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Analyze the Missing Translations and Texts

Updated Jan 13, 2020

How to find and analyze missing translations or missing texts?

The products of SAP are translated into many different languages and some supported languages. The languages can't be said that they can be perfectly translated into another language. The main difference can be termed as how deeply a language is being supported by SAP translator. The only language which is said to be fully perfect is “EN” in which carries all the existing texts. Translating a language is easy but what the outcome can be is certainly depends how well SAP translated it and is it understandable. 

kindly share your views here.


  • 13 Apr 2016 5:52 pm Sonia Barwar Best Answer

    A text can only be understood when reading it in a known language. The SAP helps to convert languages to the languages that are stored in it.

    a) Importing correct components of a language.
    b) Importing a correct sequence of a language.
    c) Clients being dependent on which language.
    d) Representing a Run time of text or language.
    e) Information required in a message with Problems.
    f) Searching for the main root cause of a language.

    With all these there can still be some problem to understand as there translation might come up with a different meaning. Still using a common Language can help to deliver and take the required information.

  • 18 Jul 2016 1:25 pm Romil Tripathi Helpful Answer

    Importing correct components of a language.

    You can check the correct language file is imported by call transaction SMLT and expand all "language nodes".

    Please double check table CVERS (using SE16) for software components which are present in your SAP system versus those which are covered by the installed language file.

    Please be aware that it is technically possible to import a language file for SAP NetWeaver (which covers SAP_BASIS,SAP_ABA and SAP_BW) into an SAP ERP or SAP CRM or an SAP SCM system. But this does NOT make any sense because than all "application specific translations" will be missing later on of course. And it is not necessary either because those language files for SAP ERP, SAP CRM, SAP SCM, and SAP SRM already contain the respective SAP NetWeaver texts anyway.

    The texts for DE (German) and EN (English) are in every SAP system by default. Running an extra language import for DE / EN is usually not necessary.

  • 18 Jul 2016 1:28 pm Romil Tripathi Helpful Answer

    Importing a correct sequence of a language.

    Kindly check if the language import has been carried out in the correct sequence concerning import of Support Packages and or further AddOn products.

    Usually the ideal sequence would be:

    • Importing language then
    • (Optionally installing AddOn , then)
    • Applying Support Packages

    If this ideal sequence is not used further steps have to be carried out after the language import is done.

    There may be separate language files for AddOns. There is an SAP note for every AddOn which describes if there are separate language files and which languages are translated for the AddOn. If so, then these language files should be imported now.

    On the other hand translations for an AddOn can be part of the AddOn installation / upgrade transport file. These translations have to be extracted from the data file now. The same applies for Support Packages. There the translations are part of the Support Package data file. 

    Starting with ERP 2005 (ECC 600) SAP introduced the so called "Switch Framework". So former AddOns became SAP standard and could be switched on or off (default).

    There are texts which where delivered in BC Sets for "switched application parts". After importing an language file using SMLT these texts have to be "unpacked" / distributed from the BC Set tables into the target tables of the "switched application". This can be done using SFW5. 

  • 18 Jul 2016 1:31 pm Romil Tripathi Helpful Answer

    Clients being dependent on which language.

    Are the texts missing in Client 000 or an Client other than 000?

    Language import has to be carried out in Client 000.
    Parts of the texts are not client-dependent.
    Other parts of texts are client-dependent.

    The ideal sequence concerning language import and clients would be:

    • Importing language (including AddOn languages and Support Packages)
    • Doing the client copy

    If the texts are present in Client 000 but are missing in an Client different from 000 there are different tools to bring the texts from client 000 into the Client other than 000.

    • Client Maintenance function in SMLT
    • (only valid up to SAP_BASIS 6.10: RSREFILL)

    Note: Data in clients other than 000 are treated as customer data. Existing texts will not be overwritten there. 

  • 18 Jul 2016 1:33 pm Romil Tripathi Helpful Answer

     Representing a Run time of text or language.

    The texts are present in Client 000 and Client different from 000 but are not displayed correctly.

    Before texts are displayed, a runtime representation is compiled for them.

    To be sure that the runtime is current please run RSLANG20.

    If you belive that everything is fine up to here but the texts are still missing, then create a problem message for SAP.

    In this message please describe as accurately as possible which texts are missing and how to reproduce this in the system. Screen shots will only help in the last phase of analysis to identify the "missing texts" on a particular screen.

  • 18 Jul 2016 1:35 pm Romil Tripathi Helpful Answer

    Information required in a message with Problems.

    Helpful information in the customer problem message:

    • Please attach a screen shot of the contents of table CVERS of the system. Contents of CVERS can be shown using SE16.
    • Please attach a screen shot of SMLT which should show all imported language packages for the language where the texts are missing.
    • Please provide logon data.
    • Please put the message onto the application queue where the missing texts are probably located.

    Ask the application experts to clarify where the missing texts should technically come from / where they are stored / which technical objects they belong to.
    Ideally, the following information is required:

    • the transport object,
    • the software package and
    • the software component for which the texts are missing.
  • 18 Jul 2016 1:37 pm Romil Tripathi Helpful Answer

    Searching for the main root cause of a language.

    Kindly locate the development objects, table entries, programs, DYNPROs and so on where the translations are missing and the customer is complaining about.

    It is nearly impossible for SAP translation department (XX-TRANSL-), "Language Transport Tool Queue" (BC-CTS-LAN) and "Translation Tool Queue" (BC-DOC-TTL) to do the detailed analysis for finding the texts which should have been translated if every before mentioned step did not help to find the reason for missing translations.

    These people are not familiar with the application itself and need the following information to proceed further:

    Ideally, the following information is required:

    • the transport object,
    • the software package and
    • the software component for which the texts are missing.
    • table where the "missing texts" are stored
    • table key for missing texts

    If this information is available, please include it in the customer's message and forward it to XX-TRANSL-, where is the ISO language sign for the language in which the translations are missing.
