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List All Scheduled Background Jobs

Updated May 18, 2018


Is there anyone who can tell me that how to list all schduled background jobs. If yes then please go ahead and tell me with a brief explanation.

Thanks in Advance.


  • 26 Apr 2013 8:47 am Rohit Mahajan Best Answer

    IF you want do any background processing you must have to define a background jobs and scheduled too.

    Scheduled times nothing but it is just a part of job’s definition. There are numerous ways to perform schedule jobs.

    • You can do scheduled jobs from Transaction SM36 that will define background jobs.
    • You will get the option i.e. start program in the background of Transaction SA38 (ABAP : Execute Program) or Transaction SE38 (the ABAP editor)
    • Moreover you can also do this with the help of background processing systems own programming interface. Please make sure that there are several SAP applications that use the internal programming interface to schedule long running reports for background processing.
    • You can also do it with help of external interface. If a users are well known with the background job they can also schedule jobs with the help of transaction SM36. If users are not known to background jobs they can take help from Job Wizard which initiate from transaction SM36 and they can select GOTO wizard version or they can simple use the Job wizard button. For this you have to do following steps:
    • Select CCMS and then select jobs and then definition.
    • Now you have to provide a job name, after deciding the name you have to enter in it Job Name field.
    • Set Class A, Class B , Class C which is high priority medium priority or low priority respectively.
    • Now you system load balancing.
    • Later you have to specify the email address.
    • Now click on start condition to choose the job. If you want to use repeatedly you must have to check the box at the bottom of the screen.
  • 27 Apr 2013 12:23 pm rekha Helpful Answer
    SM37 list all the background jobs u want to know. If you have lots of job the tables TBTCO and TBTCP is a much quicker way to get that information.

    Table TBTCJSTEP shows Background Job Step Overview

    Table TBTCO shows Job Status Overview.

    and table TBTCP shows Background Job Step Overview
  • 19 Jul 2016 2:12 pm Guest Helpful Answer

    Use transaction SM37.. use wild cards at job name and user names.. unseclect all except scheduled  and execute .. you will get the list of all scheduled jobs in that server 
