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Round Robin Scheduling in C Programming

Updated Nov 23, 2020

In operating systems, process scheduling is performed so that the OS assigns a time interval for CPU execution to each process. Such a popular technique is Round Robin scheduling which allows proper utilization of CPU.

In this post, we will learn more about Round Robin scheduling with an example program in C.      

What is Round Robin Scheduling?

Round Robin Scheduling is a pre-emptive scheduling algorithm that is used to schedule CPU utilization tasks, where each task is assigned a fixed time slot to execute known as quantum value. Once a task is executed for his assigned quantum value, it gets interrupted, and then the next task is executed until its quantum value. 

If a particular task is not completed in their assigned quantum value/time slot, then the algorithm moves to the next task, which arrives in the quantum, this makes Round Robin Scheduling a preemptive scheduling algorithm.


  • It is also known as Time Slicing Scheduling
  • Round Robin Scheduling works on First Come First Serve approach.
  • A time slot (quantum value) is assigned to each scheduled task
  • It is a fair process scheduling algorithm because no priority is given to any process or task

Pro and Cons of Round Robin Scheduling


  • Round Robin Scheduling is cyclic in nature; therefore, starvation does not occur.
  • The CPU executes every task for a fixed time; therefore, every task has the same priority.
  • It enhances the response times for each process.


  • Cannot assign priority for any task.
  • The throughput is dependent on quantum time.

How Round Robin Scheduling Works

  • First, the tasks are queued in a first come first serve basis.
  • A quantum value (time slot) is assigned to each task need to be executed.
  • The first task executes until quantum value ends. After this, the task becomes pre-emptive.
  • Then the CPU moves to the next task for execution.
  • The same process repeats until all the task is complete.

Round Robin Scheduling Program in C

int processes[100][3], NP, quantum, ProcessScheduler[1000],WaitingTime[100];
unsigned int time = 0;
typedef struct el
	unsigned int p;
	struct el * next;
Q * queue = NULL;

//Function to get input from user (e.g. number of process, Quantum Time etc )

void getSystem()
	int i;
	printf("\nNumber of processes: ");
	scanf("%d", &NP);
	printf("\nThe Quantum: ");
	scanf("%d", &quantum);
	for(i=0; i<NP; i++ )
		printf("\n Arrival Time of process%d: ", i);
		scanf("%d", &processes[i][0]);
		printf("\n Burst time for process%d: ", i);
		scanf("%d", &processes[i][1]);
		processes[i][2] = processes[i][1];

//Printing the output for which process is running and how much remaining for the process
void printSystem()
	int i;
	printf("\nQuantum Time: %d",quantum);
	printf("\nProcess:  Arrival-Time  Burst-Time Remaining-Time");
	for(i=0; i<NP; i++)
		printf("\nProcess%d:  \t%d  \t\t%d  \t\t%d", i, processes[i][0], processes[i][1], processes[i][2]);
	printf("\nProcess in the Queue: ");
	Q *n;
	for(n=queue; n!=NULL; n=n->next)
		printf("Process%d ",n->p);

//Function to get remaining time for the process

unsigned int executionRemained()
	int i;
	unsigned int x = 0;
	for(i=0; i<NP; i++)
		if(processes[i][2] > 0)
			x = 1;
	return x;

//Function to add process in the Queue
void addToQueue(int i)
	Q *n, *n1;
	n = (Q *)malloc(sizeof(Q));
	n->next = NULL;
	n->p = i;
	if(queue == NULL)
		queue = n;
		for(n1 = queue ; n1->next!=NULL; n1=n1->next);
		n1 -> next = n;

//Function Adding the arrived process into the queue
void addArrivedProcessesToQueue()
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<NP; i++)
		if(processes[i][0] == time)

//Function returns the next process in the queue
unsigned int getNextProcess()
	Q *n;
	int x;
	if(queue == NULL)
		return -1;
		x = queue -> p;
		n = queue;
		queue = queue -> next;
		return x;

//function to get the schedule of the process

void schedule()
	unsigned int np, toRun, q, i;
	q = 0;
		np = getNextProcess();
		if(np == -1)
			here if there is no process in waiting queue
			which mean the process get IDLe state.
			here in this program we put -1 in ProcessScheduler[time]
			which mean that the processor get IDLE in this time.
			ProcessScheduler[time] = -1;
			q = quantum;
			if(processes[np][2] < q)
				q = processes[np][2];
			for(i = q; i>0; i--)
			if(processes[np][2] > 0)
		int x;

//Function to print the scheduling of the process during the life time
//This function also give the average waiting time for all the process
void printScheduling()
	int i;
	printf("\n\nScheduling Progress Throughout the program : \n");
	for(i=0; i<time; i++)
		printf("\n[%d-%d] (Process%d) \n",i,i+1 ,ProcessScheduler[i]);
	printf("\n\nWaiting Time Per Process : \n");
	for(i=0; i<NP; i++)
		printf("\nP%d: %d", i, WaitingTime[i]);
	//counting Average Waiting Time...
	float AverageWaitingTime = 0.0;
	for(i=0; i<NP; i++)
		AverageWaitingTime = AverageWaitingTime+WaitingTime[i];
	AverageWaitingTime = AverageWaitingTime/NP;
	printf("\n\nAverage Waiting Time: %f", AverageWaitingTime);

//Function to get the waiting time for all the process individually

void WatingTime()
	int i;
	unsigned int releaseTime, t;
	for(i=0; i<NP; i++)
		for(t=time-1; ProcessScheduler[t]!= i; t--);
		releaseTime = t+1;
		WaitingTime[i] = releaseTime - processes[i][0] - processes[i][1];

//Main function of the program


The Round Robin scheduling algorithm is easily applicable and widely used algorithms for process management. Hope this article has helped you understand the concept clearly. 
