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SAP Press Boooks SAP PI for free download

Updated Jan 07, 2019


Where can I get SAP Press books of SAP PI/XI for free download?

Answer: You can get the book in the attachment please download it for free.

Thanks in advance,


  • 05 Feb 2009 2:58 pm Balaji

    Can anyone please send me e books :

    1) B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    by Sam Raju and Claus Wallacher

    2) "SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers" by V. Nicolescu, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, M. Heiler, H. Wittges, T. Morandell, F. Visintin, and B. Kleine Stegemann -H1950 - 338 pages

    3) "Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein
    H1983 - 108 pages

    4) "Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with the SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0"
    By Michal Krawczyk and Michal Kowalczewski - H1935 - 103 pages

    to my mail id

    Thanks in advance.

  • 27 Feb 2009 11:21 am Guest
    Hello there

    Loving this site! Can someone send on if possible the eBooks:

    "Enhancing Supplier Relationship Management Using SAP SRM" by Sachin Sethi and
    "Consultant's Guide to SAP SRM" by PadmaPrasad Munirathinam and Ramakrishna Potluri


    Thanks in advance!
  • 05 Mar 2009 7:18 am Guest
    I am looking for two SAP Press Books.
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming and
    SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers (XI)
    could you please send these books in pdf format ?
  • 18 Mar 2009 8:29 pm Guest
    where can i get the certification materials and the entire study materials for SAP XI.
    anyone please help me. if you have any books,links or anything related to SAP XI kindly forwarded it to my mail ID :

    Thanks in Advance,
  • 02 Apr 2009 7:01 am Bharath Sagar
    Hi All,

    I'm keen on learning SAP XI. Could you please share with me the following ebooks?

    1. SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers - by V. Nicolescu, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, M. Heiler, H. Wittges, T. Morandell, F. Visintin, and B. Kleine Stegemann

    2. Mastering SAP XI — Programming - by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

    My mail id is -

    Thanks in advance.

  • 06 May 2009 12:02 pm Guest

    Can anyone please send me any of the following e-books or link to download these:

    1) "SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers" by V. Nicolescu, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, M. Heiler, H. Wittges, T. Morandell, F. Visintin, and B. Kleine Stegemann -H1950 - 338 pages

    2) "Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein
    H1983 - 108 pages

    3) "Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with the SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0"
    By Michal Krawczyk and Michal Kowalczewski - H1935 - 103 pages

    on my mail id

    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,
  • 08 May 2009 10:12 am Guest

    I am looking for the following SAP Press books

    1) Developing Mobile Applications Using SAP NetWeaver Mobile
    by Thomas Pohl, Ramprasadh Kothandaraman, and Venkat Srinivas Seshasai

    2) B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI by Sam Raju and Claus Wallacher

    3) SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers by V. Nicolescu, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, M. Heiler, H. Wittges, T. Morandell, F. Visintin, and B. Kleine Stegemann -H1950 - 338 pages

    4) Mastering SAP XI — Programming by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein H1983 - 108 pages

    5) Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with the SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0 By Michal Krawczyk and Michal Kowalczewski - H1935 - 103 pages

    6) Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI by René de Daniel and Hermann Steinrötter

    7) SAP for Retail by Heike Rawe

    Can you kindly send me these books or link to download in my email

    Thanks in advance


  • 14 May 2009 4:06 am Pallavi Priya

    I too am looking for the following SAP Press books

    1) B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI by Sam Raju and Claus Wallacher

    2) SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers by V. Nicolescu, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, M. Heiler, H. Wittges, T. Morandell, F. Visintin, and B. Kleine Stegemann -H1950 - 338 pages

    3) Mastering SAP XI — Programming by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein H1983 - 108 pages

    4) Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI by René de Daniel and Hermann Steinrötter

    5) SAP for Healthcare (any good books)

    Can you kindly send me these books or link to download in my email .
    My email id is:

    Thanks in advance!!

  • 14 May 2009 10:16 am Guest
    Hi experts,

    I am looking for the following SAP Press books or any other books for SAP implentation.Actullay i want to know the helpdesk setup in SAP implementation.Would you pls send me that book/other books link to download in my email?? .
    My email id is:

    Thanks in advance

    Title: SAP Planning: Best Practices in Implementation, 1st Ed.
    Author: Anderson, George
    ISBN: 0789728753
    Publisher: Sams - PEARSON
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 695

  • 20 May 2009 4:16 pm Guest

    Im looking the following SAP Press books.

    SAP BW Reporting and Analysis
    SAP BW Professional
    SAP BW Data Modeling
    SAP BW Data Retrieval
    SAP BW Performance Optimization Guide
    SAP Business Intelligence
    SAP Interface Programming

    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards and Have a nice day.

    My email is:
  • 04 Jun 2009 10:32 am Guest

    Can anyone please send me any of the following e-books or link to download these(I desperately need it):

    1)"SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers" by V. Nicolescu, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, M. Heiler, H. Wittges, T. Morandell, F. Visintin, and B. Kleine Stegemann -H1950 - 338 pages

    2)"Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein
    H1983 - 108 pages

    3)"Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with the SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0"
    By Michal Krawczyk and Michal Kowalczewski - H1935 - 103 pages

    on my mail id

    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,
  • 15 Jul 2009 1:51 pm Guest

    I'm looking for books "Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI" and "Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP XI". Can anybody send it to me, please?

    My e-mail:

  • 22 Jul 2009 8:26 am Guest
    hi friends,

    I am looking for sap XI/pi press books please anybody can sebd below books to my mail id: please send below books.

    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI

    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI

    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI

    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA

    Mastering SAP XI Administration

    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming

  • 08 Aug 2009 3:50 am Guest

    I am looking for the following books for pdf Downloads If someone has on pdf format, please e-mail to
    Thanks in advance.
    Im looking the following SAP Press books.
    SAP NetWeaver: The Official Guide
    SAP BW Reporting and Analysis
    SAP BW Professional
    SAP BW Data Modeling
    SAP BW Data Retrieval
    SAP BW Performance Optimization Guide
    SAP Business Intelligence
    SAP Interface Programming
    The Complete HR Library (all or some of these)

    Thanks and Regards,

  • 10 Aug 2009 9:54 am Neha
    Hello Everyone

    I would be really grateful if anyone can provide me the following ebooks:

    Plz........plz.....plzzzzzzzz......please....spare sometime and help me out......I really need it.......

    1) "SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers" by V. Nicolescu, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, M. Heiler, H. Wittges, T. Morandell, F. Visintin, and B. Kleine Stegemann -H1950 - 338 pages

    2) "Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein
    H1983 - 108 pages

    3) "Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with the SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0"
    By Michal Krawczyk and Michal Kowalczewski - H1935 - 103 pages

    to my mail id

    Thanks in advance.....

    Neha Malhotra
  • 22 Sep 2009 8:32 am Guest
    Hi Guys,

    I am an SAP XI/PI consultant.. Can you please send me eBooks that I could study? Here are the list of books that you may have. Kindly send it to my email:

    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming

    Thanks a lot!

  • 21 Oct 2009 5:48 am manisha das
    Please send me the books on SAP XI/PI or tell me where can I download
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

    My email id:

    thanks in advance.

  • 26 Oct 2009 5:17 am manisha das
    Please send me the books on SAP XI/PI or tell me where can I download
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

    My email id:

  • 27 Oct 2009 3:55 am Rashmiranjan Pradhan
    Hello Everyone,

    Please help me in getting following ebooks/link/pdf (any version is fine). Many thanks in advance.

    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein
  • 08 Dec 2009 3:18 am Guest
    Hello everyone,

    Can anyone send me the ebook/pdf for

    1) "SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers" by V. Nicolescu, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, M. Heiler, H. Wittges, T. Morandell, F. Visintin, and B. Kleine Stegemann -H1950 - 338 pages

    2) "Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein
    H1983 - 108 pages

    3) "Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with the SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0"
    By Michal Krawczyk and Michal Kowalczewski - H1935 - 103 pages

    My email address is

    Thanks a million.
  • 31 Dec 2009 5:22 pm naveen
    hi ,

    could any one send any of the following SAP press books ,
    to my mail is

    I will be a great help.

    Consultant's Guide to SAP SRM
    Getting Started with Web Dynpro for ABAP
    Mastering SAP ERP HCM Organizational Management
    Implementing Employee and Manager Self-Services in SAP ERP HCM
    Mastering HR Management with SAP ERP HCM — 2nd Edition
    E-Recruiting with SAP ERP HCM
    SAP CRM WebClient Customizing and Development
    Practical Workflow for SAP — 2nd Edition
    SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe
    SAP MM — Functionalityand Technical Configuration— 2nd edition
    Mastering HR Management with SAP ERP HCM — 2nd Edition
    Time Management withSAP ERP HCM
    SAP ERP HCM Performance Management
    Practical SAP US Payroll
    Inside Web Dynpro for Java — 2nd Edition
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    SAP Warehouse Management:Functionality and Technical Configuration
    mail id
  • 06 Feb 2010 12:02 pm Guest
    Hi All,

    Can please any one mail me the following ebooks related to SAP Netweaver SAP XI on the mail ID:

    1) B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    by Sam Raju and Claus Wallacher

    2) "SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers" by V. Nicolescu, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, M. Heiler, H. Wittges, T. Morandell, F. Visintin, and B. Kleine Stegemann -H1950 - 338 pages

    3) "Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein
    H1983 - 108 pages

    4) "Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with the SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0"
    By Michal Krawczyk and Michal Kowalczewski - H1935 - 103 pages

    5) Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming and
    SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers (XI) .

    It will be of great help if anyone can e-mail me these e-books.

  • 21 Feb 2010 7:49 pm Guest
    Hi I am looking for the following books for pdf Downloads If someone has on pdf format, please e-mail to
    Thanks in advance.
    Im looking the following SAP Press books.
    SAP NetWeaver: The Official Guide
    SAP BW Reporting and Analysis
    SAP BW Professional
    SAP BW Data Modeling
    SAP BW Data Retrieval
    SAP BW Performance Optimization Guide
    SAP Business Intelligence
    SAP Interface Programming
    The Complete HR Library (all or some of these)
  • 10 Mar 2010 1:48 pm Guest

    Im looking for these books

    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

    If anyone could help me out with getting these i would be very grateful.
    Thanks in advance

    Best regards Berra
  • 16 Mar 2010 1:34 pm Guest
    Hi folks,

    I'm looking for these books too:

    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    SAP Interface Programming
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP PI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver PI - Programming

    If anyone could please help me sending these books I would be very gratefull.

    Thanks and Regards,
  • 04 Apr 2010 3:11 pm Guest
    Hi Can anyone pls send me the below srm books

    1) "Enhancing Supplier Relationship Management Using SAP SRM" by Sachin Sethi

    2) "Consultant's Guide to SAP SRM" by PadmaPrasad Munirathinam and Ramakrishna Potluri

    My Email is:

    I am in dire need of these books. Please help.
    Thanks in advance
  • 11 May 2010 1:46 pm Guest
    Can somebody send me these e-books please
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein
  • 12 May 2010 5:00 pm Julio
    Hello everybody,

    Could somebody please send these ebooks

    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
  • 06 Jun 2010 7:25 pm Guest

    Please email if you've the following

    Migrate Successfully to the SAP General Ledger (2nd Edition)
    New General Ledger in SAP ERP Financials
    Financial Reporting with SAP
    Integrating SAP ERP Financials
    SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation
    Transitioning to IFRS in SAP ERP Financials

    Thanks in advance

  • 04 Jul 2010 1:33 am Guest
    Hello everybody,

    Could somebody please send these ebooks

    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI


    Best Regards,

    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
  • 06 Jul 2010 5:18 am Guest

    Can anyone forward the below mentioned pdf books on address, i will be very thankful to him.


    The Consultant's Guide to SAP SRM
    SAP Certified Application Associate – Supplier Relationship Management with SAP SRM 5.0
    Enhancing Supplier Relationship Management Using SAP SRM (2nd Edition)
  • 29 Jul 2010 6:04 am Guest

    Can anyone forward the following pdf books on address, i will be very thankful to him.
    SAP Performance Optimization
    Sap Netweaver Roadmap
    SAP Security and Risk Management
    Security, Audit and Control Features SAP ERP
  • 04 Aug 2010 4:15 pm Guest
    Hi Friends,
    I am looking for two SAP Press Books for SD.

    1.Implementing and Configuring Sap Global Trade Services by Jitendra Singh
    2.Effective SAP SD by D. Rajen Iyer

    can you pls mail me at
  • 24 Aug 2010 4:42 am Guest

    Im looking for these books

    AP press SAP exchange Infrasrtructure.
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

    If anyone could help me out with getting these i would be very grateful.
    send it to
    Thanks in advance
  • 12 Oct 2010 3:12 am venugopal ravipati

    could any one please send me these books.

    SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers
    AP press SAP exchange Infrasrtructure.
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

    please send to my mail
    Thanks a lot in advance,
    Venu gopal.
  • 22 Oct 2010 4:02 pm Guest
    I have been looking for these books foe quite some time.
    Please share if you have anyone of these.

    Integrating SAP Business Objects XI 3.1 BI Tools with SAP NetWeaver
    SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
    SAP BW Reporting and Analysis
    SAP BW Professional
    SAP BW Data Modeling
    SAP BW Data Retrieval
    SAP BW Performance Optimization Guide
    SAP Business Intelligence

    Thanks a ton.
  • 15 Nov 2010 5:16 pm Guest

    could any one please send me these books.

    SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers
    AP press SAP exchange Infrasrtructure.
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

    please send to my mail
    Thanks a lot in advance,
  • 16 Nov 2010 2:46 am Guest

    will anyone of you please send me the same to my id as well.

    SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers
    AP press SAP exchange Infrasrtructure.
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

  • 27 Nov 2010 5:59 pm Guest

    will anyone of you please send me the same to my id( as well.

    SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers
    AP press SAP exchange Infrasrtructure.
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

  • 25 Dec 2010 12:04 am Guest

    will anyone of you please send me the same to my id as well.

    SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers
    AP press SAP exchange Infrasrtructure.
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein

  • 17 Feb 2011 9:11 am Tarun Mishra

    Could anyone please send me the following e-book to my email id

    as I am looking/searching for this book for quite some time but in vain.
    by puneet asthana & david hashlam
  • 17 Mar 2011 1:57 pm Roger

    I'm looking for the next SAP Press books in pdf:

    1) SAP Netweaver PI Development - Practical guida
    2) SAP Netweaver Process Integration
    3) Mastering Idoc Business Scenarios with SAP PI

    Could anyone please send me the following e-book to my email id

  • 18 Mar 2011 7:27 am Anirban Dutta

    Can anyone please send me the following ebook. Please.

    1) "Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with the SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0"
    By Michal Krawczyk and Michal Kowalczewski - H1935 - 103 pages

    to my mail id
    Thanks in advance.

  • 08 May 2011 10:48 am Sridhar
    hi ,

    could any one send any of the following SAP press books ,
    to my mail is

    I will be a great help.

    SAP CRM Webclient customizing and development
    SAP CRM Middleware optimization guide by thomas
    SAP CRM interaction center by john burton

    kindly sent to
  • 27 Sep 2011 12:28 pm Baldo Ravi
    Can anyone forward the following pdf SAP PRESS books

    SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming


    Best Regards,
    Baldo RAVI
  • 16 Mar 2012 10:30 am Gwendolyn Dowan

    Can anyone help me regarding these SAP Press books (or any other books related to these or newer versions):

    SAP Exchange Infrastructure for Developers
    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    SAP Netweaver PI Development - Practical guide
    SAP Netweaver Process Integration
    Mastering Idoc Business Scenarios with SAP PI

    Any link or mail will be greatly appreciated. Feel free to mail to Thank you very much in advance.

    Regards, Gwendolyn.
  • 02 Dec 2012 1:27 pm Tarni Gupta
    Hi All,

    I am looking for the following pdf eBooks from SAP Press:

    The SAP general ledger
    Configuring financial accounting in SAP
    Configuring controlling in SAP ERP
    Controlling profitablity analysis (CO-PA) with SAP (2nd edition)
    Financial reporting with SAP (2nd edition)
    Maximizing SAP general ledger
    Maximizing SAP ERP financials accounts payable
    Maximizing SAP ERP financials accounts receivable
    Implementing SAP Business Planning and Consolidation
    Actual costing with the SAP material ledger
    ABAP development for financial accounting: custom enhancements
    Account determination in SAP (2nd edition)
    Controlling with SAP - Practical guide
    Accelerated financial closing with SAP

    Could you please send me that link from which I will download the books

  • 19 Dec 2012 10:27 pm Guest
    Could you share any of the following books:
    100 Things You Should Know About Controlling with SAP
    100 Things You Should Know About Financial Accounting with SAP
    Financial Reporting with SAP (2nd Edition)
    SAP Certified Development Associate—ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.02 (2nd Edition)

    Implementing SAP Business Planning and Consolidation

    my email is
    Thanks a lot
  • 14 Mar 2013 6:53 pm Guest

    Could you please send me the below books.

    1.Integrating Materials Management with Financial Accounting in SAP
    2.Customizing Materials Management Processes in SAP ERP
    3.Sales and Distribution in SAP ERP — Practical Guide
    4.Effective Pricing with SAP ERP
    5.SAP CRM: Technical Principles and Programming
    6.Plant Maintenance with SAP (2nd Edition)

    Appreciate it.

  • 29 May 2013 4:44 pm Guest

    Im looking for these books

    Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
    B2B Integration Using SAP NetWeaver PI
    Enterprise Integration Patterns for SAP NetWeaver PI
    Developing Applications with Enterprise SOA
    Mastering SAP XI Administration
    Mastering SAP NetWeaver XI - Programming
    Mastering SAP XI — Programming" by Marcus Banner, Halil-Cem Gürsoy and Heinzpeter Klein
    Free XI documentation to

    If anyone could help me out with getting these i would be very grateful.
    Thanks in advance

    Best regards,
