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F-53 t-code

Updated May 18, 2018


we configure the plant and profit centre in organization chart in role but user post the payment by t-code f-53 in another profit centre, it well be take and pass. i am little confuse that it is mistake of basis or functional. that user is using only one role.

please give me sugestion what can i do.


Kinchit Verma 


  • 13 Sep 2013 6:56 am Guest
    Hi Team,

    I have a query regarding T-Code f-53

    I have used the T-code to clear a payment , it has generated a doc no , now later on while I pasted the doc no in FB03, to check what T-code it is showing there, but it Shows the T-code FBZ2 instead of F-53

    Can u please tell me that is the reason of behind it

