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When is a savepoint triggered?

Updated Dec 10, 2019

How to trigger Savepoint?


Scenario Details
Savepoint interval (automatic) Savepoints are automatically triggered during normal operations when a predefined time since the last savepoint is passed. The time interval between two consecutive savepoints can be controlled via the following parameter:

global.ini -> [persistence] -> savepoint_interval_s

Its default value is 300, therefore the intervals between savepoints are 300 seconds (5 min).
Soft shutdown
  • A soft shutdown invokes a before the services are stopped.
  • A hard shutdown doesn't trigger a savepoint. This can increase the subsequent restart time.
  • Savepoint is invoked soft shutdown before the services are stopped.
  • Savepoint is not invoked by hard shutdown. This can lead to subsequent increase restart time.
System command (manual) Savepoint can be used manually via command

Startup A savepoint is performed after a consistent database state is reached while startup
  • Before starting the data backup a global savepoint is performed
  • After finishing the backup of a specific service a savepoint is written
Snapshots Snapshots are those savepoints which are kept for longer use, therefore, they are not overwritten by the next savepoint.
