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What is Consolidation route and delivery routes? How to define Logon groups? And what is Logon load balancing? What is Transport domain and Domain controller?

Updated May 18, 2018

consolidation route :

consolidation route is defined between the development sytem ( consolidated system ) and the quality system (integration system)

Delivery route :

Delivery route is the transport route that connects the integration system and the Delivery system ( Production system )

Defining Logon Groups :
we can do this though our GUI and allways make sure that saplogon.ini is backed up , that consists of all the logon data

Logon Load balancing :
It is used to identify the least loaded application server

Domain controller :

it is the central admin of the system

transport domain :

it is the place the transport layer and routes can be configured to access this transaction use stms


  • 03 Feb 2011 10:35 am rekha
    The route between development to quality is called consolidation route.
    The route between quality to production is called delivery route.
    It is used to transport data dev-->qua-->prod.
