Production Orders and Process Orders FAQ
Q1: Selection conditions are specified at operation level or component level. However, the system issues operations or components in the operation or component list that do not correspond to these conditions.
Ans: The selection conditions on the initial screen of the information system are used to identify an order. The system then displays the operations or components of the orders that are found in the corresponding list. If you want to restrict the display of the operations or components, you must use a filter in the layout (as of Release 4.6C) or a profile that filters the undesired operations or components. You can save this filter with a layout and save it in the corresponding profile (transaction COIS) or this filter can be applied solely to the output list. See also question 6.
The option "Reduced Reading" has been available since Release ECC 5.00. If this option is activated, the system reads only the dependent objects that satisfy the selection criteria at operation level or at component level.
Q2: Why can I not save a layout as a default setting in the ALV Grid (only transaction COOIS and COHV as of Release 4.6C) and when are default settings used (as of Release 4.7)?
Ans: The default setting is only used if no layout is specified explicitly. Since you have to specify a layout or profile (that is converted into a layout internally) on the initial screen of the information system, it can never be the case that no layout is assigned.
As of Release 4.7, you can save layouts as default settings. These are used on the initial screen if neither a profile nor layout is specified.
When you go from the order display to the documented goods movements, the profile which has been defined in the corresponding order type (transaction OPL8 or COR4) is assigned. Default settings are therefore not used in this case either.
Q3: How can I set the maintenance authorization for selection screen variants?
Ans: The authorization for the maintenance of variants is set with authorization object S_PROGRAM. See the documentation for this object for further information.
Q4: Why does the system display an additional selection dialog box for the variants on the selection screen with the 'Get variant' function?
Ans: As of Release 4. 5, the system does not immediately display the list of variants when there are more than 10 selection screen variants. Instead, the system first displays a dialog box with selection options for the variants and the name of the creator is prefilled with the user name. This is defined in the source code. Therefore, the only way to change this behavior is by modifying the corresponding points in the source code . However, this affects all selection screens in the system.
You can modify one of the two following places:
The number that determines how many variants are displayed in an additional dialog box:
Include LSVARTOP, change value at flagged position, for example, to '9999':
Hiding the default name in the dialog box:
Include LSVARE01 / AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT, turn the flagged lines into a comment:
if l_flag_first eq space or l_report ne rsvar-report.
l_flag_first = 'X'.
l_report = rsvar-report.
ename-sign = 'I'. <-----
ename-option = 'EQ'. <-----
ename-low = sy-uname. collect ename. <-----
Q5: Can I use report RCOTX000 for process orders too?
Ans: Start report RCOTX000 for order type '10' (provided that the order type is required in the selection screen). The settings that are made with the report apply to production orders and process orders. A separate setting for production orders and process orders is currently not possible.
Q6: Why are sorting and filtering from the object profile not included in the object overview (CO26, COIO, COOIS/Object overview)?
Ans: You can make settings in the object profile for both the object overview and the object detail list. You can only set the fields that are displayed for the object overview. You cannot set sorting or filtering for the object overview; these can only be set for the object detail list.
Q7: How do I assign a variant created with transaction COIO to an overall profile in transaction COIS?
Ans: Due to technical reasons you can only assign names of variants that were created with transaction CO26 to the profile. Therefore, you must first maintain a variant with the required contents in transaction CO26 which has the same name as the variant created in COIO. You can then enter this variant in the profile. However, in transaction COIO the system automatically loads the variant created there. If a variant is assigned to the profile that only exists in CO26 and not COIO, the system does not load any variant for the selection of the profile in COIO and it displays error message C2 107.
Q8: You want to assign a variant to a profile in Customizing for the overall profiles (transaction COIS). You can only create the variant for the program PPIOA000 and not for the program PPIO_ENTRY (transaction COOIS).
Ans: Variants entered in the profile are only used in object overview CO26 (PPIOA000) and not in the list object overview of COOIS (PPIO_ENTRY). Its use is not intended in COOIS and the variant entered in the profile is ignored. This also applies to COOISPI.
Q9: After exporting Microsoft Excel data from transactions COOIS, COHV and so on, the data is incomplete in Excel.
Ans: Prior to Release 46C, transactions COOIS and COHV carried out a separate Excel export. See Note 456741 for more information about this topic. To correct the problem, you must regenerate the affected include using the report RCNCT000. Note 363327 describes the procedure for this. You can regenerate the includes as often as you like.
Q10: What are the differences between the "Refresh List", "Refresh" and "Read" commands?
Ans: Up to and including Release ECC 5. 0, you can use the menu path "List -> Refresh" to request the reading of orders that were selected previously (either all orders by choosing the menu item "Refresh list" or just the selected orders by choosing "Selected Objects"). The system then reads the current status of these orders without taking the selection criteria into account again. A reselection can only be made by returning to the selection screen.
As of Release ECC 6. 00 there are two other menu options:
List > Refresh
This performs a reselection according to the original selection criteria that were specified. Orders that do not fulfill the selection criteria (because their status has changed, for example), are no longer displayed; new orders and orders that correspond to the selection criteria are displayed.
List > Read
The data is read according to the orders that are already selected. The system reads the current status of just these orders only without taking the selection criteria into account again.
Q11: I have used the navigation profile to add a button that calls a transaction with "CALL TRANSACTION". When I leave the called transaction I do not return to the information system.
Ans: Unfortunately this behavior cannot be changed. Whether you return to the order information system depends on the transaction that was called. Therefore, in standard systems, we cannot guarantee that you will return to the order information system when you use CALL TRANSACTION. This is not an error.
Q12: After a release change, none of the methods of the BAdI WORKORDER_INFOSYSTEM will run.
Ans: As of Release 600, a new ALV display is used in the information system. Therefore, additional methods that have a name ending in _LAY had to be provided for the BAdI WORKORDER_INFOSYSTEM. For lists that use the new ALV display, these new methods are run instead of the older methods. Therefore, the method TABLES_MODIFY_LAY, for example, must then be used instead of the method ORDER_TABLES_MODIFY.
Q13: In the order information system, the SET/GET parameters (WRK for plant, for example) are not transferred from the user data.
Ans: The system behaviour corresponds with the standard SAP system. User-dependent parameters are not transferred to the selection screen of the order information system. Note 192429 provides a modification for the parameters WRK, DGR, MAT and AFF.
Q14: In the information system (COOIS and COOISPI), not all planned orders are displayed.
Ans: The information system only takes into account planned orders that are relevant for production, namely with the following planned order types:
'LA' warehouse order
'PE' run schedule quantity
'KD' individual customer order
'PR' project order
All other planned order types are not displayed in the information system in the standard SAP system.
Q15: In the information system (COOIS and COOISPI), you try to select according to planned orders. However, if the planned orders indicator is set, the selection fields for sales order and sales order item disappear. How can I change this?
Ans: Up to Release 600 with Enhancement Package 2, this was the standard SAP system behavior. Up to then, in the information system, you could not select planned orders using the sales orders. If you use Release ECC 6.03 and activate the enterprise business function LOG_PP_MIS in transaction SFW5, you can enable this selection.
Q16: For the selection in the information system, the system does not display any orders with the status DLFL (deletion flag) and/or DLT (deletion indicator) even though they correspond to the selection criteria and they are still in the database. Why?
Ans: You must set the "With deletion flag/indicator" indicator in the area for the options on the selection screen of the information system.