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SAP Logon (Pad) create/distribute server configuration file

Updated May 18, 2018

As system administrator you want to provide SAP Logon server configuration files for your users

Creating the server configuration file(s) as follows:

    1. On your local PC install SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 and prepare the preequisites (see also related note 38119) to start SAP Logon and add new entries like in the former SAP GUI releases.

    2. Start SAP Logon with parameter /INI_FILE=[Path][name] like saplogon.exe /INI_FILE=N:720testsaplogon.ini
    saplogon.exe /INI_FILE=ServernameSaplogonConfigurationsaplogon.ini
    where [Path] is the place for saplogon.exe to create and save the server (central) configuration files for your users, like SapLogonTree.xml, saplogon.ini, sapshortcut.ini.
    The files saplogon.ini, sapshortcut.ini can be your old ini files you used in the former SAP GUI Version. If they are missing before starting SAP Logon, they'll be created by SAP Logon.
    The SapLogonTree.xml file will be also created and is a new configuration file added by SAP Logon 7.20. If it is already existing e.g. in case you restart SAP Logon, it will be reused.

    3. After the SAP Logon window appears, add folders and entries as you need. Patch 7 and higher is needed for being able to add favorites entries (see note 1553285).

    4. Then Terminate your SAP Logon. The configuration files *.xml, *.ini under the folder given by /INI_FILE= parameter are ready for your users to use as server configuration files.

    5. If your users start SAP Logon (Pad) with /INI_FILE= command parameter or Environment variable SAPLOGON_INI_FILE as in the older SAP GUI releases(see note 38119), only these central files will be used as so far.

    6. Your users can also use both these server and their own local configuration files together. This is new as of SAP GUI 7.20. You can let your users do this as follows:

        a) You create Registry key for your user on their local machines(the same key value "ConfigFileOnServer" under current user HKCU must be deleted if existing):
        and the Expandable String Value (type of REG_EXPAND_SZ) "ConfigFileOnServer" and set it to the server file name like ServernameSaplogonConfigurationSapLogonTree.xml
        (The string can also contain unexpanded references to environment variables like "%PATH%", )
        Note: patch 9 should be applied for this option

        b) or let your users running saplogon.exe open SAP Logon option dialog and input the XML file name with the full path in the field "XML Configuration file on server" on the Configuration Files tab(only possible if saplogon.exe is running).
        The setting will be written to Windows registry as Expandable String Value "ConfigFileOnServer" under current user HKCU:

For SAP Logon (saplogon.exe) the setting under HKCU has higher priority.
For SAP Logon Pad (saplgpad.exe) the setting under HKLM has higher priority.

              After that your users can start SAP Logon by clicking the installed SAP Logon icon on the desktop.
The folders and entries defined on the server site will be shown together with the local configuration.

    7. In all cases, you still distribute sapmsg.ini, saproute.ini and service files you used in the first steps to your user's local PC as in the older SAP GUI releases.

    8. If you want to distribute the server configuration files to another place, you can copy the existing server configuration files to the new place and must edit the .xml file to change the path for saplogon.ini or/and sapshortcut.ini file(s) in the lines:
    <File type="Connections" name="..." />
    <File type="Shortcuts" name="..." />
    The registry value for "ConfigFileOnServer" or the input for the field "Configuration file on server" on the SAP Logon option dialog must be also adjusted correspondingly.

    9. If different saplogon INI files should be used,

        you should save each saplogon INI file in a separate folder, e.g.
        the first one in folder: ServernameSaplogonConfiguration1
        and the second one in folder:

        Then you start SAP Logon with parameter /INI_FILE= set to the corresponding saplogon.ini file, e.g.
        for the first one
        for the second saplogon INI file,
        so that the corresponding xml file can be created by SAP Logon in the same folder with the used saplogon ini file

        After you finished with creating subfolders and moving entries to the proper subfolders, all the corresponding xml files created by SAP Logon can be used by your users.
        You can then set the server file for your users accordingly, e.g.
        for some users to
        for other users to


              Only one xml file can be set and used together with the corresponding saplogon INI file (and sapshortcut.ini file) at one time for the server configuration in SAP Logon (Pad).

    10. As of SAP GUI 730 patch 1, if the server configuration file (i.e. the xml file) is set, all the server configuration files (SapLogonTree.xml, saplogon.ini, sapshortcut.ini if existing) will be cached by default.
    The "Path for caching" is the local folder
    The files are buffered at the start of SAP Logon when the server is available. Old buffered data is overwritten. Thus, there is only one buffered version.
    The cached files will be used when SAP Logon (Pad) is restarted and the requested server configuration file is not reachable any more. In this case, the user gets a message that now the buffered data is in use.
    In case that the cached files are also not available, only local configuration files will be used. A message box will be also shown to inform the user about this.
    This feature is activated by default and can be switched on and off via the check box "Allow caching of server configuration files" in the SAP Logon Options -> Server Configuration Files dialog.
    Information about setting to the "XML Configuration file on server", the "Path for caching" (that is not changeable) and the "Loaded Server Files" (also for the case that the cached files are loaded) can also be found on the same dialog.
