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Authorization check F_BKPF_BUK in FBCJ

Updated May 18, 2018

What are the common symptoms of Authorization check F_BKPF_BUK in FBCJ?

The FI cash journal is used. In the system SAP 1805616 has been implemented already; as a result, when the cash journal is used, the authorization object F_BKPF_BUK is checked. 

The following things occur when the check takes place:

When the cash journal is called:

- OBJECT F_BKPF_BUK with the activity 03 ("Display")

When the cash journal documents are changed:

- OBJECT F_BKPF_BUK with the activity 02 ("Change")

When the cash journal documents are deleted:

- OBJECT F_BKPF_BUK with the activity 06 ("Delete")

When the cash journal documents are saved:

- OBJECT F_BKPF_BUK with the activity 01 ("Add or Generate")

When the cash journal documents are posted:

- OBJECT F_BKPF_BUK with the activity 10 ("Post")

According to the documentation for the activities, these authorizations are correct. For the posting of documents, the authorization object F_BKPF_BUK is used with activity 01 ("Add or Generate") in the FItransactions.

In order to save in the cash journal, a user requires authorization for the activity 01 but this enables posting in FI also; however, this is undesired.

The activity 01 must be used for F_BKPF_BUK in the cash journal to achieve consistency in FI posting transactions. This is done for the cash journal documents posting (when saving cash journal documents, it should not be checked).

With this SAP Note as follows, the authorization checks for F_BKPF_BUK have revised again:

The "accounting document: authorization for company codes" is signified by the authorization object F_BKPF_BUK, the accounting document is related to the authorization object. In the cash journal for the display, generation, or deletion of the follow-on document, the authorization object BF_BKPF_BUK is now only checked.

When the cash journal is entered, F_BKPF_BUK is no longer checked. This means with SAP 1805616, the checks that have been implemented are revoked. 


  • 15 Jun 2016 3:47 pm Abhijeet Mudgal Helpful Answer

    The attached source code corrections should be implemented in the system. In the cash journal the authorization checks take place for F_BKPF_BUK when it is displayed, generated, or reversed follow-on documents (posting can be done with the activity 01, displaying can be done with the activity 03 and reversing a document can be done with the activity 06).

    Using the authorization object F_FBCJ, further authorizations must be intercepted for the cash journal. 

  • 15 Jun 2016 3:48 pm Abhijeet Mudgal Helpful Answer

    In the cash journal, the following checks will then run for the authorization objects F_FBCJ and F_BKPF_BUK:

    When the cash journal is called:

    - OBJECT F_FBCJ with the activity 33 ("Read")

    When the cash journal documents are changed:

    - OBJECT F_FBCJ with the activity 02 ("Change")

    When the cash journal documents are saved

    - OBJECT F_FBCJ with the activity 32 ("Save")

    When saved cash journal documents are deleted:

    - OBJECT F_FBCJ with the activity 06 ("Delete")

    When cash journal documents are reverse posted:

    - OBJECT F_FBCJ with the activity 06 ("Delete")
    - OBJECT F_FBCJ with the activity 10 ("Post")
    - OBJECT F_BKPF_BUK with the activity 01 ("Add or Generate")

    When cash journal documents are posted:

    - OBJECT F_FBCJ with the activity 10 ("Post")
    - OBJECT F_BKPF_BUK with the activity 01 ("Add or Generate")

    When the cash journal is called, the following special logic applies: If the activities 32 ("Save"), 02 ("Change"), 06 ("Delete"), and 10 ("Post") are all prohibited but the activity 033 ("Read") is allowed for the authorization object F_FBCJ, in display mode the cash journal opens (corresponds to transaction FBCJ3).
