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Updated May 18, 2018

MEPO151 Error

Hello SAP Expert,

Creating an implementation in BADI BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST causes an MEPO151 error.

Please help me resolve this error.


  • 19 Dec 2016 1:38 pm Chandan Singh Parihar Helpful Answer

    The error MEPO 151  occurs when due to wrong BADI implementation the system enters into the infinite loop. Therefore there must be a BADI implementation in your system for which you must have tried to change the value for the PO's item/account details/header details. And after this BADI implementation, the system continue checking the business logic of PO once again in order to ensure the consistency.

    But during this process, the value set in the BADI is being lost again and again and at the time of executing the BADI the value changes again which leads to an infinite loop.

  • 19 Dec 2016 1:42 pm Jyoti Pandey Helpful Answer

    In order to resolve the error please follow the instructions below:

    1) First, filter down the method which causes this error and also review the code

    Note: please keep a break-point in CLASS - CL_PO_HEADER_HANDLE_MM METHOD IF_FLUSH_TRANSPORT_MM~START. Also, check the contents of table my_recheck_queue[] because it holds the handler which is called repeatedly in the infinite loop.

    2) Now check if the standard fields were changed during the implementation of BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST. Generally, the standard field cannot be changed by the user because it forms part of the MEPOITEM_TECH include structure and/or the MEPOSCHEDULE_TECH include structure. You can also not change the field values in the BADI if they are set as a not modifiable in the Enjoy transaction because of the selection field settings
