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ORA-12154: Connection to RAC failing

Updated May 19, 2018

Hello SAP Exports,

I have RAC cluster, a service which is configured using revctl, for instance, specific connection. While running the lsnrctl status the following service is listed:

  • Service "P8S_D01" has 1 instance(s). 
  • Instance "P8S1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service.

But when I am trying to connect an R3 system to a RAC database instance, the R3trans -d fails and error is generated as shown in the logs below:

   OCIServerAttach(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with -1=OCI_ERROR
   OCIServerAttach(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with SQL error 12154:
   ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

OCIServerAttach failed for '<SERVICE>', free srv=200a550 (con=0, svc=2707248)

*** ERROR => CONNECT failed with SQL error '12154'
-->oci_get_errmsg (con=0, rc=12154)
   OCIErrorGet() -> SQL error code: 12154
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

ocica() -> SQL error code 12154,12154
   DbSlConnect(con=0) -> orc=12154, 99=DBSL_ERR_DB
***LOG BY2=>sql error 12154  performing CON
***LOG BY0=>ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified 

In order to regenerate the error please try to start the SAP System or run the R3trans database connection test.


  • 01 Feb 2017 5:43 pm SAP User Helpful Answer

    In order to resolve this error you have two choice:

    1) Please adjust the dbs_ora_tnsname (and dbs/ora/tnsname in the profile) in order to use //<SCAN_NAME>/<SERVICE>

    2) Or add the <SERVICE> entry to the tnsnames.ora in the defined TNS_ADMIN location

    Note: It is recommended to opt for method 1.

  • 01 Feb 2017 5:46 pm Sonia Barwar Helpful Answer

    You are trying to connect using the service name created (<SERVICE>) in the dbs_ora_tnsname, and this service is not added to the tnsnames.ora file.
