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Datahub IN_PROGRESS Publication

Updated May 18, 2018

The Datahub has IN_PROGRESS publications.

No exception is given in the log files by datahub. Also, the data cannot be replicated to SAP Hybris platform.


This above-mentioned issue occurs in those environments, where due to network failures SAP Hybris Commerce Suite is not able to successfully call back the Data Hub, for sending publication confirmation.

Therefore in order to check IN_PROGRESS publications, the following REST API can be invoked via a REST client:


Users can resolve this issue by making the hanging publications 'fail' manually, with the following PUT request:

http://{{url}}:{{port}}/datahub-webapp/v1/core-publications/{publicationId} (where publicationId is the one found it after executing the REST call)

with a JSON payload like {"crashReport":"Manual recovery, platform failed to communicate back to data hub"}

that is


Please also create a custom extension in order to checks hanging publications and triggers a publication failure via the Data Hub’s RESTful API.

User can also use thread dumps in order to confirm that Data Hub is actively processing data.

Note: it is a general overview about how to check or deal with IN_PROGRESS publication, keep in mind that this behaviour depends on customization, hardware, networking, data load, database configuration architecture and infrastructure of the environment.

It is always recommended to have the latest patch of your current version.

