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Tracking changes of an inspection plan without ECM

Updated May 18, 2018

We need to track down changes made to an inspection plan; i.e. who did what and when. I know that I can see the last change in the header page (administrative data) and related documents (for material) in Object history but this is not what I need. So, is it possible to store and review changes without implementing engineering change management? If we have to implement ECM - what functionalities of it?

We have tested ECM and we dediced to use it, the most important advantage (in my opinion), are:

1. Track all the changes in the object (Inspection Plan): When, what, who, etc.
2. You could programing all the changes for a especific date, and evaluate each change before of release it.
3. Only the user that knows the Authorization Number, can do the changes.

Finally, the funcionalitie could be easy to use or could be so "burocratic" (I hope be clear); for example: you can release an authorization for all the changes or release one authorization for each change. Also you can define that each Authorization must be released in one step or and all steps that you define (user status).

We decide to start with a esay way and in the future evaluate a better practice.


  • 21 Aug 2008 3:08 am yogini
    Tracking changes in inspection plan w/o using ECM is possible through T_code QP60.
    U have to enter material no. ,plant and insp. plan category.
    Plz. reply if u are satisfied by the answer.
  • 13 Nov 2008 4:52 pm Guest
    Also try QP61
