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FAIL: process hdbindexserver HDB Indexserver not running

Updated May 18, 2018

Dear sir,

when i stop my hana it shows =>

FAIL: process hdbindexserver HDB Indexserver not running

Please help me in this problem


  • 03 Aug 2016 10:23 am Jyoti Pandey Best Answer

    This means that host was added successfully but indexserver does not start.

    First Please start the indexserver

    This Problem also occur when you have not configure ha storage

    global.ini [storage]
    ha_provider = hdb_ha.fcClient

    When you check permissions of mounted data and log folder you see that both still belong to user root, eg:
    ls -ltra /hana/data/<SID>/mnt00002

    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 24 Jan 14 19:09 .
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17179869184 Jan 14 19:14 datavol.dat

    To fix this error.

    Change manually permissions of log and data volumes:

    logon as user sidadm to newly added host.

    1. logon as user sidadm to newly added host and start nameserver on added host by command:
      hdbnameserver &
      Now data and log volumes get mounted to host.
    2. As user root change permission of log/data mnt00002 to sidadm
      chown <sidadm> /hana/data/<SID>/mnt00002
      chown <sidadm> /hana/log/<SID>/mnt00002
    3. startup HANA on added host as user sidadm:
      HDB start
  • 03 Aug 2016 10:18 am Shalesh Singh Visen Helpful Answer

    Adding a host to a scale out system or installing a scale out system might fail with "FAIL: process hdbindexserver HDB Indexserver not running"

    The following error is written in indexserver trace file of added host:

    [101376]{-1}[-1/-1] 2015-01-20 13:50:04.071838 e PersistenceLayer PersistenceController.cpp(00233) : creating data volume failed returned

    an error for create all dir /hana/data/<SID>/mnt00002/hdb00005/ No suchfile or directory(2)
