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Generation Tools in ABAP programs

Updated May 18, 2018

How can we run the generation tools in common use for ABAP program and what are the various common generation tools available ?


There are various generation tools are available. Below mentioned are more common generation tools:

SGEN SAP Load Generator
TOUCHTAB Generate Program After Structure Changes in R/3 Repository
TOUCHSRC Touch Single Program
TOUCHALL Organize regeneration of all ABAP programs
TOUCHINC  Generate Program After Structure Changes in R/3 Repository

Transaction SGEN

Run T-code SGEN:

We can generate ABAP loads in our SAP system with the help of transaction SGEN. It includes load generation for specific software components/packages, load generation for changed components after a system upgrade and also the regeneration of previously generated loads. The previous SGEN runs can also be re-started including specific transport reports, creation of Web Dynpros and BSP applications.


In T-code SE38/SA38 run report 'TOUCHTAB':
And now input the structure name for regeneration

If you select the direct generation parameter then all structure dependent programs are regenerated or else the regeneration takes place only when the affected program is reloaded.


In T-code SE38/SA38 please run report 'TOUCHSRC':
Now input the single program name in order to do regeneration.


In T-code SE38/SA38 run the report 'TOUCHALL' :

"Reset all buffers":

  • on - reset all buffers
  • off - reset program related buffers

"Re-generate programs":

  • Please re-generate the programs which were loaded during the last run of the system this uses the file "pxastat" to get the set of programs to generate.

Note: Please only execute TOUCHALL when it is REALLY necessary do not implement it during business hour because it is recommended to use SGEN.


In T-code SE38/SA38 please run the report 'TOUCHINC' :
Now please input the include program name for regeneration

If you select the direct generation parameter, all INCLUDE dependent programs are regenerated or else the regeneration takes place only when the affected program is reloaded.

You must restart all application servers after implementing the TOUCH* report so that the outdated program loads from all of the program buffers are removed. As many of the programs are re-generated when they are first used which can result in various performance problems at the beginning.
