Hello SAP Experts,
I am facing grey metrics for channels in PI Monitoring UI. While reviewing the DAA (Diagnostics Agent) logs assigned to the PI system, I am getting the following error:
Time <timestamp>
Severity Error
Location com.sap.smd.e2emai
Text [MAIJobObserver] ERROR occurred for metric collection <MetricCollection>[com.sap.smd.nw.mai.pi.ChannelMonCollectorBuilder].
com.sap.smd.mai.model.collector.CollectorException: [ChannelMonCollectorBuilder.collect] IO exception occured while retrieving response : java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out (local port <port> to address <IP address>, remote port <port> to address <address>)
at com.sap.smd.nw.mai.pi.ChannelMonCollectorBuilder.collect(ChannelMonCollectorBuilder.java:221)
at com.sap.smd.mai.job.MetricJobRunner.run(MetricJobRunner.java:32)
at com.sap.smd.server.exec.TaskRunner.run(TaskRunner.java:46)
at com.sap.smd.server.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:785)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:763)
ThreadName Thread[ExRun:e2emai:jobmgr_1,5,e2emai:jobmgr:ExecTG]
Please follow steps below in order to re-generate this issue:
- First navigate to Agent Servlet via: https://<HOST>:<PORT>/tc~smd~agent~application~e2emai/servlet/MAI
- Now please select the DAA assigned to the PI system.
- Now when you go to "Show Last Collection Errors" tab. The error mentioned above will appear.
Please help me to resolve this issue
The error you are facing occurred because the read timeout parameter has too small value.
Please follow the steps below in order to resolve this issue: