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2048 column store Error while using Parent-Child Hierarchy

Updated May 18, 2018

Hello SAP Experts,

While trying to use Parent-Child Hierarchy from a calculation view analysis for MS-Office I am getting an error as follow:

(ERROR [S1000] [SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB32 DLL][HDBODBC32] General error;2048 column store error: search table error:  [6991] Each predecessor (except the root node) must also appear as a successor.

In order to re-generate the error please follow the steps below:

  • First, open calculation view containing a Parent-Child hierarchy in the analysis for MS office.
  • Now when you will drag the Parent-Child hierarchy to the row you will notice the error mentioned above.

Please help me resolve this error.


  • 31 Jan 2017 3:17 pm Jyoti Pandey Helpful Answer

    Each and every Parent/Child node in the hierarchy must be shown in the final query result. The Parent/Child node table was doing the left-outer join inside the calculation view but some of the Parent/Child nodes were removed because of later joins. Therefore In order to resolve this error please move the left-outer join of the Parent/Child node table to the last steps of the  calculation view which will prevent removal of Parent/Child nodes during other joins.

  • 31 Jan 2017 3:19 pm Abhijeet Mudgal Helpful Answer

    The error you are facing is due to some designing issue. The error as mentioned above 'Each predecessor (except the root node) must also appear as a successor' means that there is at least one child node in the result is without any parent node. The node having this problem will be also listed in the error message.

    The following query can be verified by:

    • SELECT  DISTINCT <CHILD_Col_Name>, <PARENT_Col_Name>, SUM(<Measure>)
    • FROM "_SYS_BIC"."<CalViewName>" and <CHILD_Col_Name>='<node mentioned in error message>'
    • GROUP BY <CHILD_Col_Name>, <PARENT_Col_Name>
