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Why Enabler Roles will be Used in Specific Organisations?

Updated May 18, 2018

Hello Experts,

Can anyone tell me why Enabler roles will be used in specific organisations? And How they are created and why will a client go for those roles creation in SAP?

Kindly share your valuable views here.

Thanks in advance.


  • 03 Nov 2015 3:30 pm Jyoti Pandey Helpful Answer

    Enabler role is nothing but a child role. In the Tcode level role, we disable all org level auth objects and maintain these ojects in templete role (parent role)manually with org values as () and create the child role (Enabler role) and maped to parent roles with specific org vales as XXxx.

    Security team will assign both Tcode level role and enabler role(XXXX), then user can perform only for that XXXX Company code activities. I think this information will help 2 you.
