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R/3 Error When Start Jobs from DB13

Updated May 18, 2018

The Database jobs are scheduled with a transaction DB13 that terminates with R/3 errors:

1. SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed for <tool>
2. SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed for <tool>
3. SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed for <tool>
4. SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed for <tool>
5. SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed for <tool> 
6. SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed for <tool>
7. Variant &000000<var_nr> does not exist
Action unknown in SDBAP
Action deleted in SDBAP at <date>
Planning unknown in SDBAP
Action deleted in SDBAP at <date>
Planning unknown in SDBAP
Planning deleted in SDBAP at <date>

The older R/3 releases are giving error message that starts with the JOB SUBMIT than with SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE.


  • 01 Jun 2016 6:14 pm Rohit Mahajan Best Answer

    1. The user should have a sufficient authorizations for execution of  jobs:

    S_TCODE Authorization Checking of Transaction Start S_TCD_ALL
    S_LOG_COM Authorization for Executing Logical Comm S_LOGCOM_ALL
    S_BTCH_ADM Background Processing: Background Adm S_BTCH_ALL
    S_BTCH_JOB Background Processing: Operations on S_BTCH_ALL
    S_RZL_ADM CCMS: System Administration S_RZL_ALL
    S_ADMI_FCD System Authorizations S_ADMI_ALL

    2. Entries of sapdba, brbackup and brarchive are maintained by the default in SXPGCOTABE table. When the  brconnect is being in use then corresponding Support Package status will implement in accordance otherwise “command_not_found” error may occur.

    3. The list of the parameters that transferred should not be too long while changing scheduled operations accordingly.

    4. These messages will be having different causes.

    a. Import the current R/3 kernel patches including sapxpg, sapdba and BR tools.
    b. Check R/3 Syslog and trace the files for additional error messages. 
    c. Check whether the error can be reproduced or only occurs sporadically.
    d Check operating system log for error messages.

    5. If error “variant does not exist" then create DB13 schedules again from beginning.

  • 01 Jun 2016 6:00 pm Abhijeet Mudgal Helpful Answer

    1. The user performing the job schedules is not being carried out and not having the authorization for executing jobs.
    2. External tools can not start correctly.
    3. No entries for <tool> in table of SXPGCOTABE.
    4. The string used in transferred parameter is too long.
    5. Correct confirmation is not received after the completion of external tool.
    6. Inconsistency is exist between DB13.

