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Signal 11 received by operating system error

Updated May 21, 2018

Hello SAP Experts,

The ABAP work process crashes with following error message 

Signal 11 received by the operating system.

When you see the developer trace of the work process which crashed, you will see a crash stack similar to:

DBSLHDB::CSdbDbslFDAVers::readFda(unsigned int)
ExecReadFdaVers(void*, DBSL_SS*, DBSL_DA*)
DbSlHDBExeReadFdaVers(short, DBSL_SS*, DBSL_DA*)
dbsl_exe_read_fda_vers(DB_CON_DA*, DBSL_SS*, DBSL_DA*)
DbDbslCursorMultiFda::doNext(unsigned long*, bool)
DbCursor::next(unsigned long*, bool&, bool)

Note: The affected work process is connected to SAP HANA system with  SAP Kernel version >= 7.42 and An SAP HANA client with of SAP HANA 1.0 database Revision 080.00 or later.

Please help me to resolve this issue.
