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SAP S/4HANA GST Interview Questions and Answer

Updated May 18, 2018


Is CIN a part of S/4HANA and will we need CIN for the implementation of GST in S/4HANA?

CIN is no longer an add-on. All the India transactions are components of standards.

Is TDS offered in S/4HANA ?

Yes, TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is available in S/4HANA.

Is excise a part of the S/4HANA in case of other materials such as diesel and petrol?


How do S4HANA 1503 customers apply GST changes?

GST relevant notes for S4HANA is applicable only from S4HANA 1511 SPS2 release. S4HANA 1503 contains only sFin component, so customers can apply the GST relevant notes released with validity defined for relevant ERP EhP release.
