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SAP MaxDB Client Software Interview Questions and Answers

Updated May 18, 2018

This is a collection of the questions that are often asked by colleagues and customers regarding SAP MaxDB client software. It provides answers and refers you to other information sources.

SAP MaxDB Client Software

1. What is the purpose of the SAP MaxDB client software?

You require SAP MaxDB client software to communicate between application servers and the SAP MaxDB database.

Pure application servers do not have any access to the SAP MaxDB server software. You must therefore also install special parts of the software (for example, dbmcli, dbmserver and Precompiler Runtime) on the application servers.

2. What is the purpose of the library dbadaslib or dbsdbslib?

The libraries dbadaslib and dbsdbslib are the database interfaces for the database-independent SAP database interface (DBI) that is specific to the SAP MaxDB. These DBSL libraries ensure that the SQL statements that are sent to the database are transferred in the correct syntax of the relevant database system.

Each of the database systems that are supported by SAP has its own database-specific DBSL library.

The DBSL library release (dbadaslib. dll or dbsdbslib.dll) must correspond to the SAP kernel release.

3. As of which SAP kernel version will the dbadaslib be replaced with dbsdbslib?

As of SAP Kernel Version 7.0, the dbadaslib will no longer be used. It will be replaced with dbsdbslib.

The 6.40 SAP EXT kernels will continue to use the dbadaslib.

4. Is dbadaslib or dbsdbslib part of the SAP MaxDB client software?

No. The library dbadaslib or dbsdbslib is part of the database-independent WebAS kernel package.

5. Which software components are included in the SAP MaxDB client software?

The SAP MaxDB client software consists of the following compontents:

o Precomplier Runtime versions


o The software that is required so that the database assistant and the liveCache assistant can operate (transactions DB50, LC10).

For more information, see 649814.

6. Where can I find a description of how to install SAP MaxDB client software?

649814 contains detailed instructions for installing the client software.

7. How do I uninstall SAP MaxDB client software again?

You can use the SAP MaxDB tool SDBUNINST to uninstall the client software. For more information, see 599129.

8. Where can I find a description of how to install the library dbadaslib or dbsdbslib?

See 19466 for further information.

325402 contains detailed instructions for installing the library dbadaslib or dbsdbsli.

9. How is the version of the SAP MaxDB client software dependent on the version of the SAP MaxDB kernel?

In SAP systems, the SAP kernel determines which version of the precompiler software is used. Each SAP MaxDB client package therefore contains all of the Precompiler Runtimes or SQLDBC versions that are available.

To operate the data assistant or liveCache assistant (transactions DB50/LC10) and the DBA planning calendar (transaction DB13), you require a minimum version of the client (DBMCLI) that corresponds to the relevant SAP MaxDB kernel. After you change the database version from 7.5 to, for example, 7.6, you must therefore also update the client software on the application servers. When you apply a database patch, you do not usually have to update the client software.

10. How is the release of the library dbadaslib or dbsdbslib dependent on the version of the SAP MaxDB Precompiler Runtime?

578324 contains information for UNIX platforms.

The library dbadaslib or dbsdbslib is dynamically linked.

11. Which directories contain the components of the SAP MaxDB client software?

The SAP MaxDB client software is located in the directory INDEPPROGRAM. The software for the library dbadaslib or dbsdbslib is located in the SAP kernel directory.

12. Where can I find information about which components are contained in the SAP MaxDB client software?

You can find information about the various SAP MaxDB software components in the SAP MaxDB documentation, which is located under the following link:

13. Which environment variables are important when you access the SAP MaxDB client software?

The path variable must contain INDEPPROGRAM/bin. For Microsoft Windows, the path variable must contain INDEPPROGRAM/pgm.

14. The SAP recommendations for <LIBRARYPATH> are confusing and sometimes appear contradictory. How can I set these environment variables correctly?

The environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain INDEPPROGRAM/lib in Unix.

15. Is it unnecessary to install the SAP MaxDB client software on a host on which the database and SAP system are installed?

Yes, because the server package is installed when you install the database server and the server package also contains the SAP MaxDB client software.

16. Where can I find the current patches for the SAP MaxDB client software?

You can use the SWDC to download the SAP MaxDB client software. You will find further information in 649814.

17. If the SAP MaxDB client software is installed incorrectly, which errors may occur?

- Precompiler runtime or SQLDBC is not installed. The system issues a relevant error message in the Developer_Trace of the SAP system (dev_w* files). You cannot usually set up any connection to the database.
- DBM server package is not installed. The database assistant or the liveCache assistant (transactions DB50/LC10) do not work.

18. How do I install the SAP MaxDB client software if I am using a Microsoft cluster?

Use the SDBINST or SDBUPD (during the upgrade) and install the software on each cluster node. In this case, in a commonly used (shared) INDEPDATA directory and a local directory INDEPPROGRAM, you must ensure that the install registry that is located in the directory INDEPDATA is correctly adjusted for all of the nodes.

19. Where do I find more information about SAP MaxDB client software?

Further information about the software components of SAP MaxDB is contained in 822239: FAQ: MaxDB interfaces and in the documentation under the following link:
