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SAP PI XI Axis Adapter Interview Questions

Updated May 19, 2018

FAQ PI/XI Axis Adapter

  1. How can a user initiate utilizing the Axis adapter?
  2. How can a user verify incase the Axis adapter has been successfully deployed on his system?
  3. How to prepare for the axis provider lib sda?
  4. The user is getting NoClassDefFoundError exception during the Adapter manager startup
  5. I’m unable to deploy the axis provider lib sda archive.
  6. I have deployed the axis provider lib sda archive with the required jar files, however, I’m still getting the error at the servlet page.
  7. Should I be worried about any optional components at the servlet page?
  8. I’m seeing a java.lang.LinkageError.
  9. I’m getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.
  10. I can see a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.
  11. I’m getting org.apache.axis.ConfiguraitonException: the adapter is null
  12. Which version of Axis is currently being supported?
  13. Which all components are appropriate for generating a debug trace output?
  14. During the opening of an OSS problem report, what all information should I include?
  15. What are the various application component names of the Axis adapter?
  16. Can I ask a new question, even though it's not included in this list?

Sender Adapter General

  1. How can a user configure a simple sender adapter for testing and what can all can he do with it?
  2. Where can the user place few additional SAP adapter modules in his sender channel configuration?
  3. Where can I park some additional Axis handler in his sender channel configuration?
  4. What is the impact of setting the XI parameter Quality of Service to BestEffort?
  5. List the effect of setting the XI parameter Quality of Service to ExactlyOnce?
  6. What is the impact of setting the XI parameter Quality of Service to ExactlyOnceInOrder?
  7. How is the XI error message planned to the SOAP fault message?
  8. What is the impact of setting the XI parameter Keep XI Headers?
  9. What is the effect of setting the XI parameter Keep Attachments?
  10. List the differences amongst the XI parameter Payload Extraction options at the sender adapter?
  11. List the URL for sending SOAP messages to my channel?
  12. What security role is linked with the Axis adapter message servlet?
  13. Which is the security policy related to the Axis adapter message servlet?
  14. Can the user supply the Message-ID while sending a SOAP message?
  15. What is the impact when the user sends a message with the same message ID more than one time?
  16. How can the user determine why the call from my SOAP client fails?
  17. How can the user configure my sender channel for using SSL?
  18. How can the user configure my sender channel for using principal propagation?
  19. Can the user configure my channel for accepting only those messages which have been authenticated by some specific security mechanism?
  20. Can a user receive a SOAP message apart from the Axis adapter's message servlet?
  21. How can the user configure my sender channel for using DIME or MTOM?
  22. Can a user utilize SOAP 1.2 for his sender channel?
  23. Can the user configure my sender channel for reading SOAP messages from files?
  24. Can a user configure my sender channel for receiving SOAP messages using POP3?
  25. Can the user configure my sender channel for receiving SOAP messages using JMS?
  26. Can I utilize the sender adapter without XI30InboundHandler for receiving XI message directly?
  27. In case a user gets the DuplicateMessageException when he sends a message with Quality of Service set to ExactlyOnce
  28. Without XI30InboundHandler, a myABAP client is unable to process the HTTP 202 response from the sender adapter.
  29. With more than one Body child elements, how can a user process a SOAP message?
  30. With multiRef references at the sender adapter, how can the user process a SOAP message?
  31. Can a user modify or disable the user authentication performed at the Axis adapter message servlet?
  32. Can the user configure user login per channel, utilizing a handler?
  33. Can the user perform a channel specific authentication scheme using a handler (e.g., performing Basic Password, UsernameToken)
  34. Utilizing the assigned users for the services as well as the sender agreements can the user enable the access control?
  35. Can a user post a plain XML request (REST) to the sender adapter servlet?
  36. Can a user periodically call some of the HTTP services and use the response for calling the sender channel?

Receiver Adapter General

  1. Is it possible for a user configure a simple receiver adapter for testing and what all can he do with it?
  2. In his receiver channel configuration, where can the user place few of the additional SAP adapter module?
  3. In my receiver channel configuration, where can I park few additional Axis handlers?
  4. What should the web service throwback when it is called from a synchronous interface?
  5. What should the web service return, when it is called from an asynchronous interface?
  6. while sending a SOAP message, can a user include the Message-ID?
  7. How can the user figure out why the call to the web service failed?
  8. How is the SOAP fault message marked to the XI error message?
  9. List the differences amongst the XI parameter Payload Extraction options at the receiver adapter?
  10. How can user configure my receiver channel for using the SSL?
  11. How can I configure my receiver channel for using the principal propagation?
  12. How can I configure my receiver channel for using an SSL with a client certificate?
  13. How can a user utilizing a Windows NTLM authentication module in his receiver channel?
  14. Is Windows NTLMv2 supported?
  15. Where can the user set SOAPAction?
  16. Can a user use HTTP 1.1?
  17. Can the user use the HTTP keep Alive feature for reusing the connection over multiple calls?
  18. Can I utilize the HTTP chunked transfer mode?
  19. How can the user set some user-defined transport headers?
  20. For my receiver channel, can I use SOAP1.2?
  21. Where can the user set up the action parameter for SOAP 1.2?
  22. How can a user configure my receiver channel for utilizing DIME or MTOM?
  23. Can a user configure his receiver channel for storing the SOAP messages in files?
  24. Can I configure my receiver channel for sending the SOAP messages using SMTP?
  25. Can a user configure his receiver channel for sending SOAP messages utilizing JMS?
  26. How can the user utilize CommonsHTTPSender as the transport handler?
  27. Can the user use the receiver adapter without XI30OutbundHandler for it to directly send XI messages?
  28. Can the user call the target service with HTTP GET?
  29. How can a user call some service over an HTTP proxy server?
  30. Can I transmit a SOAP message with more than one Body child elements?
  31. Using multiRef references from the receiver adapter, how can I transmit a SOAP message?
  32. For the transport handler, how can a user set the timeout value?
  33. Can the receiver adapter manage the HTTP redirects?
  34. Can a user send a plain XML message to a REST service?

Handler Related Questions

  1. Can I try a sample handler?
  2. In case I write my own handler, where can I package it?
  3. How can I add or delete few of the SOAP headers?
  4. From where can I get to know more about the Axis handlers?
  5. How can I write to the adapter engine's trace (default trace)?
  6. How can a user write to the adapter engine's audit log?
  7. Can the user hide the value of some handler parameter in the module parameter table?
  8. Is there a log handler which can write the message content into a file?
  9. How can a user write to the audit log or to the channel monitor from his own handler?
  10. What is the result when the user sets the same parameter more than once for a handler?
  11. Is it feasible to send the response message from one call to another service?

Advanced Usage Questions

  1. How can the user enable the WS-Security features?
  2. Which wss4j versions have been verified for working on the described scenarios?
  3. From where can the user get additional information about the WS-Security handlers?
  4. How can a user configure a channel for using the UsernameToken authentication of WS-Security?
  5. Can a user set the user and password used for the UsernameToken dynamically?
  6. Can a user use SecureStore for storing the passwords used for the UsernameToken?
  7. How can a user insert the Nonce and/or Created elements for WS-Security UsernameToken?
  8. How can I configure a channel for using the encryption and signature feature of WS-Security?
  9. Would I require a Bouncy Castle for using WS-Security?
  10. Can the user turn off the WS-Security header's mustUnderstand flag?
  11. The user is getting a corrupted signature.
  12. How can the user insert the Timestamp element for WS-Security?
  13. How can the user encode arbitrary elements using WS-Security?
  14. How can a user use the UsernameToken and encrypt its content using WS-Security?
  15. How can I use the Timestamp and also sign its content using WS-Security?
  16. Can the user include the sender's certificate in the signed message using WS-Security?
  17. Can I include the sender's certificate issuer serial in the signed message utilizing the WS-Security?
  18. Can the user use a different symmetric algorithm like aes256-CBC or tripledes-cbc for WS-Security?
  19. Post setting the parameter encryptionSymAlgorithm I am getting NullPointerException.
  20. I it possible to combine several WS-Security actions?
  21. Can I club various WS-Security handlers?
  22. Can I utilize WS-Security with SAML?
  23. I am getting NullPointeException from CryptoBase.getAliasForX509Cert?
  24. How can I specify more than one user for decryption or signature validation in WS-Security?
  25. How can the user enable the WS Addressing features?
  26. How can I encompass the WS Addressing headers in my SOAP message?
  27. How can I modify the WS Addressing's namespace URI?
  28. From the addressing handler, I am gettingrg.apache.axis.types.URI$MalformedURIException.
  29. What is the Receiver task utilized in the sender adapter?
  30. Do we have a sample code for a receiver task?
  31. What is the Subscriber task utilized in the sender adapter?
  32. DO we have a sample code for a subscriber task?
  33. Can the user deploy an Axis java proxy and term it as the service target?
  34. How can I read some MIME or transport headers utilizing the XI DynamicConfiguration header (ASMA)?
  35. How can the user set some MIME or transport headers using the XI DynamicConfiguration header (ASMA)?
  36. Where should I place the XI30DynamicConfiguration handler in the handler chain?
  37. How can the user set the target URL using the XI DynamicConfiguration header (ASMA)?
  38. How can the user set the SOAPAction value using the XI DynamicConfiguration header (ASMA)?
  39. How can the user set or retrieve some Axis message context properties using the XI DynamicConfiguration header (ASMA)?
  40. Is it possible to extract some ID value from the SOAP envelope and utilize it as the message ID?
  41. Can the user link a domain-specific ID value to the message ID?
  42. Can I insert few SOAP headers?
  43. Can the user extract element and attribute values from few SOAP headers?
  44. Can the user use the Axis adapter functionality in his own adapter implementation?
  45. Can the user use the Axis adapter functionality by other adapters?
  46. From the sender adapter, can I directly forward the XI message to some specified XI system?
  47. What is the Axis sample adapter SDK?
  48. Can the user invoke a service internally by using Axis' service provider mechanism?
  49. As the target can the user invoke a POJO or EJB based service internally?
  50. Using the java:RPC provider, how can the user invoke an internal POJO based service?
  51. How can the user invoke an internal POJO based service using the java:MSG provider?
  52. How can a user invoke an internal EJB based service using the java: EJB provider?
  53. Can the user use the typeMapping or beanMapping features when he invokes some internal service?
  54. Can the user get the WSDL file for the internally configured service?
  55. How can the user set or retrieve the values of some Axis message context properties?
  56. Can the user resolve the multiRef references in the Axis adapter?
  57. List the Axis message context properties?
