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SAP MM Reservations Interview Questions and Answers

Updated May 18, 2018

FAQ: Reservations

General questions and answers regarding reservations.

Can the storage location as a required entry field when you create or change reservations be defined?

There is no option to define the storage location as a required entry field in transaction MB21 or MB22 using a field selection in the standard SAP system.

for printing stored reservations, what options are there?

1) By choosing "Print" after entering a reservation number on the following overview screen, all items of a reservation connected with one another can be printed using transaction MB26 (pick list).

2) Using transaction MB23, you call the display reservation view. You can create a hard copy of the screen by choosing the pushbutton to the very right in the toolbar, after you have entered the required reservation number. The selection option for a hard copy is in the following menu.

3) The required item in the display reservation view needs to be selected. To display an overview of all reservations for the selected material, the path "Environment -> Reservation -> For material" should be used. You can now print the displayed reservations, by choosing "Print".

4) To select reservations according to certain selection, transaction MB24 and MB25 can be used. You can choose "Print" on the following overview screen to print the selected reservation, after you enter the selection criteria for the selection.

When you create a reservation with a template, why does the system display the items that are flagged for deletion on the template?

All items are copied from the template, when a new reservation is created with reference to a template. That is the normal system behavior.

When there is a reference to a reservation, why is the movement type that is entered on the initial screen of transaction MB1A (goods issue), MIGO (goods movement), MB1B (transfer posting), MB11 (goods movement), and MB1C (other goods receipts) not transferred?

During the goods movement, essential data that can be planned in advance using a reservation must not or cannot be changed anymore. Otherwise, for planning purposes reservations could not be used anymore.

Because the intended purpose of the reservation should not be changed by an entry during the material issue, this process is provided in this way.

In transaction MB22, why can some reservations of transaction MB24 and MBVR not be deleted or changed?

These reservations are not assigned to the requirements type 'MR' and are reservations that were not created with the function MB21 that is the reservation is created automatically. With the management programs from these applications, deleting reservations that were generated using other functions or applications must be managed or deleted.

Can reservations for two-step stock transfers be created?

For a two-step stock transfer in the system, there is no option to enter a reservation. The stock transport order must be used if the preplanning of a stock transfer is necessary in two steps.
Otherwise, with movement type 301 or with movement type 311 only the reservation remains for the one-step stock transfer.

Why only a warning message is issued by the system when the requirement quantity is exceeded in the case of a goods movement with reference to a reservation?

See SAP 200654.

The entered storage location is not taken into account in the selection when you call the "To Reservation..." function and also specify a storage location in the case of a goods movement for a reservation (for example, MB11, MB1A). Why are all reservations including those for other storage locations displayed by the system?

The following input parameters are provided by the dialog box for the "To Reservation..." function provides:

Reservation SLoc S By-Prds
_____________ ____ _ __ _ Extended sel.
Material ____________
Cost Center ____________
Order ____________
WBS Element ____________
Network ____________
Asset ____________
Receiving Plant ____________
Receiving SLoc. ____________
Sales Order ____________
Plant ____________
Reqmt Date ____________
By-Products ____________

1.) To find reservations to which these selection parameters apply the lower parameters of "Material to By-Product' are used. A full screen change occurs to the list output of the selected reservations, if several reservations are returned.

2.) The parameters of the first line are analyzed following this:

a) Extended selection not selected: In the reservation data not entered can be used as default data; that is, if, for example, no storage location was maintained in the selected reservation and a storage location was entered in the first line, the storage location is copied to item processing.

b) Extended selection selected: For the returned reservation, the parameters of the first line as extended selection parameters now restrict the data.


Under point 1, a reservation was selected: Reservation 1234

Item Plant SLoc. Qty
1 0001 0001 15
2 0001 0002 20
3 0001 0003 25

Only the second item is proposed on the item entry screen, if storage location 0002 was entered in the first line. Additionally, the system displays another dialog box where you can enter additional selection criteria for the selected reservation, when "Extended sel." is selected.

Therefore, one reservation only is referred to by the parameters of the first line: They refer to the reservation that was found (selected in the hit list) or the reservation entered in the first line.

The storage location to display all reservations for this storage location cannot be entered. This way only reservation with a receiving storage location (stock transfer reservations) could be selected.

In transaction COGI and MB26 why are incorrect reservations displayed partially MB26 after being processed in transaction MB26?

The focus of transaction MB26 is on the selection and processing of open reservations in contrast to the PP pick list. No distinction is made between automatic and manually created reservations during the selection. However, these are processed according to the processing logic of the PP pick list (transaction CO27) as automatic reservations cannot be created within materials management.

Incorrect automatic reservations must be post processed using transaction COGI for this reason.

However, by transaction MB26 incorrect reservations that are manually created are displayed again.

Why can you not make selections using other order types but only using production orders on the initial screen of transaction MB26?

Creating a pick list from reservations and production orders is the main task of transaction MB26. Taking into account performance considerations, the program was designed with regard to this task. You cannot make selections using other order types on the initial screen for this reason.

In transaction MBVR, on what basis does the system calculate the base date?

From the entered base date minus a predefined number of days (default: 30 days) the date for deleting reservations is calculated. You can define the retention period in customizing "Default Values: Reservation" (transaction OMBN). Using the working days of the plant calendar, the days that are subtracted from the base date are calculated. For example, if you have omitted Sunday as a working day from your plant calendar, this day is excluded from the calculation. This is the standard and desired behavior of the system.
