "A0" as the "HEX01 data element for SYST" starting value and "A9" as the ending value necessarily. All the transactions locked in the system will be listed by this.
Note: "HEX01 data element for SYST" is the CINFO field description.
Question 24: What happens behind the scenes when you are Locking/Unlocking accounts?
Answer: Via SU01 (User Maintenance.) user accounts can be locked/unlocked But, behind the scenes what actually goes on? To actually set this what does the system do? Update the table USR02. If the user account is locked or unlocked is determined by the field UFLAG. The user account is locked is indicated by value "64". The user account is unlocked is indicated by the value "0". At the database level you can issue an update statement that locks all users in mass. Although you should not lock yourself out! For super user accounts in your update statement, exceptions should be used. The locking/unlocking has been made a bit easier by improving 4.6b and above to this kind of task. However, it is just one simple query that changing at the database level is much faster.
Question 25: How TP can be differentiated from R3TRANS?
Answer: The process is controlled by TP and several tools are called, like r3trans but also e.g. DDIC-Activation.
Question 26: What is the difference between DDIC and SAP_ALL/SAP_NEW ?
Answer: Yes, some things which other IDs cannot are done by DDIC which is hardcoded. In SE11 using a SAP_ALL user, you should be able to activate tables. For basis login accounts (SAP*), 06071992 is the default username and password.
Question 27: What purpose does UNIX file /etc/passwd serve?
Answer: Valid user passwords, accounts, default login directories and user security permission levels are contained in /etc/passwd. user:password:UID:GID:login_directory:shell is the file format.
Question 28: When trying to install the DBInstance (SAP DB) if you receive an "error occurred during installation" message what can be done to get this problem fixed?
Answer: Shorter pathnames should be used.
Question 29: Is it possible to install ECC 5.0 without installing solution manager as a test system and not production?
Answer: You will be asked for a key during the installation, which solution manager can only generate?
Question 30: As part of an XI 3.0 installation we are trying to install Java-Add an ABAP system. While trying to start SAP j2EE engine at the end of the J2EE installation, a timeout error occurs. How would this be fixed?
Answer: Paging space should be increased to 20 GB.
Question 31: How a centralized server can be used perform SAPGUI 640 roll out?
Answer: On the installation CD look for SAPADMIN and SAPSETUP. Then, to distribute this program use a utility such as Microsoft's SMS or to call the SAPSETUP program use a login script.
Question 32: How do you make SAPconsole telnet screen size smaller if it is too big?
Answer: The control panel should be selected, and then the SAP console administrator should be selected and general tab.
Question 33: In our DEV system the client have been opened with all options "changed without automatic rec," "changes to repository and cross customization allowed," and in SCC4 "protection level-0 no restriction". An error message is received by the developers saying the system is non-modifiable. What should be done to fix this issue?
Answer: The global system change option (SEO6) to modifiable should be set for all namespaces/objects in our DEV system. Ability to change any, including SAP, namespace/object should be possessed by the developer. The client options (SCC4) should be changed to "changes which is allowed for repos and cross-client cust" and radio button should be changed to "auto. The changes."should be saved. Next, the CATTS sessions should be enabled.
Question 34: From SAP to Microsoft Outlook, I'm trying to send email. Configuration of SAPConnect failed when I attempted it. I tried to run command "mlunxsnd" and "mlosmadm" on unix level but found that it doesn't exist in unix. How should this problem be solved?
Answer: You should not use sapconnect in versions with basis release 6.20 or higher. The mail server should be placed in the SMTP node in SCOT directly.
Question 35: During printing for any kind of report I want to let SAP skip printing cover pages. How this can be completed?
Answer: The source for the cover page should be found. Either it will be from SAP itself or from the OS spooler. Then appropriate action should be taken.
Question 36: Can the user find out what was entered in a particular transaction code screen?
Answer: No, but tables associated with the transaction code can be analyzed and see what this user has done if there is a username field that traces.
Question 37: To run for 3 consecutive days I need to schedule a background job and would like to use DB13. How can a report to run from DB13 and not SM37 be scheduled?
Answer: A report to run from DB13 other than pre-configured DBA jobs cannot be scheduled. Use SM36 instead of this and make event-driven jobs.
Question 38: On the QA system (t-code STMS) when all of the requests are released to DEV it is not being displayed in an import queue. A message appears saying "continue: other transport groups." in the log of transport request although the overall status is successful. For what reason, is this message appearing?
Answer: The transport group is misconfigured for QA. Go to Overview after going to STMS. Choose communication by double-clicking on QA. Next the correct transport group should be entered and save.
Question 39: A J2EE + ABAP 6.40 instance running a portal 6.0 is with us. If more is assigned, it seems 1GB of memory is not enough and J2EE has problems. To balance the load in the servers, what can be used?
Answer: Using config-tool you can create a second server process. Also through SCS, load balancing is possible.
Question 40: While doing a transport I received several warning parameters after a recent upgrade of kernel 6.20 to 6.40. What should I do about the warning parameters if everything looked okay on SAP t-code STMS?
Answer: These parameters from TPPARAM can be deleted.
Question 41: In DMZ a SAPRouter is set up so that the SAP application servers are not necessary to be exposed to the internet user and all SAP requests can be routed in and out from that machine. However, the BW Web reporting application requests is not handled by SAPRouter. E.P. is not with us. Which tools can help in routing WEB reporting requests the way SAPRouter does?
Answer: A SAP Web dispatcher is needed. SAP Web dispatcher routes SAP ICM traffic while acting like a SAP Router. A BSP that sits on the ICM is BW Web reporting. In the kernel directory you can look for sapwebdisp.exe or by using command option "bootstrap."do a self-generated profile.
Question 42: How the Internet email gateway is configured in SAP Netweaver 04?
Answer: SMTP comes built in to kernel, starting with version WAS 6.x. Select transaction. Configure and SCOT it there.
Question 43: What should I do if when installing a SAP J2EE engine at CRM it halts for more than 10 minutes and gives up starting the system after it reaches phase 22?
Answer: The solution to this is to restart the system. You may be missing the profile parameters if it is an add-in and you have restarted your ABAP then. Look in the work directory and check dev_icontrol if this is okay and a restart does not help. Apply a patch to solve the problem if the J2EE engine software is the problem.
Question 44: There are several error messages in the SAPVIEW.log when installing SAP R/3 enterprise 4.7. What do you mean by this?
Answer: The error messages indicate that one of your load jobs run unsuccessfully.
Question 45: When performing ST02 the program buffer shows a value of 1056 in red under the SWAP category in my development server. With the PXA buffer error message users are getting a shortdump. What shall I do to fix this?
Answer: In "my signature", "my links"should be used along with the keywords: PXA Buffer.
Question 46: I wish to enter the user's login name only, not an email address when sending an email from transaction SBWP. Also I'd like SAP to send the mail to this external email address and look at the user details email address and communications method held in SU01. How can this be configured?
Answer: Yes. SO16-> Tab Mail Sys group-> bottom radio button pathway should be followed.
Question 47: Do direct updates are allowed on SAP tables?
Answer: To update data (RFC calls) you can call SAP functions directly. To try and manipulate data directly at the database level (sql scripts, jdbc) is not recommended. In general to update tables directly in SAP is a very bad idea.
Question 48: The input which has been given in SAPInst of DB instance is wrong in system number of CI instance while doing SAP installation of DB instance on a different box other than CI. How can this entry be changed after installation?
Answer: The CI instance with the right system number should be reinstalled.
Question 49: A backup strategy to disk is my area of working. The equivalent on various disks, I want to perform a copy_save_delete. Ideally, I would like to have two copies but this function does not work for disk saves. What other functions I can use?
Answer: To store another copy of your archive log, log on to another drive/server in your init<sid>.SAP file.
Question 50: When I try to run it one of my BTC jobs fails, giving me an error message stating "lock table overflow.". To solve this issue it recommends modifying the enqueue / table size parameter. In my default or instance profile, I do not have this value. How can this problem be solved?
Answer: ABAP RSPARAM program should be run. The real value of the SAP parameter and where they have been set up can be obtained by this. 10,000 entries can be hold by the lock table, which is over enough for the average system. It is possible that the developers should modify it if the program is not written properly.
Question 51: A system copy of BW is being attempted to complete. I get the error message, "Entry in inbound table already exists."when I try to go in to RSA1 afterwards. What should be done to get the problem solved?
Answer: Under "subsequent steps" section read the Homogenous System Guide and follow all directions. Transaction codes BDLS and SALE should be checked as well.
Question 52: My XI 3.0 Production server (MSCS 2003) on oracle for backups is getting configured. On single nodes (both A and B), split nodes (Oracle node B and SAP node A), I have successfully run offline backups, but when I run Oracle on Node A and SAP on Node B it fails. The, initsid.ora spfilesid.ora files, the files within the "%Windir%SAPCluster and the FSCMD location path have been checked and they are identical to my development servers. Servers rebooting has not been successful as well. How can this issue be resolved?
Answer: As SIDADM one should log in on both nodes and this command: brbackup -V should be run. Ensure "%Windir%SAPCluster" should be a part of your path.
Question 53: Will server performance be affected if the PRD server is restarted every week?
Answer: The SAP ABAP program buffer and other buffers are emptied when the server is restarted. During the first run, as far as performance goes, the reports runtime will be a bit longer. Without harm, the system can be restarted every week. The SLA/users demand may be the only reason against it.
Question 54: From PRD to TST, I need to do a system copy. SAP documentation cannot be followed but must do it manually. Will it change all the PRD to TST in the restored file names when I run "@/tmp/TSTcntrl.sql,"? Would a TST system be recognized as the restored files?
Answer: The DB as PRD on your new system should be opened first. Second, the redo logs should be applied. Next, to change SID the script should be run. If using WAS 6.10 or above this will change SID but will not change tablespace names.
Question 55: We are having performance issues around Tx MIRO which updates table RBKP while running Win 2003, Oracle 9I, SAP 4.7. Five indexes are there in Table RBKP in SAP, but in Oracle only three of which exist. For what reason, is this happening?
Answer: There are many predefined indexes in SAP. Via DB02->checks-> database ->ABAP dictionary ->display one can see these indexes. You see all indexes of which the definition is created in the dictionary under optional indexes, but at database level it has not been created.
Question 56: Some transactions in SAP, for instance, OVRF (updating routes) are seen as customizing. This is set as master data and can be set open in some systems. Where does this need to be done?
Answer: On each transaction it depends. According to system function, production or test/develop/demo/etc. it is sometimes determined by other configuration and sometimes it is set.
Question 57: I have to create variants for some housekeeping ABAPs. There are cases for the ABAP in the variant when a time interval needs to be specified. The current date remains continuously even if I explicitly enter a start and end date. How can the dates in the variant be entered dynamically?
Answer: Enter the variant name and choose the attributes radio button in transaction SE38. The field can be set to "selection variable." You can define that it is SY -DATE+7, under selection variables button.
Question 58:Why do I get a message that says "no list available."when I check transaction SM37 and I want to see the spool?
Answer: Several possible reasons can be responsible for this. To a printer, the spool is sent and deleted. The housekeeper deleted the spool if it is too old. Also, some test reports rollback after simulating a calculation then. Online it works fine. The spool is rolled back as well when a background job does a rollback.
Question 59: On XI 3.1, I have an ABAP+J2EE instance. To apply the support packs for J2EE is it necessary to stop WEB AS and J2EE?
Answer: While the system is up and running but no activities any J2EE patches are applied. Binaries (ABAP kernel) are the only patch that is applied when the system is down.
Question 60: A Win NT/SQL7/R3 kernel -46D is with me. While I run DB02, I am missing one secondary index (Z0CPS0-1). This gives me the error message "Index could not be setup in the DB." when I tried recreating the index. In the database, another index with the same name exists, but it is not known to the ABAP/ 4 Dictionary. How the error from the DB02 can be removed to resolve the problem?
Answer: In the DB directly, it is possible that an individual can create an index, however, it is not recommended. The index DB level firs must be deleted, and then in SAP create it.
Question 61: Will the background job schedules and all client dependent data be transferred by the client copy?
Answer: All client dependent data including schedules to the new client will be copied by SAP_ALL. Remember that the clients are always independent for ABAP programs. Only the client dependent is the master data (variant).
Question 62: When we complete our weekly offline backup, application is not coming up and the system goes down while using SAP 4.7, 6.20 HP UX Oracle. Which input as to what is wrong with the system be given by a log?
Answer: The alert log should be started with. Iin oracle/SID/saptrace/background/alertSID.log, it is usually found.
Question 63: What do you mean by L and F access methods terms?
Answer: Local printer is referred to an "L" access method. Not the user but it is local to the SAP server. To front-end printer an "F" access method is referred to. The user's Windows printer is used by this.
Question 64: On Oracle, we are currently running 4.7 enterprise, on Solaris 9. A production has a central instance server and 3 Application servers where the Sapmnt directory is shared out from the central instance server and I am in the process of upgrading production. On the central instance the kernel is upgraded with no problems, but I received an error message stating the database must be started from a remote server when I try to start SAP on the APP servers. Even after all environment variables are hanged I am still receiving the error message. What could be the reason for this issue?
Answer:On each of the application servers, ensure that the Oracle client is properly installed. The latest versions of all of the kernel, associated files (R3trans, tp, startdb, stopdb, etc.) and the DB library should be used.
Question 65: While users are working in the PRD server, is it safe to delete old background jobs using the program RSBTCDEL?
Answer:Yes. While users are working it is safe to run this program since this deletes completed or aborted jobs and not active jobs.
Question 66: In which report or table does the user logoff time is stored in SAP?
Answer: No standard report is there. However, in table USR02 and field TRDAT you can find out about the user's last transaction time, which is close to logoff time.
Question 67: The transport system is not working properly after the kernel patch 6.40 level 098 has been installed. Although I start it manually, the job RDDIMPDP is not starting. The error messages keep coming in. What should I do to get this problem solved?
Answer: In both client 000 and your working client, go into SE38. Run program RDDNEWPP. With proper parameters this will schedule program RDDIMPDP. Then, if any "TP" programs are running should be checked. Check in /usr/sap/trans/log if this is the case, and the contents of the most recent file should be looked for.
Question 68: In one of our customer's production systems that runs 24 hours a day, the temporary spooling tablespace is approximately 5GB. This can be reduced over time. For reducing this tablespace which strategy should you use?
Answer: For deleting the spool (TEMSE) objects, you could schedule report RSPO0041. In order to minimize impact on your system, schedule it as a daily background job.
Question 69: In what way should the table maintenance be set up for customized table Z1?
Answer: Transaction code SE11 should be used.
Question 70: Where can I change five dialog work processes into batch?
Answer: Through parameters in RZ10, you can configure work processes. For dialog "rdisp/no_wp_dia"should be used and for background "rdisp/no_wp_btc"should be used. For that through RZ04 you can configure operation modes.
Question 71: To start with a number that I choose, in what way shall I change the transport request number?
Answer: Assuming user SAPR3 is owner of the database and your release is 4.6. The last transport number should be called by issuing "select * from sapr3.E070L." By issuing: "Update sapr3.E070L set TRKORR='<SID>K9xxxxx'." change the transport sequence number Replace SAPR3 with the owner of the database if your SAP release is higher than 4.6.
Question 72: In our quality System BW the job "SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR" is being cancelled continuously. What should I do if I keep receiving an error that says the load program is not found?
Answer: In the support package, the actual problem exists. Delete the SWNC* reports and insert RSSTAT83 and RSSTAT87 into TCOLL as this is the only solution for this.
Question 73: From the existing V5R2 to V5R3 of our i-series server which hosts SAP application we are planning an upgrade of the OS. At support pack level 50 we are currently on R/3 Release 4.6C. We are planning to migrate applications to a power 5 i-series 550 servers after the up gradation is done. Should we consider a SAP kernel upgrade if our current kernel is ASCII 46D patch level 1977?
Answer: Always update your kernel to latest level before upgrading OS, database or SAP Version.
Question 74: A SAP r/3 47x200 (unix/oracle) is with us. Since we've upgraded from 6.20 to 6.40, the SAPDBA program no longer exists. After installing Kernel 6.40 from where can I download BR*Tools Gui for Oracle DBA -GUI?
Answer: From version 6.20, SAPDBA can still be used. Combine it with BR*Tools 6.40 essentially.
Question 75: 2 transports (K and R) to be imported are received from an external vendor. These need to be imported into our QA system. The transports have been moved to the Profiles and Data subdirectories. What should be done next?
Answer: The pathway STMS -> Overview -> Imports should be followed. On QA's SID, one should click twice. Next, this path Extras -> Other Requests -> Add should be followed. Finally, the transport number should be typed and imported as when transported normally.
while configuring TMS , TMSADM usr created, This is used for internally.
In order to check client size use command:
Printer settings can be transported by creating Workbench TR and include below object with * as their field values:
Hit SPAM--> select all it will be display all patch levls kernel---> SM51--> release notes or OS level disp+work
The database system contains a series of system tables with information about database objects and their connection to each other, statistics system tables, monitor system tables and loader system tables. We usually look in SE16 for system tables!!
There is one background job you need to schedule RSPO104, run this job in SE38 and fill the required entries in there.
1. What type of servers is used in sap(like HP or Dell Servers names)?
2. How do you configure System Landscape in your company? with detailed(dialog servers, Background jobs server need a diagram)? with clustering concept?
3. how you connect to servers? which VPN software is used?
4. Give me your daily activities in your company?
5. give the list of third tools which are used in your company?
6. In company how the roles are assigned[like monitoring(maintenance admin), config admin, install admin] how the work is assigned?
7. what kind of roles will be given to the basis admin or for ABAP users?
8. Solution manager is mandatory or optional....if it is mandatory how the monitoring will be done in version? seperate employee will be there are basis admin look into it?
9. how to take backups, os / sap / there any third party tools used?
10. can we say that i worked on the windows server?
11. where do we mention new user employee id and acc. number in su01?
12. describe database storage servers?
13. SM51 describe? process and errors? what to do?
14. differ application server and message server? how many application servers will be there?
15. Licensing process..complete ? developer key / SSCR key / Object Key?
16. when we do background jobs?
17. when using remote client copy entire data ,how much time it will take?approx?
18. archive administrator?
19. production servers how many? pre-production servers?
20. ST22 ABAP dump analysis? describe scenarios?
21. GRC tools? third party tools for security?
22. in support project what kind of authorization we'll have?
23. Load balancing(SMLG), where and when we'll do? describe with scenario?
Purpose of creating derive role
The parent role is the main branch of the company it has full authorizations for org.levels.
The derive role is the subbranch of the company where it depends on the main branch only authorized to the parent org.levels
Difference between a Role and a Profile
In SAP directories we find three system profiles
A domain controller is nothing but server with AD(Active directory) installed
Basis is primarily a collection of R/3 system programs which present the user with an interface. By utilizing this interface the user can initiate the ABAP/4 programs. This is like an operating system for R/3 it sits between the ABAP/4 code and the computer's operating system.
In order to maintain the roles in the SAP system, user can use transaction code — PFCG
For multiple login on single instance, a client is used in SAP system. User can create multiple clients on a single instance. Client administration also provides data security in which, one user with one client cannot see the data of the other user with another client.
Yes. Table DEVACCESS will show the required details.
Transaction code SM12 is used Display and Delete locks objects
Please use Tcode rz20 in order to find dialog response time
Transaction code SCC3 can be utilized for monitoring the process of client copy which is functioning in the background or validate the log of front-end process.
SGEN is an ABAP compilation. User can utilize the transaction SGEN in order to generate ABAP loads for a number of programs, classes, function groups, and so on, also for Business Server Page applications (BSP applications).
Check AGR* tables (e.g. AGR_USERS, AGR_1251, etc).
As of Basis Release 750, the background job scheduler itself validates whether a lock on the table BTCREMTCLN has been hanging for a longer period (at least 100 seconds). If so, the background job scheduler triggers the deletion of this lock.
Please follow the steps below to get user details:
For saving output in a file:
A database committed in the Reports RS2ADRCL and RS3ADRCL during the client copy. As the reports delete all the address tables and all records deleted till the next database committed to the log files, the log files can result in an overflow.
Note: The deletion is performed in batches of 100000 records at a time and is later separated by COMMIT WORK
T-code-SMLG; It allows you to dynamically distribute the SAP users to application server instances. You can increase the efficiency of individual work groups by setting up multiple logon workgroups that consist of one or more application instances.
18) In which directory, the transport Data files will store?
Tr. and R3trans
19) What is roll-in / roll-out / response time / wait time ?
Roll-in:- The amt. of time needed to roll user context info. into work process.
Roll- out:-
Response time:- Starts when the user request enters the dispatcher queue end when hte next screen is executed to user.
Wait time:- This is the time a user request sit in the dispatcher queue. (means It start when the user request is entered in the queue and end when the request starts being a process)
Use br tools for backup at os level
In case if ur sap system down firstly checks ur network connections next see that all ur sap services are up and running i.e 3orcale services and 2 SAP services
Oracle services are:
SAP services are
If the services are stopped bring start these services and bring down the sap and bring up the process view after that go ur console management and see the work process are up and running.
Importing the request from the command prompt:
The common errors encountered during transports are:
First, we have to go to su24 it shows the relation between objects classes and t-codes there we find all the object classes and authorization objects copy those missing object classes & authorization objects and paste in the s_tcode manually and do the user comparison then that user will be authorized to that transaction.
You can go su10 where su10 is a mass user creation just unlock those 15 users by using the symbol unlock so that the user will get the previous permission and can use the user.
Go to rz10 t-code which is used for (profile parameters)take the Instance profile and Extended maintenance display hit on change icon button. It displays the list of parameters change the parameters by (copy) go back and again(copy)go back and save after that bring down SAP Console management and bring up so that we can see the change in the parameters in the work process
Central system will have 5 wp and 2 services so that enqueue will reside in central system i.e (c.i+dbi) without the central system dialog instance cannot be loaded i.e application server so that all the dialogue instance(application servers) depends on one enqueue work process that enqueue wp resides in CENTRAL SYSTEM but any individual appl servers do not have a enqueue.
For 50GB of data with help of export and import method, it takes almost half a day. Instead of DNG export and import method you can do the system copy it takes less time than export and import Cmg to remote client copy for sap_all it takes 3hrs and for other i.e sap_usr,sap_cust etc its take 5to 10mins bcoz we have only 90tables in this and in sap_all we have more than 52902 tables so that it takes much time.
Based on the priority i.e class A, class B, class C background jobs run when u give the highest priority to program or package it runs accordingly...boz one thing in background wp we do not have any particular time to complete the give particular program or package so that it takes time (therefore it is known as answer for long running jobs is known as background wp) if u want the job to be done immediately run the progrm immediately so that it goes to dia wp and completes the work in the specified time.
1.Server ConfigurationèHDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE.
2. System Configurationè HDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE.
The main h/w& s/w requirements of system configuration are enterprise edition with latest service pack sr-2(service release-2)
2.jsdk 1.4.2.x
3.rdbms or orcale 9.2.0.x or 10g
4.installation master
5.kernel gui
HARDWARE requirements are
1.Minimum of 80GB HDD
2.1GB RAM is preferable
For the server, the s/w requirements are one and same the H/W requirements differ PIV 4 r 8 processer max GB the individual can have for both the i.e RAM and HDD.
Types of errors
1. Execute SPAD
2. Click on the Spool Server - Display then Change
3. Click on create
use the command CALL with the Bapi BAPI_USER_GET_ DETAIL (table PARAMETER)
Question 1: How can this be accomplished if you need to transport a change request from DEV client 111 to DEV 131 (i.e. transport in the same server) and your SAP landscape is composed of a DEV server and PRD server?
Answer: Transaction SCC1
Question 2: Some internet outages have been experienced recently caused by our ISP. The users refuse to believe that SAP problems were to blame for losing the internet connection although our ISP problems have been resolved. How can it be ensured that this was not an SAP problem but an internet problem?
Answer: Connect to the machine and kill the ISP connection after opening a maintenance window, and see if this helps in killing your connection. It can be repeated at will until the users believe that the ISP was the problem.
Question 3: What is the use of an OK code? How does an OK code differ from a T-code?
Answer: To execute a function an OK Code is used by a program for instance after the clicking of a push button. A transaction code helps a user run a program as it is a “shortcut”.
Question 4: Where do you store t-code name and program values? How a list of all the t-codes in the SAP system can be found?
Answer: To view Table TSTC, you can use transaction st11. Using transaction se93 you can define a new t-code.
Question 5: How on STMS for the queues the "Import All" button can be disabled?
Answer: In Transport Domain Controller you should login. STMS->Overview->System should be run. The System that you want to disable import all should be chosen. Transport Tool tab should be selected. Parameter "NO_IMPORT_ALL" should be Added/Created and set its value to 1.
Question 6: Which types of work processes are found in R/3?
Answer: Dialog (D), Update (U), Enqueue (E), Background(B), and Spool(S).
Question 7: How the patch level for SAP GUI can be confirmed?
Answer: SAPGUI should be logged in to, and click Alt-F12 -> About
Question 8: Why compared to CHM, the standard delivered SAP help one considers web help to be easier to install?
Answer: Trying to get every remote user connected to a network share, web help is easier. You can setup your own website if you don't want to use SAP's help site. On your business' network structure, the best route depends.
Question 9: What are some website you can visit to find the Answer if you can't find the Answer: to a question?
OSS notes:
SAP help:
Question 10: Is it possible to install another new instance on same development box? Which considerations are important?
Answer: Yes, on a single box, it is possible to have more than one instance. Using a different SID and a different system number is the key here. It is also important to note that for 1st instance SAP recommends a 20 GB swap space and 10 GB per each additional instance for a 64 bit SAP kernel.
Question 11: How can a client copy be differentiated from client refresh?
Answer: These are the same sometimes; For example, Client Refresh is when you are performing a copy to an existing client for the express purpose of updating the data. It is more appropriate to say "client copy."if you are copying to a newly created client. A client copy from production to a QA server or from production to DEV server is really a client refresh and this is another way of thinking about it.
Question 12: What purpose does table T000 serve?
Answer: A list of defined clients is contained in Table T000, which with transaction SCC4 can be maintained.
Question 13: What purpose does table USR02 serve?
Answer: User IDs and passwords are stored in this table.
Question 14: How a password exception list is created?
Answer: In table USR40, the Answer:s should be placed.
Question 15: What purpose does table TADIR serve?
Answer: Object directory entries are contained in table TADIR.
Question 16: What purpose does table TDEVC serve?
Answer: Development classes and packages are contained in Table TDEVC.
Question 17: Which transaction codes are associated with changing requests, request headers, or request object lists?
Answer: Information about change requesets are hold by the following tables. E070 Change request headers E071 Change request object lists
Question 18: How on a particular system can you get a list of the users with development access?
Answer: Table DEVACCESS
Question 19: Where a list of object keys included in a transport can be found?
Answer: Within transports E071K Object keys are contained.
Question 20: If a transport entry is in the process of being imported, how can this be known?
Answer: The table TRBAT should be checked.
Question 21: How a list of objects that have been repaired in the system can be found?
Answer: A list of repaired objects and their access keys that have been repaired can be found in ADIRACCESS.
Question 22: How in the Same Client Multiple Logins are disabled?
Answer: Implement this parameter in the instance profile: login/disable_multi_gui_login = 1 to disable multiple user logins within the same client. Users have the ability to ignore the warning window at the time of login to the same client if you do not use this parameter in your system. If you get audited, activating this parameter in your system will make you look good! What would happen in case of exceptional logins? You can implement parameter login/multi_login_users, in case you're wondering how to allow multiple logins for certain key users. If the parameter above is active in your system, you can list the user IDs that should be ignored.
Question 23: How Locked Transactions can be viewed?
Answer: Via SM01As one can lock/unlock transaction codes. But, how viewing the transactions that are locked in the system can be managed? Field CINFO, table TSTC should be looked into. To browse the table contents within SAP, you can use either SE11 or SE16. You should Enter "A0" as the "HEX01 data element for SYST" starting value and "A9" as the ending value necessarily. All the transactions locked in the system will be listed by this.
Note: "HEX01 data element for SYST" is the CINFO field description.
Question 24: What happens behind the scenes when you are Locking/Unlocking accounts?
Answer: Via SU01 (User Maintenance.) user accounts can be locked/unlocked But, behind the scenes what actually goes on? To actually set this what does the system do? Update the table USR02. If the user account is locked or unlocked is determined by the field UFLAG. The user account is locked is indicated by value "64". The user account is unlocked is indicated by the value "0". At the database level you can issue an update statement that locks all users in mass. Although you should not lock yourself out! For super user accounts in your update statement, exceptions should be used. The locking/unlocking has been made a bit easier by improving 4.6b and above to this kind of task. However, it is just one simple query that changing at the database level is much faster.
Question 25: How TP can be differentiated from R3TRANS?
Answer: The process is controlled by TP and several tools are called, like r3trans but also e.g. DDIC-Activation.
Question 26: What is the difference between DDIC and SAP_ALL/SAP_NEW ?
Answer: Yes, some things which other IDs cannot are done by DDIC which is hardcoded. In SE11 using a SAP_ALL user, you should be able to activate tables. For basis login accounts (SAP*), 06071992 is the default username and password.
Question 27: What purpose does UNIX file /etc/passwd serve?
Answer: Valid user passwords, accounts, default login directories and user security permission levels are contained in /etc/passwd. user:password:UID:GID:login_directory:shell is the file format.
Question 28: When trying to install the DBInstance (SAP DB) if you receive an "error occurred during installation" message what can be done to get this problem fixed?
Answer: Shorter pathnames should be used.
Question 29: Is it possible to install ECC 5.0 without installing solution manager as a test system and not production?
Answer: You will be asked for a key during the installation, which solution manager can only generate?
Question 30: As part of an XI 3.0 installation we are trying to install Java-Add an ABAP system. While trying to start SAP j2EE engine at the end of the J2EE installation, a timeout error occurs. How would this be fixed?
Answer: Paging space should be increased to 20 GB.
Question 31: How a centralized server can be used perform SAPGUI 640 roll out?
Answer: On the installation CD look for SAPADMIN and SAPSETUP. Then, to distribute this program use a utility such as Microsoft's SMS or to call the SAPSETUP program use a login script.
Question 32: How do you make SAPconsole telnet screen size smaller if it is too big?
Answer: The control panel should be selected, and then the SAP console administrator should be selected and general tab.
Question 33: In our DEV system the client have been opened with all options "changed without automatic rec," "changes to repository and cross customization allowed," and in SCC4 "protection level-0 no restriction". An error message is received by the developers saying the system is non-modifiable. What should be done to fix this issue?
Answer: The global system change option (SEO6) to modifiable should be set for all namespaces/objects in our DEV system. Ability to change any, including SAP, namespace/object should be possessed by the developer. The client options (SCC4) should be changed to "changes which is allowed for repos and cross-client cust" and radio button should be changed to "auto. The changes."should be saved. Next, the CATTS sessions should be enabled.
Question 34: From SAP to Microsoft Outlook, I'm trying to send email. Configuration of SAPConnect failed when I attempted it. I tried to run command "mlunxsnd" and "mlosmadm" on unix level but found that it doesn't exist in unix. How should this problem be solved?
Answer: You should not use sapconnect in versions with basis release 6.20 or higher. The mail server should be placed in the SMTP node in SCOT directly.
Question 35: During printing for any kind of report I want to let SAP skip printing cover pages. How this can be completed?
Answer: The source for the cover page should be found. Either it will be from SAP itself or from the OS spooler. Then appropriate action should be taken.
Question 36: Can the user find out what was entered in a particular transaction code screen?
Answer: No, but tables associated with the transaction code can be analyzed and see what this user has done if there is a username field that traces.
Question 37: To run for 3 consecutive days I need to schedule a background job and would like to use DB13. How can a report to run from DB13 and not SM37 be scheduled?
Answer: A report to run from DB13 other than pre-configured DBA jobs cannot be scheduled. Use SM36 instead of this and make event-driven jobs.
Question 38: On the QA system (t-code STMS) when all of the requests are released to DEV it is not being displayed in an import queue. A message appears saying "continue: other transport groups." in the log of transport request although the overall status is successful. For what reason, is this message appearing?
Answer: The transport group is misconfigured for QA. Go to Overview after going to STMS. Choose communication by double-clicking on QA. Next the correct transport group should be entered and save.
Question 39: A J2EE + ABAP 6.40 instance running a portal 6.0 is with us. If more is assigned, it seems 1GB of memory is not enough and J2EE has problems. To balance the load in the servers, what can be used?
Answer: Using config-tool you can create a second server process. Also through SCS, load balancing is possible.
Question 40: While doing a transport I received several warning parameters after a recent upgrade of kernel 6.20 to 6.40. What should I do about the warning parameters if everything looked okay on SAP t-code STMS?
Answer: These parameters from TPPARAM can be deleted.
Question 41: In DMZ a SAPRouter is set up so that the SAP application servers are not necessary to be exposed to the internet user and all SAP requests can be routed in and out from that machine. However, the BW Web reporting application requests is not handled by SAPRouter. E.P. is not with us. Which tools can help in routing WEB reporting requests the way SAPRouter does?
Answer: A SAP Web dispatcher is needed. SAP Web dispatcher routes SAP ICM traffic while acting like a SAP Router. A BSP that sits on the ICM is BW Web reporting. In the kernel directory you can look for sapwebdisp.exe or by using command option "bootstrap."do a self-generated profile.
Question 42: How the Internet email gateway is configured in SAP Netweaver 04?
Answer: SMTP comes built in to kernel, starting with version WAS 6.x. Select transaction. Configure and SCOT it there.
Question 43: What should I do if when installing a SAP J2EE engine at CRM it halts for more than 10 minutes and gives up starting the system after it reaches phase 22?
Answer: The solution to this is to restart the system. You may be missing the profile parameters if it is an add-in and you have restarted your ABAP then. Look in the work directory and check dev_icontrol if this is okay and a restart does not help. Apply a patch to solve the problem if the J2EE engine software is the problem.
Question 44: There are several error messages in the SAPVIEW.log when installing SAP R/3 enterprise 4.7. What do you mean by this?
Answer: The error messages indicate that one of your load jobs run unsuccessfully.
Question 45: When performing ST02 the program buffer shows a value of 1056 in red under the SWAP category in my development server. With the PXA buffer error message users are getting a shortdump. What shall I do to fix this?
Answer: In "my signature", "my links"should be used along with the keywords: PXA Buffer.
Question 46: I wish to enter the user's login name only, not an email address when sending an email from transaction SBWP. Also I'd like SAP to send the mail to this external email address and look at the user details email address and communications method held in SU01. How can this be configured?
Answer: Yes. SO16-> Tab Mail Sys group-> bottom radio button pathway should be followed.
Question 47: Do direct updates are allowed on SAP tables?
Answer: To update data (RFC calls) you can call SAP functions directly. To try and manipulate data directly at the database level (sql scripts, jdbc) is not recommended. In general to update tables directly in SAP is a very bad idea.
Question 48: The input which has been given in SAPInst of DB instance is wrong in system number of CI instance while doing SAP installation of DB instance on a different box other than CI. How can this entry be changed after installation?
Answer: The CI instance with the right system number should be reinstalled.
Question 49: A backup strategy to disk is my area of working. The equivalent on various disks, I want to perform a copy_save_delete. Ideally, I would like to have two copies but this function does not work for disk saves. What other functions I can use?
Answer: To store another copy of your archive log, log on to another drive/server in your init<sid>.SAP file.
Question 50: When I try to run it one of my BTC jobs fails, giving me an error message stating "lock table overflow.". To solve this issue it recommends modifying the enqueue / table size parameter. In my default or instance profile, I do not have this value. How can this problem be solved?
Answer: ABAP RSPARAM program should be run. The real value of the SAP parameter and where they have been set up can be obtained by this. 10,000 entries can be hold by the lock table, which is over enough for the average system. It is possible that the developers should modify it if the program is not written properly.
Question 51: A system copy of BW is being attempted to complete. I get the error message, "Entry in inbound table already exists."when I try to go in to RSA1 afterwards. What should be done to get the problem solved?
Answer: Under "subsequent steps" section read the Homogenous System Guide and follow all directions. Transaction codes BDLS and SALE should be checked as well.
Question 52: My XI 3.0 Production server (MSCS 2003) on oracle for backups is getting configured. On single nodes (both A and B), split nodes (Oracle node B and SAP node A), I have successfully run offline backups, but when I run Oracle on Node A and SAP on Node B it fails. The, initsid.ora spfilesid.ora files, the files within the "%Windir%SAPCluster and the FSCMD location path have been checked and they are identical to my development servers. Servers rebooting has not been successful as well. How can this issue be resolved?
Answer: As SIDADM one should log in on both nodes and this command: brbackup -V should be run. Ensure "%Windir%SAPCluster" should be a part of your path.
Question 53: Will server performance be affected if the PRD server is restarted every week?
Answer: The SAP ABAP program buffer and other buffers are emptied when the server is restarted. During the first run, as far as performance goes, the reports runtime will be a bit longer. Without harm, the system can be restarted every week. The SLA/users demand may be the only reason against it.
Question 54: From PRD to TST, I need to do a system copy. SAP documentation cannot be followed but must do it manually. Will it change all the PRD to TST in the restored file names when I run "@/tmp/TSTcntrl.sql,"? Would a TST system be recognized as the restored files?
Answer: The DB as PRD on your new system should be opened first. Second, the redo logs should be applied. Next, to change SID the script should be run. If using WAS 6.10 or above this will change SID but will not change tablespace names.
Question 55: We are having performance issues around Tx MIRO which updates table RBKP while running Win 2003, Oracle 9I, SAP 4.7. Five indexes are there in Table RBKP in SAP, but in Oracle only three of which exist. For what reason, is this happening?
Answer: There are many predefined indexes in SAP. Via DB02->checks-> database ->ABAP dictionary ->display one can see these indexes. You see all indexes of which the definition is created in the dictionary under optional indexes, but at database level it has not been created.
Question 56: Some transactions in SAP, for instance, OVRF (updating routes) are seen as customizing. This is set as master data and can be set open in some systems. Where does this need to be done?
Answer: On each transaction it depends. According to system function, production or test/develop/demo/etc. it is sometimes determined by other configuration and sometimes it is set.
Question 57: I have to create variants for some housekeeping ABAPs. There are cases for the ABAP in the variant when a time interval needs to be specified. The current date remains continuously even if I explicitly enter a start and end date. How can the dates in the variant be entered dynamically?
Answer: Enter the variant name and choose the attributes radio button in transaction SE38. The field can be set to "selection variable." You can define that it is SY -DATE+7, under selection variables button.
Question 58:Why do I get a message that says "no list available."when I check transaction SM37 and I want to see the spool?
Answer: Several possible reasons can be responsible for this. To a printer, the spool is sent and deleted. The housekeeper deleted the spool if it is too old. Also, some test reports rollback after simulating a calculation then. Online it works fine. The spool is rolled back as well when a background job does a rollback.
Question 59: On XI 3.1, I have an ABAP+J2EE instance. To apply the support packs for J2EE is it necessary to stop WEB AS and J2EE?
Answer: While the system is up and running but no activities any J2EE patches are applied. Binaries (ABAP kernel) are the only patch that is applied when the system is down.
Question 60: A Win NT/SQL7/R3 kernel -46D is with me. While I run DB02, I am missing one secondary index (Z0CPS0-1). This gives me the error message "Index could not be setup in the DB." when I tried recreating the index. In the database, another index with the same name exists, but it is not known to the ABAP/ 4 Dictionary. How the error from the DB02 can be removed to resolve the problem?
Answer: In the DB directly, it is possible that an individual can create an index, however, it is not recommended. The index DB level firs must be deleted, and then in SAP create it.
Question 61: Will the background job schedules and all client dependent data be transferred by the client copy?
Answer: All client dependent data including schedules to the new client will be copied by SAP_ALL. Remember that the clients are always independent for ABAP programs. Only the client dependent is the master data (variant).
Question 62: When we complete our weekly offline backup, application is not coming up and the system goes down while using SAP 4.7, 6.20 HP UX Oracle. Which input as to what is wrong with the system be given by a log?
Answer: The alert log should be started with. Iin oracle/SID/saptrace/background/alertSID.log, it is usually found.
Question 63: What do you mean by L and F access methods terms?
Answer: Local printer is referred to an "L" access method. Not the user but it is local to the SAP server. To front-end printer an "F" access method is referred to. The user's Windows printer is used by this.
Question 64: On Oracle, we are currently running 4.7 enterprise, on Solaris 9. A production has a central instance server and 3 Application servers where the Sapmnt directory is shared out from the central instance server and I am in the process of upgrading production. On the central instance the kernel is upgraded with no problems, but I received an error message stating the database must be started from a remote server when I try to start SAP on the APP servers. Even after all environment variables are hanged I am still receiving the error message. What could be the reason for this issue?
Answer:On each of the application servers, ensure that the Oracle client is properly installed. The latest versions of all of the kernel, associated files (R3trans, tp, startdb, stopdb, etc.) and the DB library should be used.
Question 65: While users are working in the PRD server, is it safe to delete old background jobs using the program RSBTCDEL?
Answer:Yes. While users are working it is safe to run this program since this deletes completed or aborted jobs and not active jobs.
Question 66: In which report or table does the user logoff time is stored in SAP?
Answer: No standard report is there. However, in table USR02 and field TRDAT you can find out about the user's last transaction time, which is close to logoff time.
Question 67: The transport system is not working properly after the kernel patch 6.40 level 098 has been installed. Although I start it manually, the job RDDIMPDP is not starting. The error messages keep coming in. What should I do to get this problem solved?
Answer: In both client 000 and your working client, go into SE38. Run program RDDNEWPP. With proper parameters this will schedule program RDDIMPDP. Then, if any "TP" programs are running should be checked. Check in /usr/sap/trans/log if this is the case, and the contents of the most recent file should be looked for.
Question 68: In one of our customer's production systems that runs 24 hours a day, the temporary spooling tablespace is approximately 5GB. This can be reduced over time. For reducing this tablespace which strategy should you use?
Answer: For deleting the spool (TEMSE) objects, you could schedule report RSPO0041. In order to minimize impact on your system, schedule it as a daily background job.
Question 69: In what way should the table maintenance be set up for customized table Z1?
Answer: Transaction code SE11 should be used.
Question 70: Where can I change five dialog work processes into batch?
Answer: Through parameters in RZ10, you can configure work processes. For dialog "rdisp/no_wp_dia"should be used and for background "rdisp/no_wp_btc"should be used. For that through RZ04 you can configure operation modes.
Question 71: To start with a number that I choose, in what way shall I change the transport request number?
Answer: Assuming user SAPR3 is owner of the database and your release is 4.6. The last transport number should be called by issuing "select * from sapr3.E070L." By issuing: "Update sapr3.E070L set TRKORR='<SID>K9xxxxx'." change the transport sequence number Replace SAPR3 with the owner of the database if your SAP release is higher than 4.6.
Question 72: In our quality System BW the job "SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR" is being cancelled continuously. What should I do if I keep receiving an error that says the load program is not found?
Answer: In the support package, the actual problem exists. Delete the SWNC* reports and insert RSSTAT83 and RSSTAT87 into TCOLL as this is the only solution for this.
Question 73: From the existing V5R2 to V5R3 of our i-series server which hosts SAP application we are planning an upgrade of the OS. At support pack level 50 we are currently on R/3 Release 4.6C. We are planning to migrate applications to a power 5 i-series 550 servers after the up gradation is done. Should we consider a SAP kernel upgrade if our current kernel is ASCII 46D patch level 1977?
Answer: Always update your kernel to latest level before upgrading OS, database or SAP Version.
Question 74: A SAP r/3 47x200 (unix/oracle) is with us. Since we've upgraded from 6.20 to 6.40, the SAPDBA program no longer exists. After installing Kernel 6.40 from where can I download BR*Tools Gui for Oracle DBA -GUI?
Answer: From version 6.20, SAPDBA can still be used. Combine it with BR*Tools 6.40 essentially.
Question 75: 2 transports (K and R) to be imported are received from an external vendor. These need to be imported into our QA system. The transports have been moved to the Profiles and Data subdirectories. What should be done next?
Answer: The pathway STMS -> Overview -> Imports should be followed. On QA's SID, one should click twice. Next, this path Extras -> Other Requests -> Add should be followed. Finally, the transport number should be typed and imported as when transported normally.
while configuring TMS , TMSADM usr created, This is used for internally.
In order to check client size use command:
Printer settings can be transported by creating Workbench TR and include below object with * as their field values:
Hit SPAM--> select all it will be display all patch levls kernel---> SM51--> release notes or OS level disp+work
The database system contains a series of system tables with information about database objects and their connection to each other, statistics system tables, monitor system tables and loader system tables. We usually look in SE16 for system tables!!
There is one background job you need to schedule RSPO104, run this job in SE38 and fill the required entries in there.
1. What type of servers is used in sap(like HP or Dell Servers names)?
2. How do you configure System Landscape in your company? with detailed(dialog servers, Background jobs server need a diagram)? with clustering concept?
3. how you connect to servers? which VPN software is used?
4. Give me your daily activities in your company?
5. give the list of third tools which are used in your company?
6. In company how the roles are assigned[like monitoring(maintenance admin), config admin, install admin] how the work is assigned?
7. what kind of roles will be given to the basis admin or for ABAP users?
8. Solution manager is mandatory or optional....if it is mandatory how the monitoring will be done in version? seperate employee will be there are basis admin look into it?
9. how to take backups, os / sap / there any third party tools used?
10. can we say that i worked on the windows server?
11. where do we mention new user employee id and acc. number in su01?
12. describe database storage servers?
13. SM51 describe? process and errors? what to do?
14. differ application server and message server? how many application servers will be there?
15. Licensing process..complete ? developer key / SSCR key / Object Key?
16. when we do background jobs?
17. when using remote client copy entire data ,how much time it will take?approx?
18. archive administrator?
19. production servers how many? pre-production servers?
20. ST22 ABAP dump analysis? describe scenarios?
21. GRC tools? third party tools for security?
22. in support project what kind of authorization we'll have?
23. Load balancing(SMLG), where and when we'll do? describe with scenario?
Purpose of creating derive role
The parent role is the main branch of the company it has full authorizations for org.levels.
The derive role is the subbranch of the company where it depends on the main branch only authorized to the parent org.levels
Difference between a Role and a Profile
In SAP directories we find three system profiles
A domain controller is nothing but server with AD(Active directory) installed