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Text Background Color displays Blue

Updated May 18, 2018

The fields are inside in a Group Box which has a gray background. However there are some field labels and field value description that have a blue blackground. Has anyone else had this issue?

here's the code:
box (2,0) (29,142) ""
box (3,2) (28,61) ""

//these items show a gray background
inputfield (4,3) "Quantity" (4,24) name="z_va01_ itm_ordqty" "-numerical" size="20" "-required" "-readonly"
inputfield (5,3) "Net Total" (5,24) name="z_va01_ itm_nettotal" size="24" "-readonly" "-alignright"
inputfield (6,3) "Shipping & Handling" (6,24) name="z_va01_ itm_shiphand" size="24" "-readonly" "-alignright"
inputfield (7,3) "Taxes" (7,24) name="z_va01_ itm_totaltax" size="24" "-readonly" "-alignright"

//These fields show a blue background
inputfield (8,3) "Grand Total" (8,24) name="z_va01_ itm_grdtotal" size="24" "-readonly" "-alignright"
inputfield (10,3) "Rejection Reason" (10,24) name="z_va01_ itm_rejrea" size="2" "-uppercase" techname="VBAP- ABGRU"
text (10,29) "&[z_va01_itm_ rejrea_desc] "


  • 17 Mar 2010 2:36 am Shalesh Singh Visen
    probably it will help if you start your script with

    Offset (0,0)

    The explanation is a little bit lengthy and quite technical (see http://www.synactiv guixt/qa_ gxt_161.html) :

    The gray or blue background color is determined by SAP GUI automatically, depending on whether the element is within a group box or not. It cannot be directly set by GuiXT.Now, in your case, one would think that all your elements are within a group box, even in two nested ones.

    The problem is that internally a screen can consist of several 'subscreens' , and GuiXT assigns your own elements to the most inner subscreen, since they need to be scrolled together with existing SAP elements if a subscreen is scrollable. Thus it can happen that some of your elements are assigned to subscreen A and others to subscreen B. Since SAP GUI determines the background color for each subscreen separately, it does not recoqnize that (visually) all elements are within the group box.

    Now the "Offset" command not only sets a certain offset for all screen coordinates, but also determines the subscreen that GuiXT uses for creating the elements that you define after the Offset command. All these elements and the groupbox are then created on the same subscreen, and the background color for the elements is set in a uniform manner.
  • 17 Mar 2010 2:36 am Shalesh Singh Visen
    i used the offset command in the beginning script but it did nothing. I tried changing the rows & columns but it deleted all the boxes completely.

    First tried:
    offset (0,0)

    then tried:
    offset (2,2)
  • 17 Mar 2010 2:36 am Shalesh Singh Visen
    Transaction: VA01
    Screen 4003
  • 17 Mar 2010 2:37 am Shalesh Singh Visen
    I used the "NoAreaResize" command on the input scripts that had the layout design of the screens.
