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PS (Project Systems) Interview Questions

SAP PS (Project System) FAQ

1. What are the parameters of Project System?

There are several parameters to define in here at the structures level. First, its the Project Definition (Proj. Profile), then we have the WBS Level, and then, if used, the Network/Activity/Subactivity Level. You may include components and services. The configuration goes into Proj. Definition, WBS and Activity profiles.

2. What is the accounting and Logistical information that gets defined with a Project Definition?

In the Project Profile, you define the Controlling area, Company Code, Business Area, Plant, Functional Area, Profit Center and Project Currency for the project. If it is a sales project, you can also define Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and DIP Profile. In addition, you also define the Object Class, Planning Profile, Budget Profile, Costing Sheet, Interest Profile, Investment Profile (CAPEX), Result Analysis Key (CO-PA), Settlement Profile and Settlement Rule Strategy. You will also define whether costs are actual or statistical. This information is then copied to lower level WBS elements.

3. What do Activities, NTW, WBS represents?

WBS and Networks are two structures that differ in the way in which they enable you to structure projects and in the functions provided for them in the SAP system. For example, if you need a hierarchical budget management function for a project, you would want to use a WBS structure. If, in addition, you also want to do capacity planning, you would have to use one or several networks as well. Depending on the specific requirements you may be able to map a project only via a WBS structure, or by using only one or several networks, or a combination of both.

4. What is the menu path & T. Code for defining special characters for Projects?

It can be found at the following location:

Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Work Breakdown Structures >>> Project Coding Mask >>> Define Special Characters for Projects Transaction is OPSK

5. The structure of NTW is similar to what type of order?

Maintenance order.

6. What is the impact of coding mask on the project and where is it created (menu path)?

Coding masks contain the sections for the external identification of projects, and they are separated by special characters. A section consists either of numbers that are represented by "0" characters in the coding mask, or alphanumeric characters that are represented by "X" characters in the mask. You can store a descriptive text for each coding mask and use lock indicators to control whether the key and the associated mask can be used for operative or standard WBS structures.

Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Work Breakdown Structures >>> Project Coding Mask >>> Define Project Coding Mask
Transaction is OPSJ

7. How to set field status of WBS as mandatory, (WBS Element, NTW)?

There are five different transactions. Project Definition, WBS Elements, Network Header, Networks Overview and Network Details. There you will see a table with radiobuttons that indicate whether a field should be set as Input, Required (mandatory), Display, Hide. You can also define Influence Fields and Field Groups.

For Project Definition and WBS Elements:

Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Work Breakdown Structures >>> User Interfase Settings >>> Define Field Selection for Work Breakdown Structures

Transactions are OPUK (Project Definition), OPUJ (WBS Elements)

For Networks:

Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Network >>> User Interfase Settings >>> Define Field Selection for Networks

Transactions are OPUA (Header), OPUB (Overview), OPUC (Details)

8. Difference between validation & substitution in SAP Project System.

Substitution enables to automatically change master data fields of Project Definitions, WBS Elements, Network Headers and Activities. For example, you can automatically set the cost center 9999 for those WBS Elements into which responsible persons with number 0 to 20 have been entered.

Validation enables you carry out self-defined checks for master data fields of the same elements. But the result of validations consists of informational messages, warnings or error messages. For example, you can validate that projects with a specific project profile always begin with the same key.

9. What do time profiles do?

This profile is part of the "Planning Board Profile" and it determines the begginning and the end of the evaluation and planning periods. This means that preevaluation and post evaluation periods are defined automatically. This is how the Planning Board is displayed graphically.

10. Where do we define time profiles? What is evaluation period?

Evaluation period is the period in which you want to control your project, and it will be displayed in your planning board. Dont get confused with scheduling, which is how time is managed in a project.

Project System >>> Structures >>> Project Planning Board >>> Define Time Profiles Transactions is OPTY

11. What are the different time profiles?

There are two, but you can define your own. SAPPS_Z001 and SAPPS_Z002.

12. What is value categories required for? Where are they maintained?

13. What are the important terms in a costing sheet?

14. How to create and change planning profile? What is the Menu path?

15. How and where do you control the budget for the project & what is the menu path?

Through the Budget Profile, in transaction OPS9. Path is:

Project System >>> Costs >>> Budget >>> Maintain Budget Profile

Among other things, you will have to define the Time Frame (Annual or Total), Exchange Rate type, whether or not Availability Control will be used, and the Budgeting Currency. There are additional settings in that path, such as defining a Budget Profile for a Project Definition among others.

16. How do you control that the project does not run over allocated budget?

You use Availability Control by defining tolerance limits, which will allow you to define by how much you can overspend. For example, you can set the system to send you a message wuen 95% of the budget has been spent, and stop al PRs when you have reached 100% or 110% of the budget. Path is Project System >>> Costs >>> Budget >>> Maintain Budget Profile >>> Define Tolerance Limits

17. What does project version do? How do you define the project version (menu path)?

18. What governs the way scheduling is to be performed? What is the menu path?

19. What setting does NTW scheduling contains? Where are these settings done (menu path)?

Control Key in transaction OPSU defines whether an activity can be confirmed, scheduled, capacity requirements determinarion, costs, etc. Other important settings include Network Types, Parameters for Network Types, Network Profiles and Control Keys.

There settings are found in the following paths:

Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Network >>> Settings for Networks

Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Network >>> Settings for Network Activities

20. What is the organizational structure of PS module?

PS structure consists of Project Definition, WBS Elements and Networks. PS uses structures from FI/CO, MM, SD, etc. There is no structure of PS but the one provided above.
