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Vendor Code Change in the Purchase Order

Updated May 18, 2018

My User has wrongly created purchase order using wrong vendor a now my user what to correct the code to the correct vendor. Some of the Gurus advised it cannot be possible to change the vendor code once Purchase Order Saved. Please guide me why it cannot be changed. What is the technical / functional challenges?


  • 03 Jul 2013 9:15 am Rohit Mahajan

    Try with memasspo tcode.

    My be work it.
  • 03 Jul 2013 9:15 am Rohit Mahajan
    Vendor code in SAP PO can be changed only when you create PO or PO has Hold status. When PO is saved, vendor code can't be changed. You have to cancel this PO and create new one. This is SAP standard.
    Hope it helps
  • 03 Jul 2013 9:15 am amit butola
    Thanks for your Input. Can I know the reason behind this standardization, when we are blocking any option this might be having reason.
  • 03 Jul 2013 9:16 am Rohit Mahajan

    SAP standard does not allow to change vendor in PO because the Purchase
    Order is a legal agreement document with specified vendor so once it is
    save SAP does not allow to change legal agreement party. It can allow only
    some data/conditions.
  • 03 Jul 2013 9:16 am Rohit Mahajan
    As mentioned above PO is legal agreement. For instance for some business processes you send PO to vendor directly as soon as it is saved (no approval needed). Normally there is one output message per output type. In case vendor change is allowed you would need more complex solution to update old vendor that PO is cancelled and new vendor about PO, etc. Therefore it is much clearer solution to cancel incorrect PO and create new one.
  • 03 Jul 2013 10:40 am amit butola
    Thank you very much. I also think the old vendor info may be updated with the link to other tables, changing all this info is not advisable.
  • 05 Jul 2013 7:23 am Rohit Mahajan
    It is possible to create a new PO item with reference to the old PO item. This would save the user the time required to reenter data.
  • 05 Jul 2013 7:23 am Rohit Mahajan
    As mentioned above PO is legal agreement for audit & tax reasons, when you set up the Vendor it also creates G/L account as well as the Vendor code which if you were able to change the Vendor details would cause an imbalance in postings to your accounts
