Android Tutorial

Android Application for Adding Two Numbers (Simple Calculator)

Basic Android Application to Calculate the Sum of Two Numbers In order to develop an Android App for adding two numbers first, the thing we have to do is take two inputs numbers from the user and b

Add Sound Play on Android Button Click

How to Play Sound on Android Button Click  This tutorial explains step by step for how to add play sound effect on button click in Android Application. Please follow the steps below in

Login Screen Application Example in Android

A Login screen is the screen where the user is asked to fill his credential like email, name etc to login into any particular application. How to Create a Simple Login Application This tutorial

Click Counter Android Application

How to Create a Full-Screen Click Counter App in Android This tutorial explains step by step how to create a counter app in Android which changes the text of counting on each click. Please follo

Create a Splash Screen (Welcome Screen) in Android Studio

What is Splash Screen in Android Splash Screen is the first screen come when we open any Android application, this screen is use to display the company logo and name or some use this for brand

Activity Lifecycle Diagram in Android

What is Android Activity Lifecycle Whenever you go inside this Java folder in your app and click the main activity, the main brain or main logic of your Android Activity Application is the &nb

Android Drag and Drop ListView Example

How to use List View in Android Activity This tutorial gives a step by step explanation of how to use listview in our android activity. Listview is used to display any list in our Android activi

IntentService Example in Android

Android is an open source operating system that is based on the programming language Linux. It is widely used in mobile devices that include smartphones and tablet computers. the Open Handset Alliance

Disable Back Button Press

How to Disable Back Button Press in Android This tutorial explains step by step how to disable back button in Android Application. This is one of the most needed things as you want to continue doin


Insert data into SQLite database in Android

What is Android SQLite Database? Android SQLite is a lightweight and opensouce SQL database that stores data to a text file on a device. Android SQLite is the most preferred method of storing

Adding Icons to Action Bar in Android

Please follow the steps below in order to add menu items with icons to your action bar:Step 1) So first of all, we need to have some icons in order to add it to our app. So the best way to find icons

Bound Service Example in Android

What is a bound service? A bound service is like a server in a client-server interface. A bound server allows components, such as activities, to bind to the service, send requests, receive response

Build a Wallpaper Android Application

How to Build a Wallpaper Android App 1.Open Android Studio. 2.Click on Text. 3.Change Relative Layout to Linear Layout and the orientation as Vertical. 4.Add the Button, Giv

Share Button in Android App

How to add a Share Button/ Action in Android App This tutorial explains step by step for how to add a Share Button/ Action in Android Application via Android Studio. Share button will help sha

How to get Data From SQLite Database In Android

Before starting this Tutorial you should know  What is SQLite Database Insert data into SQLite database Please follow the steps below in order to get all data from SQLite databa

Split Screen using Multiple Layout

How to Split Screen Layout in Android Please follow the steps below in order to use split screen layout in Android App: 1.Splitting the screen using multiple layouts in a single activi

SQLite Database Table in Android Studio

How To Create Android SQLite Database and TablesThis tutorial explains how you can get started with SQLite using Android. how we can create a database and perform some database queries like insertion,

Rating Bar Example in Example

Android Rating Bar Example Rating Bar is a widget in Android which is used to rate application or website or anything which you want to rate. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use ra

Android Fragments Example Create and Use

What are Fragments in Android A Fragment represents a behaviour or a portion of user interface in an Activity. We can combine multiple fragments in a single activity in order to build a multi-pane

Analog and Digital Clocks in Android

How To Create Analog And Digital Clocks Android Application This tutorial is a step by step explanation of how to add analog and a digital clock widget to your android activity and also how to make

WiFi Application Example in Android

Application overview: This application is to get the number of available wifi by scanning and we know the broadcast receiver class actually used for getting alert. As example, when your battery is

User Interface (UI) Design in Android App

How to Develop User Interface (UI) in Android App? This tutorial explains how to design User Interface (UI) for Android Android Application. It’s one of the more fun and also one of

Android Widget (Home Screen and LockScreen)

Please follow the steps be to create a widget on your smartphone by the Android Studio. First I’ll create a new project. So we start from the ground up and have a look at the minimum SDK whic

Android Radio Button & Radio Groups Basics

Difference between Checkbox and Radio Button The basic difference between checkboxes and radio button is that whenever you want to allow the user to choose multiple options out of a list of options

wrap_content, fill_parent, Password Field, Toast in Android

Wrap_content and Fill_parent properties First time when we drag and drop a button in the activity screen, it’s layout property. When you go to the property called layout width it’s prop

DatePicker Dialog Example in Android

How to use  DatePicker Dialog in Android Please follow the steps below in order to use the datepicker dilog in Android: Step 1) First of all, take a button and change the text of this

Facebook Integration and Login in Android App

How to Integrate Facebook Login with your Android Application Please follow the step below for integrating the Facebook login with your Android application Start a new Android studio project.

Checkbox Basics with Example

Android Checkbox Basics with Example Use Of Checkbox So generally we use check boxes whenever we want to choose a list of items. For example, you are making a groceries shop app, you can use che

Convert Responsive Website into an Android App

How To Convert Responsive Website into an Android AppSo first of all the pre-request is you need to have a responsive mobile friendly website of course.Please follow the steps below for converting you

Fade in Fade out Animation Effect to Android App

How to Add Fade in Fade out Animation to Android App This tutorial explains how to add fade in and fade out animation in Android Application. Please follow the steps below in order to add fade i

How to Publish Android App in Google Play Store?

Android App Publish Steps by Step Procedure This tutorial explains how to upload/ submit or publish your Android Applications into Google Play Store Please follow the steps below in order to upl

Install Apache Cassandra In Windows

How to install Apache Cassandra In WindowsWhat is Apache Cassandra?Apache Cassandra is a NoSQL database. It is a free and open-sourced distribution management system, designed to handle large amounts

Start New Activity on Button Click in Android

This tutorial is a step by step explanation of how to create a new activity and start the new activity on button click from our main activity or first activity. For example, for some re

TimePicker Example in Android

How to use Time Picker in Android Timepicker is used to choose any time when making some activity related to time or Android Application related to time setting or time picking. Please follow th

Create Scrolling/Marquee Text in Android

How to Use Marquee Text in Android AppIn this Android tutorial, we will learn How to Use Marquee Text in Android App using Android Studio in few simple steps. Marquee Html allows user to scroll text o

CardView Example in Android Studio

How to Create CardView Layout in Android Studio? This tutorial explains step by step how to create CardView layout example via Android Studio. Please follow the steps below in order create CardV

TimePicker Dialog in Android

How to use TimePicker Dialog in Android?Please follow the steps below in order to use the timepicker dialog in Android:Step.1) So first of all what we will take a button and change the text of this bu

Android ScrollView Example

The Scroll View is scrolling your application from the top to bottom or bottom to top. We need to add Scroll View is to add multiple items into an Android app. The screen may be not enough to fit t

Explicit and Implicit intent in Android

Explicit intent is one that you use to launch a specific app component, such as a particular activity or service in your app.An implicit intent specifies an action that can invoke any app on the devic

Alert Dialog Example in Android

This tutorial explains step by step how to show or display Alert Dialog in Android Applications via Android Studio. What is the Alert Dialog? Alert Dialog box is a popup which occurs  when

Accessing Camera in Android

How to Access the Camera by Building a Simple AppSo before we start I am gonna mention that I did start a brand new project. And also make sure you are using API 18 or higher because there is one litt

Style Inheritance in Android

This tutorial explains how to inherit from one style to another in android using style.xml file.  Please follow the steps below in order to inherit style to another in Android using style.xml&

Create Multiple Action Bars

How to Create Multiple Action Bars in Android AppPlease follow the steps below in order to create multiple action bars in Android Application:1.Go to app > res > layout > activity_main.xml2.G

SQLite Database Update in Android

Please follow the below steps in order to update data in SQLite database using our Android app: Step 1) First add one more button and this button we are going to use to update the data, so I'm

Custom Button in Android App

How to Add Button in Android AppThis tutorial explains step by step how to create custom button in Android App.Please follow the steps below in order to add custom button in Android App.1.Click on But

ImageView Example (Display Image)

How to use ImageView in Android This tutorial explains step by step how to display image using imageview in Android Studio. Please follow the steps below in order to display image using ImageVie

Image Switcher Example

How to use ImageSwitcher in Android App Please follow the steps below in order to use ImageSwitcher in Android Application: 1.Click on ImageSwitcher. Drag it in the center of the screen as shown

Android Service Introduction & Creating Started Service

What is a Service in Android?  A Service is an application component that can perform long-running operation in the background and does not provide a use interface.  So, a Service, you

SQLite Download and Installation

SQLite is very interesting is because it's a self-contained database and it's a serverless database. That means it doesn’t require any server for it's working. So, mostly it's us

Keep Screen Stay Awake in Android App

How to keep the screen on/ screen awake in Android Application. This tutorial explains how to keep the screen on/ screen awake in Android Application. Sometimes when any application needs to wake u