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Syntax error: Program is not Unicode-compatible, according to its program attributes

Updated May 18, 2018

Hi Everyone,

After performing a Unicode conversion a syntax error with description "program is not Unicode-compatible, according to its program attributes" occurs. This syntax error is detected at run-time mode by dumps of type SYNTAX_ERROR. The syntax errors can also be reproduced by checking the affected program in transaction SE38

Please help me to get out of this situation


  • 14 Sep 2016 12:29 pm SAP User Best Answer

    If the issue occurs in a custom program, then you have to to adjust the Properties of the object, as per the steps below:

    • Go to transaction SE38;
    • Inform the affected program, check Subobjects Attributes, and click Change;
    • Mark the checkbox "Unicode checks active";
    • Now if any syntax errors occur, you must correct it

    But if the issue occurs in a standard non modified SAP program:

    You must check with the owner of the program, all they need to check if the program is obsolete or adjust it to the Unicode system. Report to the relevant component.

  • 14 Sep 2016 12:26 pm Rohit Mahajan Helpful Answer

    All SAP standard programs in SAP Web AS 6.10/6.20 are Unicode-compatible and can be delivered in Unicode and non-Unicode systems with an active Unicode flag. if the above syntax error occurred in standard SAP object then please check if the object involved has the standard version. And if the object involved doesn't have the standard version then the program must not have been adjusted automatically due to its modification. You can check if objects have been modified manually.

