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SAP BCM (Business Communications Management) Interviews question and answer

Updated May 18, 2018

SAP BCM (Business Communications Management) FAQ

Please check following question and answer:


After you execute transaction FBPM1, there is no entry in transaction BNK_MONI. The payment is not available in transaction BNK_MONIP. What is the reason for this?

Use transaction OBPM4 to check whether a selection variant has been assigned to your payment medium format. Has the identification been reversed for BCM in transaction OBPM5?


How can you check which batching rule is used?

You can use the report RBNK_RULID_EVALUATE to check which batching rule is used. (Tip: the plus/minus signs of the amounts when using amounts for the batching rules).

After you execute transaction FBPM1, there is no entry in transaction BNK_MONI. How can you find out why this is the case?

You can use the following transactions to determine the error:

1. Check the settings in transaction OBPM5.
2. Has a selection variant been defined in transaction OBPM4?
3. Use transaction BNK_MONIP to check whether a merge has occurred. Red traffic light: The merge has occurred, but the system did not create a batch.
4. Use transaction SLG1 and the object 'FBPM' to check the application log.
5. Use transaction SM37 to check the jobs with the identifier PAY_BTC*.
6. The system may not have been able to find a rule. In this case, the system issues a message when you execute transaction FBPM1.

You can use transaction BNK_BATCH to trigger the batch creation again after you have changed Customizing for the rules. (The report RBNK_PAYM_GRP_N_BATCH is usually started as a PAY_BTC* job by the report RBNK_PAYM_SCHEDULE; call from SAPFPAYM_MERGE.) ( that transaction BNK_BATCH has to be executed with the merge identification.)

The problem listed in transaction SLG1 or SM37 has been corrected. How can you subsequently generate the batch?

If a merge has already occurred (see transaction BNK_MONIP), reset the merge using the program RBNK_MERGE_RESET and execute transaction FBPM1 again or use transaction BNK_BATCH (RBNK_PAYM_GRP_N_BATCH). If no merge has occurred, you can perform the merge directly using transaction FBPM1.

With regard to the report RBNK_MERGE_RESET, the following: It resets all batches that were created in the collector (merging run). This could be several batches.

You have accidentally assigned an ID to a payment run. The ID initiates the batching process. How can the batching process be prevented?

Create the payment file directly using the program SAPFPAYM.

What is the difference between the 'New' and 'In approval' tab pages in transaction BNK_MONI?

The 'New' tab page contains all batches that are in the first approval step (BNK_INI); the 'In approval' tab page contains all batches that are in a further approval step (BNK_COM).

What system settings are required for the BCM approval procedure?

See 1041016.

Even though all of the settings are as described in 1041016, the workflow cannot be started. Why is it not possible to start the workflow?

Transaction SWI2_DIAG displays the incorrect work flow items of the last days with their error messages. In addition, you can use transaction BNK_API_CHECK_WI to determine the number of the workflow items for a batch. You can use transaction SWI1 to display the work item. This may help you find the cause of the error.

Check whether there are incorrect entries in transaction SM58 (Transactional RFC) using transaction BNK_APP.
1099537 provides information about the structure of the workflow template WS50100024. Control the workflow template in your system.
1098805 contains s for troubleshooting in the Workflow.
In transaction SLG1, you use the workflow object (Business Workflow) to view the workflow application log.

How do you find out which user currently has a batch to be released?

The report RBNK_COM_SHOW_BTCH_APPR_LST displays the users that can process the batch that is currently selected for approval. (The navigation occurs from transaction BNK_MONI or BNK_APP.) In this case, the system searches for the work items actually created. If you execute the report online and you do not set the indicator P_REALWI, you can see which processors are determined according to current Customizing, regardless of the work items created. This may be helpful to test changed Customizing settings. The report RBNK_PAYM_APPROVER_UI returns all users that have a batch approved. This is the case even for batches that are not yet finally approved.

The processor determination rule for the workflow does not work as expected. What is the reason for this?

The problem may occur if you use additional grouping fields for batching; the batch granularity may be lower than expected (because not all specifications occur in the payments).

The processor determination rules (for the workflow steps) have to be set correctly: If you use batching rules with and without grouping fields, you must not confuse these rules in the processor assignment rules which check the content of the grouping field.

If you have grouping fields that may be empty (blank) and want to determine different approvers depending on the content of the grouping field, the processor determination rule with a specified grouping value must have a higher priority than the processor determination rule without a value (with an empty value) because an empty grouping value is always regarded as a match according to these rules.

Problems occur during the release of a batch in the workflow inbox (transaction SBWP). (For example, an attachment to the batch from the first approval step (BNK_INI) can no longer be displayed in subsequent approval steps (BNK_COM).)

Check if s 1424183 and 1124930 have been implemented in your system. Use transaction BNK_APP instead of the workflow inbox to release the batch.

How can you ensure that batches are no longer displayed in the workflow inbox?

There is a filter option for specific work items. You must implement the BAdI WF_BWP_SELECT_FILTER for this purpose (see 765783). A document with an example for this implementation has been attached to this .

The following tasks are relevant for BCM:

'TS50100025'. "BCA release dialog
'TS50100026'. "returned

You are looking for the settings for the first release step BNK_INI:

Call transaction BNK_BNK_INI_REL01. "Always" should be set for the release procedure 01. (For BNK_COM, the other release steps, call transaction BNK_BNK_COM_REL01).

You are looking for the settings for the release workflow for BNK_INI:

They are defined in the view V_TBCA_RTW_LINK.

How does the return process of a batch work?

After the return by the second/third/... approver, the first approver can either resubmit payments individually or reject them, but not approve the batch as a whole again; this applies in Release 602 and 603. 1598633 for Release 604 and 605 improves this, so that the batch as a whole can be approved again.

File Creation

The system did not create a data medium file. (Transaction BNK_MONIP: Payment with yellow traffic light)

Use transaction SM37 to check the jobs with the identifier PAYM* (program SAPFPAYM) and the identifier BNK_INI_REL* (program RBNK_BATCH_INI_REL_RFC).

The problem listed in transaction SM37 has been corrected. How can you subsequently generate the data medium file.

Use transaction BNK_MONI to check whether a file date and a file ID have already been assigned, If this is not the case, start the report RBNK_BATCH_RETRY_FILE_CREATION. If this is the case, start the report RBNK_BATCH_REPEAT_SAPFPAYM to restart the canceled jobs.

Two data medium files are created for a payment.

Check if 1566148 has been implemented in your system. In addition, check whether two or several variants that may be applicable to your payment run have been maintained in transaction OBPM4. In this case, transaction SM37 displays two jobs with the same job name PAYM:*; one job has a log with the message BFIBL02160: 'Too many payment mediums created for this payment group'. To prevent the latter, you can set message BFIBL0 166 accordingly.

You have created payment methods that are to be used only for BCM transactions and payment methods that are to be used for non-BCM transactions. How can you prevent a payment method that is not intended for BCM from being included in the BCM approval procedure?

1447399 provides information about a customer-specific specification of event 21 to perform checks of this type.

An error occurred during the creation of the data medium file. In transaction BNK_MONI, the batch has the status 'Error in pay. medium creation'. Why does the batch have this status?

This error occurs if the file could not be created due to, for example, authorization problems (for example, for cross-company-code invoices). (Technical background: After the final call of the program SAPFPAYM_MERGE with a batch number, the FileID and the file date are not filled.)

How can you restart the creation of the data medium file?


The system did not create a payment medium for a batch. When analyzing the error, you find a canceled job in transaction SM37. The job log displays message 00 671: 'ABAP processor: DATASET_CANT_OPEN'. Why is the message displayed and how can you prevent the message?

The system tries to write a file. For this purpose, an empty "shell" is created. The system then triggers several jobs, for example, for the payment advices, and then performs CLOSE DATASET CLOSE.

The PI reads the file in this time frame. This can be configured in the file adapter in PI: You can define settings so that empty 0kB files are not accessed or you can set a file change check (enhanced session option "Msecs to Wait Before Modification Check") to check whether the file size has changed within 2 seconds, for example.
If this is the case, the file should not be read either because it is still being written (see 821267: "FAQ: XI 3.0 / PI 7.0/ PI 7.1 File Adapter").

Status Confirmation

A payment file has been rejected by the bank due to a format error in the Data Medium Exchange Engine (DMEE). How can you trigger the file creation again?

After correcting the DMEE, you can regenerate the file using the program SAPFPAYM_SCHEDULE.

You use CollectivePaymentOrderNotification (CPON) to update the status of the payment batch. The system issues error message BNK_COM_INTF 011. Why does the system issue the message?

Background: The batch has several lines. At least one line has already been rejected. This batch can no longer receive the status 'Accepted by Bank' instead, it receives the status 'Partially accepted by the Bank' if all of the lines were approved or rejected. No entries should be made for the header status when the status is set. The system automatically determines the header status.

Online Payments (F111)

Manual payments are to be entered in SAP and a payment run is to be generated automatically. How can you enter the reserved BCM payment run ID?

See 1138205, which provides information about how to enter a payment ID.
