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TCode: USMM procedure

Updated May 18, 2018

Dear Neeraj,
I am sending you tcode: USMM procedure, i hope you understand the purpose of USMM, this is audit of your SAP server.
a. Select only client where the developer is working
b. Select Individual solution  Pricelist
c. Select the user types  SAP ERP Developer user (code BA)  and Test Users (code 91)
d.  Click on User classification button, execute the query , you will get a list of user types , please Identify developers only and classify the developers as SAP ERP Developer user and rest of them under Test users   
e.  After the classification , go back to the main screen (usmm screen) and click on System measurement button
 f.   Wait for 10-15 mins until the background jobs are complete
g.  Send the results online by clicking on the Send to SAP button and open the router for some time.
