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Find the last day of the month

Updated May 18, 2018

Using function module LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET

You can use the fiúnction modules FIRST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET and
LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET to find the first/last day of a periode.

Doing it yourself

parameters: s_year(4) type n default '2000',
s_per(2) type n default '01'.

data: my_date like sy-datum.


if s_per = '12'.
concatenate s_year s_per '31' into my_date.
s_per = s_per + 1.
concatenate s_year s_per '01' into my_date.
my_date = my_date - 1.

write:/ s_aar, s_per.
write:/ my_date.
