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Which fields lead to a delivery split?

Updated May 18, 2018

Basically, all fields which are copied to the header of the delivery (table LIKP) via the routines of the copy control lead to a delivery split. Furthermore, some fields are copied to the header by all means and are relevant for the split there.

Split fields that cannot be changed are:
VSTEL    Shipping point
KUNNR    Goods recipient
ROUTE    Route

The following split-relevant fields can be affected via the copy control, however, they should not be filled differently from the defaults since they are necessary for the control of the shipping process:
VKORG    Sales organization
AUTLF    Full delivery indicator
VSBED    Shipping condition
FKARV    Billing type (customer billing document)
LIFSK    Delivery block
STAFO    Update group for statistics
STWAE    Statistics currency
KKBER    Credit control area
KNKLI    Account number of the customer with the credit limit default
GRUPP    Customer credit group
SBGRP    Processor group for credit management
CTLPC    Credit management: Risk category
CMWAE    Currency key of the credit control area
WAERK    Currency of the sales document
INCO1    Incoterms 1
INCO2    Incoterms 2
KZAZU    Indicator order combination
KDGRP    Customer group
PERFK    Invoicing dates (calendar identification)

You must note that, as of Release 4.0, a split does not occur for some of the fields described here if the field is filled in the very document delivered, however, if it is initial in the other one. In this case, no delivery split occurs and the contents of the non-initial field are copied to the header of the delivery. For example, this concerns the route.
The delivery date (LFDAT) is a common splitting criterion with outbound deliveries due for processing with regard to stock transfer orders.
