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How to Find a SQL_ID and Top SQL query Using Temp Tablespace Which Causing Temp Tablespace to be Full?

Updated May 19, 2018

Hi everyone,
Need quick answer for this please help me.
My question is that how to find a SQL_ID and top SQL query using temp tablespace which causing temp tablespace to be full?
I need query for this but don't post the size of temp tablespace please.
send query as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.


  • 29 Oct 2015 6:43 pm Chandan Singh Parihar

    select distinct user_id,sql_id,TEMP_SPACE_ALLOCATED,to_char(SQL_EXEC_START,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dba_hist_active_sess_history where to_char(SQL_EXEC_START,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') between '19-OCT-2015 19:00' and '19-OCT-2015 19:30' and user_id=143 and TEMP_SPACE_ALLOCATED is not null order by 4;
    You can also mention time in above query.
