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How to display the additional fields in the information system and fill them with content.

Updated May 18, 2018

Steps to display additional fields in the order information system which are not provided in the standard system(this is shown for the example of order headers IOHEADER):

1. Add the desired fields to the corresponding structure in the DDIC (IOHEADER). You might not be able to use the displayed fields of the structure. However, you have to take into account that the data type of the field used can be used for this purpose and that this can result in certain inconsistencies (for example, F1 and F4 help for this field are incorrect, double-clicking can lead to incorrect transactions ...). SAP also reserves the right to use fields in the future which have not been displayed up to now and to display these fields. This will then result in conflicts with your modification. Refer to step 2 for the fields which are not displayed in a structure.

2. You have to set the attached fields so that they can be displayed. To do so, use report RCOTX000 . This report controls which fields can be displayed and what the column headers for these fields should be. If you want to use a field which has not been displayed up to now, you have to change the column headers accordingly.

3. You must execute report RCNCT000 for the changed structure. This report controls the fields according to which grouping and sorting can be done. Using this report, the system also generates an include that is required for the export from the information system to Excel. If you have changed a structure in the DDIC, you at least must regenerate the corresponding include. Refer to the attachment and Note 363327 for information on which include has to be generated for which structure and how to proceed.

4. In the information system, you must implement source code which ensures that your fields are filled. For this, you can implement the source code directly in include DBIOCF01 in the corresponding FORM routine responsible for filling the structure tables (for structure IOHEADER, table IOHEADER_TAB is filled in FORM FILL_IOHEADER_TAB). However, include DBIOCF01 is delivered frequently in Support Packages so that you would frequently have to reconcile corrections.

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              For this reason, it appears to be more favorable to create include DBIOCC01 and call this include from include DBIOCF02. To do this, you must modify only one passage of include DBIOCF02 (insert a PERFORM). Create your source code in your own include DBIOCC01. Refer to the correction instructions to do this. You can also use these correction instructions to fill your own fields in planned orders.

You must take the following aspects into account:

  • If fields are contained in structures in the standard system but cannot be displayed, this is generally due to the fact that filling these fields (correctly) is not ensured. If you set these fields for display, SAP does not accept any responsibility for the correct filling.
  • Changing standard fields (for example AUFNR, MATNR, AUART, ...) can affect the correct function of the information system.
  • Additional accesses to the database (SELECTs) have a negative effect on the performance of the information system.
  • In the case of changes, SAP reserves the right to deliver the includes generated using RCNCT000 in Support Packages. If you have changed the corresponding structure for this include, you must regenerate the include after implementing the corresponding Support Package.
  • Tables AUFK (order headers) and AFVU (operations) contain so-called customer includes (CI_AUFK or CI_AFVU). If you create these includes, their fields automatically exist in all order header and operation tables and all relevant structures (CAUFV, CAUFVD, AFVGD ...) and are available in all order processing transactions. They therefore also exist in the information system. You only have to display them using step 2 and 3. However, if you only want to display additional fields in the information system and not introduce these fields in the entire order processing, SAP does not recommend creating the customer includes because these fields have to be dragged along in all order transactions and also require corresponding space in the database.

Find more information SAP ABAP Transaction Codes

Programm  List                            Structure  Include
PPIOD000  Goods Movements                  IOMAMO    RCNMAMO
PPIOE000  Trigger Points                  IOOPMST    RCNMST
PPIOF000  Production Resource/Tool         IOOPPRT    RCNPRT
PPIOG000  Automatic Goods Movements        IOGOMO     RCNGOMO
PPIOH000  Order Headers                    IOHEADER  RCNHEAD
PPIOI000  Items                            IOITEM    RCNITEM
PPIOK000  Capacities                      IOOPCAP    RCNCAP
PPIOM000  Components                      IOOPCOMP   RCNCOMP
PPIOO000  Operations                      IOOPER     RCNOPER
PPIOQ000  Purchase Requisitions            IOOPPREQ   RCNPREQ
PPIOR000  Confirmations                    IOCONF    RCNCONF
PPIOS000  Sequences                        IOSEQUEN  RCNSEQU
PPIOT000  Purchase Orders                  IOOPPORD  RCNPORD
PPIOW000  Goods Movements with Errors      IOGMER     RCNGMER
